Thursday 28 February 2013

Dear Gen Y and Z..ers...

This is an apology of sorts because I know I've been far too quick to judge you.

I am one of those 'oldies' who shake my head every time you teens and 20s cause a violent riot to quickly ignite or a rave party of thousands to mushroom just by sending a few text messages around to your friends.
And I always roll my eyes and consider you pathetic when I see you screaming, fainting and scratching each others' eyes out to get your hands on one of Simon Cowell's latest manufactured pop sensations, like One Direction. I mean seriously, didn’t this band shoot to fame overnight based on phone votes and cute hairstyles?

But all that was last month.

This month I've changed my tune and now have more sympathy for you.
Because I now know where you all get your bloody pathetic and stupid behaviour from.  
Two weeks ago the gorgeous home grown legend Barry Gibb, the only surviving Bee Gee, and the second most successful songwriter in history (Paul McCartney being first) was in town for the unveiling of a statue of the young Gibb brothers and the opening of a themed walkway dedicated to the band in Redcliffe, QLD.

It was very much a Gibb family affair; a reunion of the Gibbs young and old (his mother is 93), with special thoughts for the brothers no longer with them.

The event was also about acknowledging Redcliffe, the seaside town northeast of Brisbane that the Gibb family migrated from England to, and which Barry Gibb described as their "paradise".

"We wouldn't be here without Redcliffe," Barry told the crowds. "This was our environment, this was where the music was born."

I’ve always loved the Bee Gees - well since their second coming in the 70s anyway. Theirs was my very first album and Barry made my heart flutter. Seriously, look at him - Harry Styles has nothing on him.

But of course now at 66 he is old enough to be your grandfather. Imagine.
Barry’s appearance attracted big crowds. There were thousands of fans waiting to catch a glimpse of him and many lined up overnight in the rain to get a good position - no mean feat for people whose average age was probably 60.
However, as the day wore on I witnessed something extraordinary.  Senior citizens started to morph into screaming teenagers. They were yelling, crying, laughing hysterically, taking photos on their phones and texting their mates. They did everything they could to manoeuvre themselves to the front of the crowd and to see their idol up close.

Nothing was an obstacle for them. They pushed babies and strollers out of the way in their quest for a touch or autograph. They were armed and dangerous. No, not with shoes or flares like you guys use. They used walking sticks, zimmer frames and wheelchairs without much thought for other people's limbs, to make a path through the maddening crowd.

It was an eye opener.

There was one woman dressed up in a garish Gibb hat any 5 year old may be proud to wear who pushed past me muttering that she had spent the night waiting in the rain. As she shoved me hard in the ribs in an effort to get past me she said, "I've been a Bee Gees fan forever. I'm going to kill for an autograph today!"

And I truly believe she meant it.

Thankfully, when I was just about to use my elbow in a self protective move, the Gibb tune Staying Alive popped into my head and I quickly moved out of her way.

Now I know who taught you kids everything you know.

The generations that came before you.

So I'm taking back all the eye rolling and negative comments.  Although, in saying that I do still have one question for you, How Deep is Your Love? Really.
Because I can comfortably predict that none of you will be fighting over One Direction in 50 years, seriously, they are nothing like our Barry....and the Bee Gees. Nothing at all.

'Bee Gees Way' overlooks the Redcliffe Jetty and foreshore between Redcliffe Parade and Sutton St. Brisbane.


  1. Lucky you as he is a bit of alright isn't he, still to this day. I have so many favourite BG's songs, especially some of their very early ones. It is true there is something scary when fans seem to lose their inhibitions and common sense when it comes to their favourite singers etc. It is expected of teenagers but looks a bit pathetic when they are aged pensioners, lol. Sure that woman was not a man, hard to tell, lol. Did you go to his concert too? I read great reviews.Sad three of them are gone must be hard for their mother. Don't they have a sister as well somewhere?

    1. Yes their sister Lesley has been living in Australia all the time. She has 7 kids and another daughter who was raised by her parents and who lived with them in the US.

