Tuesday 16 October 2012

My dog days are over

It's already been proven on this blog that I am definitely no dog whisperer.

There was this time and then there was that shameful time as well.

However today I thought that it was all going to change.

I was walking along the street and noticed a guy come out of a strange looking building and walk quickly up the road.

Soon after he left, this wee fur ball appeared at the window. 

Talk about puppy love. How cute is he?

He looked over at us then he looked down the street perhaps to make sure his owner was safely out of sight. I stood still, curious to see what he would do.  He looked just like a teenager ready to hotfoot it as soon as their parents leave the house.

Is he gone? Looks like it..... woo hoo...Oops not quite...act casual....la de da de da.

And what followed?
The adorable little creature jumped over the ledge, and hotfooted it to the cafe next door. Then he leapt onto an outdoor table and took some poor kid's lunch off her plate. 
He then took off down the street followed by trails of lettuce, tomato, onion and beetroot. 
I ran after him trying to catch him - which meant not only did he have time to eat the whole hamburger but he could have also ordered dessert and relaxed with his feet up over a cappuccino if he felt so inclined.   Now you can laugh..and ask why...it's not like I was going to rescue a hamburger was it...
Look at his fat and full cheeks. After his junk food fix, he went back home.  Probably to play computer games.

He is in need of a hair cut and bath, no doubt always hungry, engages in risky behaviour, looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, doesn't listen to a word anyone says, lauds it over little kids and knows that no-one is fast enough to catch him. Yep, so very like a few teenagers I know (and have also chased down the street, for similar outcomes I have to say).
Can you find the hamburger?

This is the last time I will be cooing and fawning over anything cute and photogenic. My dog days are well and truly over.  So in that case, would you like to see a couple of cute cat pictures? You know I have them.


Food Products Giveaway closes 28 October 2012 - don't forget to enter.

Beauty Products pack + Limited Edition NESCAFE Gold Colombian Coffee Giveaway closes 28 October 2012 - 5 runners up will also get a coffee pack each - don't forget to enter.


  1. An artful dodger or maybe dogger? My running never was swift. Now you know where to go for exercise

    1. He he, I am not sure why I ran after him, like what was I going to do with a dog eaten hamburger anyway or was I going to reprimand him. He was the cutest thing though and I have a sneaking suspicion he may do this all the time.

  2. This is too cute, did he really do that? Naughty thing!

    1. Yes it was an out door cafe - well some tables outside. Cute and definitely naughty.

  3. Love that clever pup! He knew how to get something tastier than dog food, and have his owner none the wiser:)

    1. I know, the look on his little face, and he has done this time and again I think.

  4. Aww, cute dog. You had me laughing picturing what the dog did, the scamp! Hehe..

    And YES to the cat pictures!

    1. OK Aleta they are coming next week, not my cat of course but a few owned by other people I have.

  5. This is just so incredibly hilarious! That really is the cutest dog ever though, and probably the smartest. I would have stopped to watch him too.

    1. It was the look on his face that was intriguing - cheeky as.

  6. He he Betty I can just imagine after seeing that dog - no wonder he looks in need of a bath. He probably runs away. Like the name Nico.

  7. Adorable little puppy. you are no dog whisperer it has to be said but don't give up it might come to you late in life.

    1. Good things come to those who wait but I was thinking about diamonds and European holidays not dogs Sarah...

  8. Dogs are just so entertaining. I love my parents dogs like crazy and I cannot wait to have my own place where I can finally have a dog of my own. Cats are okay, they have their merits but I will always be a dog person.

    1. Well I hope one day you get the dog of your dreams. And if so, traing them well lol. I like Australian sheepdogs but they are not really suitable for city living I am afraid. Thanks for dropping by.

  9. Thanks for the visit today! You are a great writer! That little doggie is SOOOO cute. Who wouldn't want him? But then again, I have a beagle, fondly referred to as Annnie Fatso Beagle of the Universe who steals food and is only minimally potty trained, so what do I know? Will surely follow you!

    A Mother's Journal

    1. Thanks for the visit Lynn. Annie Fatso Beagle, love it!

  10. Oh...He Is ADORABLE!!! So very very cute! I can understand wanting to just grab him and take him home with you....!!! LOL!
    Darling pictures, Lilly....truly!

  11. You would have loved him I am sure, Naomi. He might be relatively cheap to feed as well....

  12. It looks like a barn or something, is it? Bloody dogs, biggest time waster on earth. At least cats occupy themselves.

    1. Yes, like a stable kind of set up. Prefer dogs to cats but cant really have either.

  13. He's a real cutie!

    Coincidence or what, a friend was offering a Pomeranian Maltese cross this morning... but I can't be tied down. Have a bucket list to complete and owning a dog isn't in it..

    1. One word for you - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :-)

  14. He is such a cute thing.I enjoyed your hot pursuit of the teenagey dog. Not only he looked like'butter would not melt in his mouth' types ,he looked mealy mouthed too if his owner asked him about the misdemeanour of his in the Cafe .My experience with teenagers tells me so .

    1. Too true Kirti, lovely to see you drop by.

  15. Ha ha! So innocent and so cheeky all at once! Our precious pooch was just discovered to have a hoarding problem at his doggy daycare. He gathers all the toys and then crawls under the slide and snarls at anyone who comes near him! They took pictures of the little culprit in action!

    1. How funny - doggy daycare. I wonder what bought that on - it would have been interesting to see. Kids do that too though don't they. Does this mean you are home from your trip?

  16. Such a cutie! Gotta love animals...so cheeky and cute you can't help but forgive them!

    1. I bet you have a cute cat pictures of your own PB, no?

  17. He is sweet and so are our teenagers...when they are sleeping.

    1. You have a point, quite a good point Tina lol

  18. Large dogs can be charming too. I remember one which followed my son home from school, at least that was the excuse we were given. I think, in reality, the dog had considerable encouragement but we all loved him.

    1. I wonder how many kids have done that in their time. My daughter nover bought animals home but she did bring people home that needed help. That is a whole other story.

  19. He is an adorable little fellow isn't he?

  20. I have always had a dog all my life. You should get one and I highly recommend it. Great mates and a lot of fun.

  21. This is just the sweetest puppy - you make me laugh with your sense of humour.

  22. I would have stolen him, that is provided i could have caught him.

    1. Nah Sally an Olympian would have had trouble cathing him lol.

  23. Lovely, funny post. It's important that dogs like teens get caught when they misbehave. Did you report him to his owners?

    1. No Can=can, the owner never returned. However, I got the feeling that the owner of the cafe was well and truly familiar with this wee puppy so I am not sure if it has happened before.


Thanks for your comments.