Sunday 7 October 2012

We had the time of our lives but Dirty Dancing can't be that old! Can it?

Several weekends ago, my three sisters and brother and all our families got together for the first time in more than a year.

After we enjoyed a Mexican dinner extravaganza, complete with lots of Sangria and Margaritas, we held a music quiz. Teams were organised to make sure we had a cross section of ages and family members, drinkers and non drinkers etc (those margaritas were so ridiculously good, recipe here)

See that table? I could have been under it already
I bought the quiz from the local post office (the queues are always so long and the products so cleverly placed that I always end up with something I believe I might use but of course rarely do).

However, this $9 (yes nine) was very well spent. It was so much fun and the questions covered the last few decades, giving everyone an opportunity to join in. There were a few questions that became the source of friendly arguments because the music crosses generations and is timeless.

One of these questions was, What year was the film Dirty Dancing made?

Remember these hits, Hungry Eyes, She’s like the Wind, I’ve had the time of my life?

The younger kids thought it was around five years ago and I guessed 15 years ago….…

It was actually 25 years ago. You know not long before most of us were born...ahem...1987 cannot possibly be 25 years ago, can it? I was then amused last week to receive an email from a US entertainment publicity agency apologising for the lack of chocolate but offering me a guilty pleasure of a different kind - ONE COPY of the recently released 25th anniversary edition of the Dirty Dancing soundtrack to give to one of my readers. And one of you must have it.
If you would like to win DIRTY DANCING: THE DELUXE ANNIVERSARY SOUNDTRACK EDITION courtesy of Sony, leave me a comment HERE about anything you want - entries close on 13 October 2012 and a winner will be randomly selected. The soundtrack includes six ready-to-frame art cards with iconic movie images, plus a bumper sticker, new hardcover package with liner notes and other bonus features.
I received one soundtrack to give away courtesy of Sony and nothing from Australia Post (and given I have given them a free plug, of sorts, I would appreciate going to the top of the queue now).


  1. Kim m galwayst@hotmail.com7 October 2012 at 22:26

    No-one puts baby in the corner! Love it!

  2. Kim m galwayst@hotmail.com7 October 2012 at 22:27

    No-one puts baby in the corner! Love it!

  3. Now I've had the time of my life,
    No I've never felt like this before......I LOVE this movie. What a classic!

    1. It is a classic and its forever young in my mind.

  4. Patrick Swayze .....swoon. So he would have been only in his late 20s when it was made then. Great songs, I want it, lol

    1. I know he was only very young too. You were not born when it was made young Sarah.

  5. I would be having the time of my life if I was drinking margaritas and listening to this soundtrack.

    1. I speak from experience - I can recommend it. Then throw in a family gathering and a music quiz and it gets even better.

  6. I would have known this was 25 years ago as I was dating my wife at the time and remember it like yesterday.

    1. Apparently Don it is one of the top 10 date movies of all time! Imagine how many couples have seen this movie together then.

  7. 25 years? I suddenly feel very old! I used to love that movie. And I still play "She's Like the Wind" on the piano :)

    1. Gosh you are clever Aleta. I would love to see you play piano sometime - maybe on your blog one day :-)

  8. It's more surprising to me that Jennifer Grey is 52 and Patrick Swayze is no longing with us. I think people tend to remember movie stars at the age they were in roles that impacted the viewer.
    Giveaways - if I won some I might be more excited about them. There are blogs that are so focused on giveaways that they lose their personality. I also think many readers that come by for a giveaway will not return when there is none offered. I sure hope your blog doesn't lose the great stories and viewpoints you offer.

    1. You are right Bill, it is a fine line. That is why I thought from now on I will just do one giveaway a month then people can enter if they want or ignore. Then it won't affect my other posts (well that is the plan, anyway).

  9. I think it's great that you can do giveaways! And fun!

    And I can't believe Dirty Dancing is 25 years old, now way! It made me think of movies around that time like Splash which is now 28 years old!

    1. Oh that is good Christine. I know it made me feel very old when I heard that!

  10. Kara321@gmail.com8 October 2012 at 08:16

    I loved this movie and have seen it 20 times I would think over the years.

    1. 20 times? Oh my you do love it Kara, good luck then.

  11. My wife loves this movie and the soundtrack as well.

    1. Well Anton where is her entry to this competition, lol.

  12. It is hard to imagine that, "Dirty Dancing," was made such a long time ago.

    With the passing of Jerry Orbach and Patrick Swayze, this movie will still give its audience an opportunity to remember their great works.

    1. The movie and soundtrack will be around forever more as the younger kids love it too.

  13. Who didn't love Patrick Swayze in this movie? I wonder who else practised their dirty dancing moves in the mirror after watching this movie.

    1. And he could dance and sing and act and was incredibly handsome. He had it all.

  14. Depressing, how time passes us by :(

    Was at a friend's place last weekend, and Grease was on pay TV. With their enormous super clear flat screen, noticed how young JT and Olivia looked.... damn technology!!!