  2. Ha-ha. I giess the groupie in all of us is still alive (lol). Funny how behavior in kids seems so repugnant until we find our own age group doing something similar! Rock stars forever:)

    1. True. I have always held the belief that we never get out of the school yard. However, it looks all shades of wrong when older people lose it over equally aging rock stars lol. Barry is easy to catch though as apparently he has bad arthiritis, lol

  3. Oh, Lilly...brace are going to lose all respect for me when I tell you that I think the woman in the stupid hat is a IDIOT... as idiotic as I think the clueless teens screaming for a band that will be old news in the blink of an eye. So if you are apologizing for being judgmental to teens, then I am a super bitch because I am not limiting it to just teens.

    It's true, I just can't get on board when people of any age go gaga over a celeb. Don't get me wrong...I would totally want to see Barry but I wouldn't be losing my mind over it.

    I think it is quite sad for him to have lost his brothers already. 66 isn't all that old. I turned 60 this year so my perspective is tainted. I hope my older brother doesn't lose his sibling when he is 66.

    1. I so agree she was an idiot and somehow it looks more pathetic when you are old and acting like an idiot, lol. I was surprised how lots of people acted. It is sad for him and I think that is why he came here to sort off get closure by visiting all their old haunts from when they first started out. He seems like a lovely man and his family seems pretty down to earth as well. He has been married over 40 years with 5 kids and now grandiose too.

  4. That must have been a great trip down memory lane except you got pushed off the lane. I know you have read my Bee Gees related posts. Great songs and great voices. Just a guess but does Bee Gees come from the initials of Barry Gibbs?

    1. I believe it comes from Brothers Gibb and their mother's name Barbara Gibb. They have a fascinating story really, rags to riches.

  5. I LOVE the Bee Gees too Lilly! Since the seventies anyway...Staying Alive and all that. I didn't realize Barry was the only surviving one in the group, sad. Even the youngest Andy was taken too soon.

    1. Yes Andy would have been more our age group. His daughter and granddaughter live here and were at the ceremony too. I think Andy only ever saw her once in his lifetime. So sad.

  6. Todays music? Not one semiquaver will last to posterity!

    Have you ever watched Melody (or SWALK)? The soundtrack 1st of May was my introduction to the Bee Gees.

    1. No I haven't but I've gone on You Tube To have a look. Aww, sweet.

  7. Wow! He STILL looks good. Sounds like you had a good time.

    1. He looks great and I love how he hasn't done a Paul McCartney and dyed his hair.

    2. "a Paul McCartney" - good one. I think the hair coloring is dumb too. But even dumber would be a "Steve Martin" - a new dad at 67. I guess you can like talent and not all the actions of the talented person.

    3. Seriously? Yes I think it is quite sad. Then again he ay live to 100. I just hope I get to be a grand mother by 67.....

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  9. You had me laughing with the weapons of choice for the generations in a crowd. I've never been a big actor or music fan, to the point I'd brave a crowd of that nature :)

    But the pictures are great that you shared :)

    1. Lilly@lillyslife.com2 March 2013 at 16:16

      The new Mommy is back! I shall be over for a visit.

  10. Well I sure did love the music in Saturday Night Fever. However, just to show you just HOW old I am, I don't know who One Direction is. I don't think I've ever heard of them. Then again, at my age, if I did I don't remember. Sigh...

  11. Lilly@lillyslife.com2 March 2013 at 16:18

    Believe me Kay you are not missing a thing. However, I bet even your grand daughter knows who they are.

  12. We are the same vintage lol. But we do have good taste.

  13. As a teenager I was totally in love with Barry Gibb. I think I actually had every album, including the really old stuff. But still.. I don't kill for autographs.

  14. That's pretty cool! Wonderfully written post. Been far too long since I've been by your blog.

  15. Wow I really enjoyed seeing the pics. It is true one generation teaches the others so the apple never falls far from the tree.

  16. You made me smile, Lilly-- I loved this.

    In high school I had a boyfriend with "Barry Gibb" hair. I thought he was so dreamy-- well, at least his hair was.

    They made such great music and it stands the test of time.

    xo jj

  17. good job Your blog contain Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post

  18. Not long ago I watched a Public Broadcast special featuring the Bee Gees through the decades ... most of the time in tears, of joy and sadness. I loved their music and I still do. Cheers to the Brothers Gibb!!!!


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