Tuesday 19 February 2013

How many cartons of milk did you say?

I opened the fridge this morning and counted.
There was Rice Milk, Almond Milk, Skim Milk, Lactose Free Milk, Full Fat Milk, Long Life Milk…….for three of us who live here and for the others who frequently drop by.

Choice is so overrated!
So now do you see Bill? I know you asked me if I was ever going to blog again before deciding a new theme for 2014, but the fact is I'm clearly wasting all my time in the supermarket choosing which of the 173 types of milk products is the absolute right one for me and everyone else.

So, in the interests of living a more productive live, I’m just going to do it.
Get a cow of course. Milk on tap. Perfect.

Then there may be time for blogging.
As it is, I suffer from that transient of all diseases, social media lethargy. It comes and goes. Someone was so concerned that I never use my Twitter account they decided to hijack it and send their own perverse tweets out on my behalf. Thanks YW for giving me the heads up. I have deleted the account altogether. And now Facebook has gone the same way. Deleted. I just cannot get into it and could not be bothered.

As for the blog? Well I sometimes entertain the thought about deleting that too but it’s like leaving your friends and a lot of history. I. Just. Cannot. Do. It. However, I might start a new, private one where I can say what I want about things like gun control,  annoying people and difficult subjects without getting threats of a bullet in my head.
Aside from spending inordinate amounts of time buying milk, I also went to my daughter’s fabulous birthday party.  It was a 1920s theme which I personally felt pretty comfortable about because being a certain age I knew I had most decades covered and just had to reach into my wardrobe and find something passable for the era. I would love to show you more pictures because everyone really went all out with their costumes but I do not have anyone's permission to post photos (but will add them here if and when I do).
And speaking of doing it, is anyone else wondering what Nike is going to do about its Just Do It trademark? First, it had Tiger ‘doing it’ with anyone and everyone, then Lance ‘doing it’ with drugs to make himself invincible and now the Blade Runner has been allegedly ‘doing it’ with a gun and cricket bat. Perhaps Nike needs to spell out exactly what it wants its million dollar athletes to do for them.
As for me, I'm going to just keep doing it some more and will pour most of that milk down the sink. I am going back to basics and buying organic full cream milk only. If it was good enough for my grandparents then its good enough for me given the small amount I drink. Anyone who wants anything different can bring their own.
Yep, it’s now a BYOM establishment. Anyone know any friendly cows? (on second thoughts don't answer that).

And please don’t get me started on any other foodstuffs……it really has all got totally ridiculous. We are making life incredibly complicated for ourselves.

This one is for those who live in Melbourne. 
Yesterday afternoon, Deputy Commissioner Graham Ashton joined Premier Ted Baillieu and Deputy Premier Peter Ryan to launch a television advertisement for Go4Zero - a campaign that aims to reduce violence of all kinds in the community. Join in and say NO to Violence in any form.
You can join the conversation on the Go4Zero Facebook page www.facebook.com/go4zero (if you facebook that is)


  1. Hi Lily,

    Glad to be hearing your thoughts on things again. I just recently began a new blog (been doing it for quite a few times). I think I'm going to stick to this one. ANyways, i've been active in the blogging world again and your blog is one of the oldest blogs in my list of subscriptions. It was a pleasant surprise to see Lilly's Life with a new post :) It's funny because it feels like I've really known you from somewhere, like an old friend. And as i was reading you, i was smiling and thinking, i missed you :)

    1. Hello stranger, so glad you are back blogging!! Oh and I missed you too - I shall come and visit your new blog.

  2. LOL, it so happened that I went on an environmentally, green, organic, 'support-the-locals' jaunt looking at cows, chickens and apples. I'll pick up a nice friendly bovine for you the next time :)

    Don't talk to me about milk, I use to buy the cheap Coles stuff till someone mentioned that it's missing a "No Permeate" lable. I now pay double for the same milk and a sticker.

