Friday 26 July 2013

I will be back ...

Apparently if you don't update your blog  it gives the green light for hijackers to take it over thinking the blog is deserted. I know, I know, I cannot believe I have not written a word for two months. And unfortunately by not doing so it leaves the door open to strangers. Somewhat like empty houses and house squatters. Who knew?

So this is a message for the lowlife scum who changed my blog password. "Get your hands off my blog because I will be back blogging when family circumstances allow. Go put in the hard work and start your own blog."

Google sent me a message to say that my blog password had been changed and gave me the details of an IP address in Thailand. They thought it was 'suspect'. And yes it was.

I hope you are all well and thriving. I have been reading blogs but have had lots happening of late so not in the mood for writing. However, it seems I won't have much choice if I want to hang on to my blog.

On another topic, what are your views on this new royal birth? Seriously, someone would have to pay me a lot of money to have the whole world talking on social media about the precise moment  my waters broke and then have to go through the birthing process while thousands of people and film crews are waiting outside the hospital cheering me on. Some cheer squad. Now one day after Kate leaves the hospital the social media has now moved onto her post birth weight loss plan. Strange world we live in.  Absolutely strange. Welcome to the goldfish bowl George. We will all no doubt be watching...


  1. Hello dear Lilly.
    A pox on the hackers!! Grrrrr! They should have their hands amputated!

    Now that my little bout with savagery is over....

    I feel sorry for kate with the immense pressure on her, and incessant 'advice'.

    Prince George's parents obviously love him to bits already and I am sure will try to give him the most 'normal' life they can.

    But being royal isn't normal, it's special and privledged, some of which is fabulous and some not so fabulous like the lack of privacy and hearing everybody's opinion of every time you sneeze.

    ((HUGS)) and thinking of you. Would love to know what is happenning!

    1. Thanks Mary. I know that you had the same problem with your blog. I think that they take blogs so they can advertise on them, especially ones which have been running for a few years. Yes, Kate and William are great people it seems and it will be interesting how they change things. No real drama with me but just helping out someone else, hopefully for a good outcome for them. If it transpires I will blog about it lol. Hope you are well and I will catch up soon. X

  2. Some of our planets might be similarly configured. I too had someone trying to trespass and login, someplace in China, and Google sent me an alarm notice and had me change my password.

    Folks here have been delighted to note that Prince William has a teeny part of his DNA related to the Gujarati community in India (Gujarat is a state on our Western coast). So they are kind of taking the arrival of George Alexander Louis as one of those auspicious things that happen. And hoping that he will return the Kohinoor diamond they swiped a century ago (when he becomes king).

    Hope things are OK with you. If you are in Melbourne right now, there is something to cheer you up on my latest Gappa post .... :-)

    Take care...

    1. You too - wow. I wonder what is going on. They are targeting blogs with PR rankings I bet. Glad nothing happened with yours. On what side of his famiy has William related to the Gujarati community? How fantastic and no wonder everyone is excited. OK you so have to blog about this and the diamond. It is probably firmly in place in a tiara by now. I shall come over and look at your post. As for cricket - how embarassing is our team in the Ashes thus far?

  3. Good gracious! I had no idea somebody could do that. What a strange world we live in. I'm so happy to hear from you, Lilly. I've been out of visiting for a while because I've been so busy, but I'd see you on my sidebar and wonder what was happening. I hope things are alright. I'll be waiting to hear.

    1. Thanks Kay. Hopefully will be posting again soon. Sometimes life gets too busy but it should soon settle. Will let you know.

  4. Good ro see you are posting again, but very very bad that you have been hacked!!! HORRIBLE! I hope whatever is going on with you dear Lilly, will soon be at a place where you can get back to writing your blog again....And that your life will be back to normal....!

    I think Royalty is trained for this kind of scrutiny, and personally, it would drive me nuts---I think for Kate---she know this is part of what she signed up for----Still, it must be very very hard....! They all look like they take it in their stride. I think it was very hard for Diana....Even though she went into training for it----I don't think she was prepared for how invasive it was really going to be----PLUS, having a husband who really didn't love her.....Poor Diana.She didn't have a chance. Hoping these young folks will manage better. They already seem to be, don't you think? It's a different time and a very different situation....
    Take good care, my dear Lilly. You are missed!

    1. Yes Naomi, they do seem to be handling it better. It is hard to remember that Diana was only 19 when she started all of this. She would have been proud of her sons I am sure. Thanks and hopefully back writing soon.

  5. Sarah (from London)26 July 2013 at 20:22

    Hello Petal, you are much missed. I hope all is well. I am English so I am over the Royals. no really. A totally outdated and out of touch monarchy. They are a tourist attraction for Britain but cost so much money. I would like to see it all change when the Queen passes. She is definitely a role model that no-one following will live up to. Do not get me strarted on Charles and Camilla. By the way, why isn't Australia a republic yet? Xx

    1. He he I bet you are. No, we are not a republic unfortunately. Still attached. Speak soon. X

  6. You'll be back....and we'll be here :-)

  7. So nice to hear from you Lilly! I am thrilled with the Royal birth and follow closely with the rest of the world!

    1. Canada is part of the Commonwealth too so I guess we are the same. Are you a republic though because we aren't. Hope you are well Christine.

  8. Nice to catch up with you, but am sorry to hear you have had to deal with hackers. What the hell? People need to keep their paws off of other peoples Internet sites.

    Hope things settle down for you and you get back to you posting. Whenever your ready your readers will be here.

    1. Thanks Cheryl, appreciate it. It is a lesson to back up my blog more often too just in case and don't let it appear as though it is deserted and that someone no longer lives her lol.

