Wednesday 21 November 2012

Bridge over troubled waters

Normal transmission resumes.........

I was standing on a balcony of an inner city apartment block in Melbourne yesterday taking some pictures. As you do.

I have looked out on this view many times before but something caught my eye that I've never noticed before....

It wasn't the bridge
or the traffic
but something under the bridge

Mattress, lounge, tables, clothes hanger, makeshift kitchen - someone's home - river view, prime position mmmm

Sometimes we look and look and can't see what's right in front of us.

I'm not sure what to think. Is it a choice? The occupants seem to be resourceful and have made a home for themselves. However, I guess they must think this is safer than living on the streets. It surely is pretty private. I just hope they're not restless sleepers - it wouldn't take much to roll off that mattress and over the edge to the water below.  And that might be an incredibly dumb way to go. 

And speaking of dumb ways to go - you so have to watch this....

This is not some cute new song but a public service announcement from Victoria's Metro Rail in reponse to the increase in needless deaths on railway tracks and crossings.

It's becoming a You Tube hit.

Will this cute video get through to people?

I can tell you one thing, I haven't stopped humming the song since I played this. Dumb ways to die indeed.


  1. Precarious and private at the same time. People are resourceful and in the midst of plenty there is want. Thanks for noticing and sharing.

    1. It would be relatively private but very, very noisy. Guess they get used to it.

  2. Replies
    1. Having said that, i must say that I have seen a lot of such resourceful living here in Mumbai where the real estate is outrageously priced. There are even people who live behind huge billboards. They work during the day, use public toilets, and sleep at night behind the billboard.

    2. Bushes nearby although maybe there is a public toilet close too. Ingenuity is required to live like that. There seems to be a few of them so am very curious what the back story is too.

  3. very catching tune and I agree with each dumb way to die. Is there a connection between the video and living under a bridge? You could roll in your sleep and die drowning.

    1. I know I thought the same. So easy to roll over the edge as there does not seem much space there. No real connection except I stumbled on both of them in the last day or so.

  4. Hmmm... the other problem with living under the bridge is if the water level rises suddenly, don't you think? I could see myself getting up off the wrong side of the bed too.

    I had to watch the video without sound because Art is sound asleep as I work on this computer in the same room. I shall definitely have to come back tomorrow to check this out and see what it's like WITH sound. Without sound, it was pretty weird.

    1. Poor Art, it is a catchy song Kay. Yes I had not thought about the rising river either.

  5. Resourceful indeed....sad also! I just hope I'm never in that situation. Have a wonderful day!

    1. I think there is a much finer line than we think to becoming homeless. I would love to know what the background story to this case is or if I could help.

  6. wow I can't believe what you noticed under that bridge Lilly.

    And that's a cute song in the video, will have to share this message, thanks!

    1. I have looked at that bridge many times before too Christine and never noticed a thing. I guess it is the same under most bridges these days.

  7. Ive seen way to many homeless this year. It always breaks my heart. Some im sure have earned it, some or many are mentally ill, some are just down on their luck. I wish our government with all their greed and waste would provide clean safe places for all to grab a warm meal and a safe sleep.

    1. I wonder sometimes Dawnie if there are some people who feel safer on the streets rather than off it. It can become a way of life. I hope its a choice for the people in this case rather than a necessity.

  8. Its so prevalent everywhere and the reasons are so varied it seems. Down-on-their luck yes, or disabled in some capacity, or struggling with addiction of some sort. A choice perhaps. A hard cycle to break I think...

    So true what you said- underneath our nose so often and don't see it... thanks for opening our eyes!

    1. You open my eyes every time I read your blog Vicki. Somehow I think you would notice this kind of thing more than most of us do.

  9. I think that is called living life on the edge, literally. Is public housing so hard to get into there too or do you think that some people really do prefer living like this? It seems they are pretty resourceful in getting a little home together. It must be freezing there though as well and cannot be healthy. It would be interesting to see who lived there and if they needed some help. That is the sweetest little song ever, can i download it do you know?

    1. Yes, that would have been a good post name, Living Life on the Edge. You can find it on Your Tube I know that much.

  10. We have many on the foot paths of George Street (a main road through Sydney). In the evenings they have their begging bowls out, in the morning, they're curled under sleeping bags.

    Are they there by choice or circumstance, that I don't know.

    1. YW, I guess those with begging bowls etc and curled up in sleeping bags are those who really are desperate for help. I just wonder though about the people under this bridge. They have really kitted out the area as best they can. Having facilities of some kind are important to them. It is intriguing.

  11. That's the first time I've seen a video like that before..... it's disturbing because it's ... ehhh.. cute? Wow...

    1. I know it is doen to appeal to youth I am guessing. I have played it about 10 times, I love the tune.

  12. That video is quite clever. In fact very cLever.

    1. I agree, it is clever but wonder if people will really listen to what it is saying.

  13. It is confronting seeing someone living under the bridge. I hope they have had a choice at some stage to live elsewhere. It is hard to imagine really when we are safely in our homes. Everyone has the right to feel safe and secure. The video is confronting in a funny way too though. It is a bit like the AIDS ads, you have to hit hard sometimes to get your point across.

    1. Thanks for your comment Mary. You are so right everyone should have the right to live in safety. I hope these people have that choice.

  14. It is a lovely area but very noisy traffic day and night. It must be hard to be sleeping underneath all that noise. They have made a little home though with all the necessities it seems.

  15. What a GREAT Video! Funny and yet, very serious...!
    The people under thr Bridge---Looks safer to me than on the street, but....if you can see them, so can many others. It seems a raw statement of the times we live in....So many is Frightening.

  16. That video is fantastic except now I am singing it and the words aren't so positive he he.

  17. Yay another Melbourne blogger! I love visiting a new blog and seeing pictures of things I've seen before - although I had never noticed the mattresses under that bridge either! Will look more closely next time!

  18. I thought you would like it Naomi. It is frightening and somehow most of it is hidden or maybe we just don't want to see.

  19. Welcome Deidre and great to find another Melbourne blog too.

  20. It's sad to see someone living under a bridge. There's an old fella here who has slept in the same shop doorway in Leith for many years and it's become accepted - even by the shop owners. A sad reflection of life today.

    1. It is sad Mike. I guess that is home for him now but how does he survive in your minus temperatures? AND WELCOME BACK TO BLOGGING!!!

  21. That is one beautiful view from a living apartment.

    1. A view indoors and one outdoors too. It gets cold in Melbourne though so I hate to think what it must be like under the bridge.

  22. OK... I saw the video with sound and now the melody is in my brain too.

  23. I've seen people living under overpasses, but not a bridge like that.

    The song - I may be singing that for a while.


Thanks for your comments.