    1. No Permeate - case in point - what the hell does that mean, lol? I loved your blog post about your visit to the markets. Great stuff.

  3. that is a great initiative Lilly. And keep blogging! I drink lactose free skim milk and like cream in my coffee.

    1. I have never had cream in my coffee which is probably a good thing as I do like my coffee. Lactose free skim milk - ok, I haven't had that one yet. I will be sure to get some in if you are ever in Australia for a visit.

  4. And I buy one percent milk for my family.

  5. Facebook and twitter - you have more time for your life, plus more genuine safety of information privacy - by deleting them. Glad you did.
    Please don't ever delete your blog - I would miss you very much, Lilly!

    And yes, having a private one where you can truly vent is very freeing. Totally different than having to censor yourself. Go for it! Rant away!

    LoL about all the different kinds of milk. You're a thoughtful person, and thoughtful people offer their friends choices when they visit.

    Your daughter's party sounds like fun.


    1. I will let you know new blog address when I set it up. I won't stop blogging but would like to self edit a bit less than I do. And yes it was a great party and a great theme.

  6. My wife surprised me with Almond Milk one day months ago. It's great but very pricey so it's an occasional treat. Choice can get out of control and just produce stress. I'm glad you made the choice of blogging over FB and twitter. I hope you didn't mind me pestering you to post. nice pic

    1. Of course I don't mind. I appreciate it. Almond Milk is nice actually. By the way I cannot access the comments on your blog if I use IE, wonder why?

    2. The Disqus system and Blogger have been having issue for weeks now. I learned that the combination doesn't work well on mobile devices but I'll assume you are referring to IE on a computer. I think the two sides keep "improving" stuff until it breaks. I've tried different settings on the blogger side and started getting constant alert messages from Disqus. You are not the only to tell me they had a problem leaving a comment. I will submit another problem report. thanks

    3. I will just use Firefox I think as that will work. However, that may be stopping those using Internet Explorer from leaving comments. Perhaps we haven't got the latest version or something...

  7. An absolutely luscious photo!!! We share the same love -- 100% organic! Cheers.

  8. Lilly, Long long time ago, in my childhood, we had buffalo milk and cows milk. And the milkman with the cow/buffalo came to your gate , and milked the buffalo straight into the utensil you provided. The only variety of milk on offer was some special milk which contained some special ingredient, colustrum, say, a day after a cow or buffalo had calved. This was once in a while, and always offered to the customers, and a delicious pudding made and enjoyed.

    In our big rush towards "development (!)", and "globalization", we now have full fat, low fat , skim and such milks, studded with antibiotics and hormones fed to the animals, which is playing havoc with the health of those drinking.

    We never learn, do we .

    1. No we do not ever learn. We can't turn the clock back but we could sure return to some more old school ways when it comes to food etc. Bring back the calling cow, I love your stories Ugich. We are not poles apart when all is said and done.

  9. I don't drink milk and I don't use cream, so I don't buy any of those products. I'm not on Twitter, nor, Facebook, I'm happy to say.
    I Do Blog! HOORAY for blogging---And I hope you will always blog, my dear Lily!!!

    1. Yes Naomi, Hooray for blogging indeed! So glad I found your blog all those years ago. I feel like I have my own slice of Hollywood right here!

  10. Oh gosh tell me about it. I have tried them all except getting it straight from the cow. I don't have that much dairy anyway but it is a buyers nightmare. Just choose one I agree. You no longer on Facebook, ok. Well don't stop blogging and tell me where to find the new one. You could call it Lilly uncensored, lol. Cute picture and great idea for a birthday party.

    1. Lilly Uncensored, could you imagine. I would probably get barred from the Internet and it may prove tedious reading. But I am doing it that is for sure. I will let you know when.

  11. Thank goodness you're not giving up on blogging! I look forward to every one of your posts. I just saw an article in the paper about how Australia passed stricter gun laws and haven't had a mass killing since. I wish we could be as smart.

