It's been three years and almost six months.
I know......I know, time just goes......somewhere or other (well between you and me I do know where it's gone actually because my mirror tells me loud and clear every time we meet).
And that thing called Life keeps rolling on in such a frantic hurry with all the highs, lows, peaks and troughs that are par for the course. Where it's headed so fast is anyone's guess.
And my life, well life has just gone on and......become so settled....and dare I say pleasantly boring...which suits me fine.
Besides, writing is a bit liking eating right and exercising, don't you think?
If you don't practice it regularly it's so hard to get back into.
And these days life really does take some discipline.
Since last I was here two great men entered my life - a wonderful caring partner named Ray and a wonderful rescue dog called Jake. My hilarious and delightful daughter opened up her own law firm and is morphing into some high powered executive right before my eyes (which probably means I cannot write too much about her now which is a shame in itself because she chases down life like no-one I have ever met with often the most hilarious outcomes).
So when all is said, and if the final score matters, there have been way more peaks than troughs.
And, given my work now means I'm back in front of a computer more often, I'm tempted to put my fingers to the keyboard once again. Should I? Will I? Can I? Time will tell.
So, is there anyone else out there still writing, reading and blogging?
Let me know and I will come and pay a visit.
Me xx