  9. Yikes! I didn't know that could happen to a blog, but it figures. Why someone would want to hack a blog of all things.... there must be some bored people in this world!! Sorry you are going through that and hoping they don't do that to my blogs :(

    My husband said, "This will be King George" - before the name given. My husband is very proud that he called it. Lol.

    I hope life calms down so that we get a chance to hear from you. I was all excited to see your blog post in my email!!

    1. I always knew Greg was special lol. Seems an old man's name for such a young baby but like any names they grow on you. I hope your wee Gregory is doing well and will be over to catch up with your family when I can. I bet he is all grown by now. X

  10. It's great to read a fresh post from ... ah wait a minute, how do I know it's really you? Ok who won a CD from you last year?
    Assuming you'll answer correctly, I'll continue. My BIL had his gmail account hacked once. What a pain it was.
    There was a column in the Chicago Tribune about royal baby haters. Now there is no call for hating any baby. Hating the media for following the baby is different. I would like to be richer but not a celebrity.

    1. He he Bill. Of course you won it here. I must do some more of those at some time.

      Yes richer but not a celebrity. A writer of songs, fim scripts, books etc would be the go.

      Um and answering the question you asked ages ago about living in Australia. One lot of research tells you one thing and another the next week says we are a bunch of whingers. We have it very good here but it is still not enough for some. Home is the best place wherever that maybe. But travel on the other hand is a must for anyone. When you become richer you should come over here for a holiday. Only downside is the long plane journey. But you would love it.

  11. Lilly- sweet friend- I don't seem to have an email address for you- but goodness you have been on my mind and in my heart and prayers. I am with you friend! So good to hear from you and so sorry for the family concerns- on top of hijackers- oh my! Will just keep sending lots of love and blessings your way!

    Love to you friend!

    1. Vicky, nothing for you to worry about I will email you. Xx

  12. Good to have you back albeit a short post. Quite worrying, short of knowing my password, how can anyone hack one's account...

  13. I don't really know either but it apparently happens a lot with Blogger blogs. Maybe a move to Wordpress. I would hate to lose seven years of the drivle that is here lol. I have started using my iphone to log in of late could that be the reason i wonder?

    1. Young Werther, the above comment was for you.

  14. Hi Lilly! Is this really you? Just kidding! :-)

  15. What the heck is wrong with people. Hacking your blog-- Shame on them and a bucket of bad karma their way too. Grrrr.

    As for Prince George-- Sweet baby. I hope the media gives him (and his parents) a break and leaves them ALONE-- at least for a good long while.

    Hope all is well with you. Are you still planning on LA in August?

    xo jj

    1. JJ doesn't look like trip is on the horizon now, will email you.

  16. Another royal mouth for we taxpayers to feed. Viva republic!

    1. Here, here Mike. Wish the same for you guys and ourselves too.

  17. Well you're windy and wild
    You've got the blues in your shoes and your stockings
    You're windy and wild, oh yeah
    Well you're built like a car
    You've got a hub cap diamond star halo
    You're dirty sweet and you're my girl
    Ok you really should "get it on" and do more blogging.
    Also, I should stop banging the gong.

    1. Built like a car? Ha ha. OK I will give you points for being encouraging. I will post in the next couple of days I promise.

    2. Do you remember the song the lyrics are from? BTW I have no idea of what "built like a car" would mean. Takes the curves great but always needs fuel?

  18. oh darn you have the moderation thing back on because I don't see the comment I just left. I think it was without typos too.

  19. Looking forward to reading more blog posts my friend whenever you are ready.
    Peggy ♥♥

  20. Hope all is well and life is treating you just fine. Actually I hope things are not TOO good. I mean if some rich handsome nice guy discovered you through your blog and now you are busy traveling between his many homes and yachts I would be sad for you. Ok that's a lie. I would feel as if I witnessed another unfair twist of the universe. Blogging is not most important but it would be nice to get a goodbye if you have actually left.

    1. Bill I spoke to Lilly the other day on the phone and she said she will return very soon. Patience is a virtue my friend!
      Peggy xxxx

    2. Peggy - thanks very much for the update.
      Oh wait, hmmm, maybe you have been abducted by the aliens too. I have patience. I just forget where I put it.

    3. Bill we haven't been abducted by aliens as such, but we are roaming around on another dimension stirring up trouble and having a ball.
      Lilly probably won't return to this plane until just before Christmas, as she is quite the high flyer and even I can't keep up with her.
      So you had better find where you put your patience and hold onto it, but it goes without saying that regarding Lilly's blog posts, they are always worth waiting for.
      Peggy xxxxx

  21. Ha look at that - the aliens approved my last comment. I am convinced you have been abducted by aliens and you have settled in by now. You probably are doing their makeup for them. The big eyes require extra time to get the shading just right. I just want to know if aliens can cook. Other than the rumors that they might eat humans I'm just want to find out what they eat. Astronauts have a tough time eating in space and those squeeze tubes really get boring after a few times around the planet. Well if they listen to you at all, please pass along my message that I would like to be taken to their leader. Ha I doubt this message will even be transmitted.

  22. I received an email that you posted a new blog post, but when I came to it, it didn't show up on your blog :( :( :(

  23. Oh, Darling Lilly!
    I've only just found you via and you're away.
    I sincerely wish all the best for you and hope you'll be back to your shimmering self again very soon.
    BTW, the article on how your New Year's resolutions nearly got you arrested... PRICELESS!!! So very well-written and so much the mischief my friends expect of me.
    From half-a-world-away, best wishes.

  24. Hi Lilly ... Lilly.
    It's June Saville from Oz ... a voice from the past.
    I was wandering the net when I came upon dear Kate of Shambles Manor and she mentioned you. And so I had to say g'day.
    You can email me at if you have the time and the will! I would love to catch up on your news.


Thanks for your comments.