    We have almond milk, soy milk and Lactaid (lactose free) chocolate milk in our fridge. LOL

    1. Thank you Kay, that is sweet. you have hung in there from the beginning and I always appreciate your comments. Oh you have a bit of a selection too it seems, lol. I forgot to add soy as I drink that as well just not in coffee.

  12. You are not wrong about milk. Whenever I have to go and get some milk for my other half I always stand there for a long time trying to picture the brand of milk she likes. I get it wrong 9 times out of 10. Too many choices by far. Bloody ridiculous indeed. Who knows really what the differences are between them all. Then there is bread as well and yogurt and...so it goes. I wish we could buy cows milk too but I bet we would all be horrified by what it tastes like because our tast buds are all used to eating and drinking crap.

    1. I have tasted milk straight from the cow but that was when I was a kid so not sure I remember. I probably couldnt stomach it now I am so used to bland tastes lol. Your poor wife, how does she trust you with the shopping, lol?

  13. Social media is quite a conundrum. I have a love/hate relationship with it.
    Sometimes it stops me from smelling the roses and sometimes it lifts my spirit.

    It was great to see another post from you Lilly, I was going to call you on the phone if hadn't heard by the end of the week.

    Blogging is still in my blood and glad to hear it is in yours too.
    This post reminded me of the song "No milk today"....oh I am showing my age!
    Be well my dear friend.
    Big hugs
    Peggy ♥♥♥

    1. Hi gorgeous Peggy, no you are not showing your age as I know exactly what song you are talking about. Oops it may mean you are showing my age though lol. I shall email you soon. Hope you are well and thriving. xx

  14. I get social media lethargy from time to time. I have deactivated my FB on several occasions and taken blog breaks. But I can never seem to just give up blogging altogether.

    I have exactly one kind of milk - organic skim. But I have other food items I'm much more fickle about.

    1. No I can't stop blogging either. There are just so many lovely people, that although you have never met, are like true friends. Plus I would miss their blogs too. Organic skim - sounds a good choice.

  15. I love your blog style as it is but I totally understand your inclination to have a secret blog where you could say exactly what's on your mind. I would be more more honest if I wasn't worried who I would offend. I would also have far more readers.

    As for the milk...truly too many choices. With me there are 3 or 4 milk choices in my fridge but then in the pantry there are multiple cereal and bread choices as well. I need to simplify.

    1. I know what you mean Cheryl - you have to be careful especially when you know who is reading your blog, lol. Yes bread and cereals too, so true.

  16. I share your frustration, Lilly.Food shopping has become the stuff of nightmares.We have enough decisions to make each day in the process of living our lives without the dizzying sight of long shelves packed with dozens of breakfast cereal,tooth pastes and cleaning products. Oh for the simple life again!

    1. True, if we simplified our foods I am sure we would not only be healthirr but have more time as well. I really hate grocery shopping and i only tend to shop the outer aisles as it is. Ah well enough complaining and now to do something about it!

  17. I love this post and was so glad that you were back and not "disappeared."
    The Zero Violence Against Women post - loved it!
    Michael Pollan in one of his many books about eating well, sustainable food, etc., says that you should eat something your grandparents woudln't recognize as food. I noticed a few years ago that there was a real push for soy everything. A lot of soybeans are genetically altered. It's like the benefits of soy (in the way the Japanese and Chinsese have used for eons) are being erased by the genetic altering and the creation of products that are not quite so natural. Pollan also says not to eat things with more than 5 or so ingredients.

    Growing up our milk was delivered in bottles with cream on top. Organic milk makes the most sense to me if in fact you have to have milk at all (which one doesn't really). Thanks, as always, dear Lilly.

  18. I’ m glad that you’re back again Lilly and the only important thing is that you keep doing what you love and remain faithful to your blog style, because that is what makes it so special and unique.


Thanks for your comments.