Friday 2 November 2012

Guess where?

Terrence D'Arby image

I had just finished slathering on my Extra Extra Firm body cream this morning and was about to apply my Extra Firm Face Moisuriser, when the door bell rang.

It could only mean one thing.

I threw on my robe and ran down the hallway.

On the other side of the gauze door was Barry, the local courier.

He has been delivering parcels for years, after he left the Navy in his 30s.

He has my total respect.

Simply because he must never know what he is going to find when he knocks on my door.

In fact when I think about it, he is the only man I know who has never seen me once with makeup or fully dressed.

Then again I don't know many people who ring door bells, unannounced, at 7am in the morning.

I have greeted him in my pyjamas, hair in curlers, face mask on, in tears, with bed hair, racoon eyes, you name it. Barry has seen it.

And I don't even know what his surname is.

But, ever the professional parcel deliverer, he never blinks an eyelid.

I am in good company even exBritish Prime Minister's wives do it. Poor Cherie Blair - least I have no cameras in my face.
"Morning" he said, "it's a beautiful day, just long white clouds and gentle Pacific breezes today. I only have the one letter for you but I guess it must be important, as it's registered."

"Thank you," I said, hoping it was what I thought it was.

And YES it was.

I waited for his truck to pull away before I let out an excited yelp.


To where? For what?

It all starts on New Year's Eve.

Guess. There are clues in the post.

I have never done this before. It's a first.

Tell me, when was the last time that you tried something for the first time?


  1. Let me guess. Snow, sheep, its got to be Scotland right? No that can't be true cos you lived there before. Are you going skiing maybe?

    The last time I tried something for the first time, sheesh I do not remember. I gotta work on that. Maybe it was food of some kind, its always food,lol

  2. I have no clue and my chemo brain wont help much, lol. But i hope your treating yourself to something fabulous and memory making. I hope your well. You sound good on here. Im waiting for latest scan results will know on tuesday. Im keeping busy with my candle business and hoping for that miracle drug to give us longer life.

    1. Yes it is going to be fabulous because I have never done it before. So glad you are having fun and that sounded a great holiday you had too (read your blog).

  3. You are joining the Navy as a New Year recruit, ha ha.

    1. In the Navy......nope. For one I would never fit in the bunks they have to sleep in - have you ever seen the limited space they have to live in, no thank you!

  4. I have tried so many things for the first time, I'm ready to begin all over again with the first one!!! The first place I thought of when I saw the lovely image was New Zealand.

    1. Yes New Zeland is correct but that is half the story. Well done Helen!!!

  5. Cruise to some sheepy place?

    I remember answering the door half-dressed because I wanted to get the package arriving before my then-husband saw it. The guy looked a little startled.

    1. And yes, you got the other half of the story, a CRUISE! It's a cruise to New Zealand. And glad I am not the only one who answers the door in a state of undress, lol.

  6. I want to go there too!

    It's nice to be able to have a nice exchange with the courier guy.

    1. I am hoping it is going to be great and I will take lots of pictures to share, hopefully if not too sea sick.

  7. You and Barry are eloping and taking a flight to your new sheep farm in the Swiss Alps. Am I close?

  8. My guess is NZ, with the new Hobbit movie coming out...

    1. NZ is correct. Now what are you implying about the Hobbitt exactly - that I could be an extra? Have you ever been there?

  9. I think that is New Zealand too but I can't get any other clues. Is face cream a part of the clues and is the previous commenter onto something with the Hobbit movie? Makeup?

    1. NZ is correct. No, no makeup or movies involved in this.

  10. The photo with sheep and mountain has me thinking New Zealand. Tried something the first time - Waking up tomorrow - It'll will be a new day that none have been through yet.

    1. Oh Bill how predicatable to wake up to a new day, what are you doing that is new from the day before? NZ is correct.

  11. New Zealand, Swiss Alps?

    I did finally get around to doing something new today, it doesn't happen often enough. It was finance related.

    1. NZ it is Christine. And glad you did something new. I am trying to do something new as much as I can as it is easy to fall into a rut and repeat, over and over.