    1. I think ONJ was just 30 when she did that. I don't know about you YW but 30 seems like a long time ago for me now. Although I recall being in NYC when I was 30 and thinking I was old....stupid girl.

  15. I can remember going to the local club to watch this "controversial" movie at 12 years of age - I loved the signing and dancing but I think parts of the story would have went over my head. I have rewatched numerous times as an adult and still love all the songs and the great dancing.

    1. Yes I forgot how controversial it was and especially awkward at that age. It had something in it for everyone didnt it?

  16. I love this movie, could watch it over and over

    1. Maybe you will get lucky and be able to listen to the soundtrack over and over again too.

  17. I used to watch this movie for years every day after school... know most of the words.. love this movie, wish they made them like this these days..! would love a copy of the special edition, mine is nearly worn out.

    1. Thanks Kim, yes it is a great soundtrack.

  18. Werent the 80's awesome, movies and music that is :) Patrick was such a wonderful person who I looked up to when I was in high school, he looks cool in every movie he made :)

    1. Yes the 80s were awesome years plus I was 20 years younger so that helped, lol. thanks for your comment.

  19. Dirty Dancing was definitely the iconic movie of the 80's. I loved Johnny and wanted to be baby and I was all of 11 when it came I still love the movie today.

    1. You are right there, I think everyone did want to be Baby, and of course that actress is like 57 or something now. Hard to believe.

  20. A classic I have watched a dozen times. Always makes me cry and I was mesmorised by it ♥♥ thanks for letting me relive again :)

  21. I could watch this movie over and over again! Love it!

    1. Good luck KK you may be able to listen to the sound track over and over too.

  22. I don't understand the whole 'give-away' deal....It would be interesting to know what you do get out of it---I hope it is something!
    As to "Dirty Dancing"...thanks, but no thanks.You don't need to place my name in contention. Odd as it may seem, it was not a film that thrilled me the way it did so very many others...! I hope someone gets it that really really would love having it.

    1. I thought I would give it a go as it were as long as it does not take over the blog. You have seen a lot of great films there in Hollywood Naomi and have been in the midst of the business yourself so I respect your views. I think there will be someone who wins it that will love it!

  23. It apparently is Betty - time goes way too fast.

  24. 25 years ago? Seriously? Yikes! I was NOT a baby at the time it came out either. I never watch movies over again, but I know somebody else would love to have that video. I think I remember seeing something about the actress in Dirty Dancing being on Dancing with the Stars or something like that.

    1. Lol Kay, yes I know it is hard to imagine it being that long ago. Yes I believe Jennifer was on Dancing with the Stars and she apparently is still a great dancer.

  25. totally loved this movie growing up Patrick was the best dancer ever he is so sorely missed :( but what a wonderful legacy to leave behind

    1. True Anne, least it is a film that crosses the generations and there a few of those although Grease springs to mind.

  26. Sam - samgionstin@hotmail.com9 October 2012 at 09:30

    I love the soundtrack and I have enjoyed listening to it on the thing in the right column. Aww Patrick had a great voice too didn't he?

  27. I just loved baby, what a great film it was andis.

  28. I remember as a child (I admit it, as a teenager and adult also) dancing around the lounge room while watching Dirty Dancing. It really is one of the best movies ever. I can not wait until my daughter is old enough to share this movie with her

  29. The sound track is great, I really loved eric Carmen. Remember him?

  30. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!" What a crazy line, but I LOVED that movie. And no way it was 25 years ago!

    xo jj

    1. Hi Joanna, no I still don't think it oculd possibly be because then I would have to face how old I really was.

  31. So great it was, I don't know many people who don't rate it as a favourite. The music is awesome too.

  32. Dirty Dancing - such a classic movie! I have fond memories of watching and singing the songs with my girl friends at sleep overs. Patrick sure provided some good eye candy in this film, he was such an amazing dancer too (well before his acting career).

  33. It was such a great movie and I love the soundtrack too. Its exciting that they are releasing it as a special edition, i'll have to buy one thats if I dont happen to win it :-)

  34. I wanted to be Baby. Patrick Swayze was just delicious in DIRTY DANCING.


  35. I would love to enter for this soundtrack, thanks. It is just positive, great and easy listening music.

  36. The first movie I ever went to see at the cinema with friends was Dirty Dancing. It was my first year of high school and it was Hoyts Surfers Paradise. Brilliant movie!

  37. ohh i love this, so sad Patrick Swayze could be around for this release

  38. I would love to have all of Patrick Swayze's movies on my dvd shelf.

  39. thanks or the great giveaway

  40. i watched this as a young teenager than watched it again with my teenagers made me feel young and alive again and my kids thought i was cool cause i knew all the words to the songs haha love it

  41. Thanks for having this giveaway. Love Dirty Dancing!

  42. Can't believe it's been 25 years! Love this music.


Thanks for your comments.