  12. The last time I tried something new for the first time was those frogs legs in Paris. Not what I thought they would be like. I am getting more adventurous that is for sure. So New Zealand you are off to - is NZ or the cruise a first for you, or both in fact?

  13. You cheater Betty lol

  14. I'm the opposite about answering the door :) I don't need make up on, but I won't answer it in a robe or with curlers in my hair. :) Also, I tend to not answer the door when I'm home alone, unless I know someone is coming over. Not that the neighborhood is bad, but there are too many stories out there and news about things that happen... I let the dog bark all she wants at the door when it's just me :)

    Ok, first thought that comes to mind with the picture, and I know I'm wrong :).... Alaska :)

    1. I can be the same Aleta if the door kknock is at another time fo day. But when I hear is van door shut I do answer to the courier because it is too hard then going to have to go and collect the parcel later. sometimes it is scary answering the door when you are alone - I agree. I hate door to door sales people and they can be quite aggressive and you never know who they may be.

  15. I always try and answer the door to get my parcels too. Otherwise it's a trip to the post office which I am better off without. A cruise to NZ that sounds wonderful.

    1. Yes I agree with you - the only reason I answer too. I think it will be wonderful too Sam.

  16. I read in the comments....sounds amazing! I've never been on a cruise!

    1. Either have I and it was just that a neighbour of my daughters loves them so much that I was persuaded to go. He goes on one every year.

  17. Oh you crack me up my friend! I can certainly relate to opening the door at 7am (which is when my courier arrive) after leaping out of bed and grabbing whatever clothes are nearby. They are such cheery fellows aren't they and never look surprised at our attire or sleep hair!

    My guess straight away was New Zealand, bit of a dead give away Lilly, for this Aussie who absolutely adores New Zealand. A cruise sounds wonderful and you will be one of the first people on earth to see in 2013!

    The last time I did something for the first time was quite a while ago so I will have to amend that! I want to go hot-air ballooning.

    1. They are cheery fellows Peggy, you are right. And they must see all kind of sights really. You want to go hot air ballooning? Did you know that Des was in a Hot Air Balloon World Championship in Japan once? He actually won a competition.

  18. How exciting - I guessed NZ from the picture tag - a cruise to New Zealand sounds perfect.
    Barry doesn't bat an eye I am sure ? you would be gorgeous anytime.

    We don't get couriers anymore on the farm .
    I was always concerned when our door knocked at 7am and my hub wasn't there and I was not presentable...I made him wait while little ones chatted through the closed door.

    1. No, never gorgeous unless the spac fill is on Trish. I guess on the farm you are having to drive into town to collect your mail. I would prefer that if you are isolated - not sure I would want to have people just dropping in if I was alone without close neghbours. Thanks for your comment Trish and hope you are well.

  19. With the lyrics of the Sade song in my mind - "it's never as good as the first time" and your post - I will come up with some things that I'm willing and able to try for the first time.

    I wanted to leave a comment on the previous post about homelessness but don't see a link for comments. Years ago, when I worked in the Human Resources office at Boston City Hospital, we found out that many of the people who used the shelter at the hospital were our co-workers in laundry, the kitchen and transport. The area around BCH was rapidly gentrifying and so old brownstones that used to have studios and rooming houses were eliminated and turned into condos. So even working didn't guarantee a home. that is too true. Young people are especially vulnerable to the whims and circumstances of the adults around them. It's important to support these types of events. Thanks, as always, Lilly, for being you.

    1. Thanks for your comment Can-Can. Yes you are so right. Homelessness can be an issue for everyone really. We need to be aware of others I think because there by the grace of God go I. It could be our turn next. We take a lot for granted sometimes.

  20. NZ is God's country that is all you need to know.

  21. Ahhhhh.... You're going to NZ? You lucky duck!!! That is one of the few places we'd love to go back to. It was absolutely GORGEOUS! I mean really, really gorgeous! And the people were so nice. You are going to have such a wonderful time. Be sure to bring a good camera. There are so many places to take photos of.


Thanks for your comments.