Friday 26 October 2012

Would you buy perfume from this man?

And I am asking men and women for an opinion on this.

William Bradley Pitt
I was wandering the City yesterday and happened to see these large Chanel advertisements featuring Brad Pitt. Sorry the photo is a little blurry - I found it incredibly hard to focus on such a pretty picture.

I automatically assumed it must be about a new men's fragrance.

Then I looked closer and noticed two things.

First, Brad had not been photoshopped at all and is wearing his age lines well. Second, this was actually an ad for Chanel No 5 perfume. Women's perfume.

I am so used to seeing Chanel’s incredible arty creative campaigns, which I really love, featuring the likes of Nicole Kidman, that my curiosity was well and truly piqued.

So I walked into the Chanel store and asked the obvious question.

Why is Brad Pitt fronting the Chanel No 5 advertising campaign?

I am not sure the sales associate understood either. However, she did tell me that a surprising number of men had come into the store and asked whether they could buy the fragrance - for themselves.

Chanel seems to be appealing to a market they may not have expected.
Men.  Let's hope the sales associates can turn that around and convince the men to buy it for their partners.

I am a Chanel perfume wearer so perhaps I am not a good person to judge the worthiness of this campaign. You see, I would buy Chanel No 5 even if Mickey Mouse or Shrek were the brand's spokesmen.

I then googled the campaign and found the television advertisement which I haven't seen here yet.


I'm not entirely sure what Brad was on about or what it all meant. He looked and sounded particularly intelligent though if that counts.

The ad's impact has been mixed with he (and Chanel) receiving a lot of ribbing about the ads.

The commercial was spoofed by Saturday Night Live less than a week after its debut, and both Pitt's version and the parodies are racking up millions of views online. Like this parody from Australian, Natalie Tran. (Readers have also added other links in the comments section below. They are hilarious.)

Men selling perfume is a tricky thing. In the past, brands like Windsong and Incognito used men effectively in their perfume advertising, but always with women who were indulging in applying the perfume. However, given it is rumoured that Brad was paid $7m for his spokesman role, Chanel probably couldn't afford Angelina too.

It’s a historic choice for the house of Chanel, whose No. 5 fragrance is a bestseller and has maintained its iconic status since its 1921 release.

I like what Chanel's president for fragrance and beauty Andrea d'Avack said  though “To keep a legend fresh, you always have to change its point of view.”

It is probably about time advertising was turned on its head a bit and we ditched the old stereotypes. Who knows, maybe Chanel No 5 will go on to attract a much broader market and even become a unisex fragrance. Now that would be legendary.
So tell me, whether you are a Chanel wearer or not, could Brad Pitt sell you perfume?

Oui or Non.


  1. No for me. I don't think he could except if Chanel did a gift with purchase and Bradley Pitt was the gift. I do not get that ad at all but then again it is so nice to look at and listen to who cares what it means exactly.

    1. Oh dear. trust you. No, it did not make sense to me either but I guess it was not the point.

  2. First time I've watched a video by Natalie Tran who I found out is the most subscribed Australian YouTuber. Very funny. I love parodies. I read a recent article about this ad and there is the comparison to an ad years ago with a guy appearing out of a pool of water.
    <a href=">share the fantasy</a>

    Same idea I think. However, having recently learned of the whale turd connection to perfume I have a hard time with perfume fantasies.

    1. She is Bill not that I have subscribed to her, good on her. I will watch the you tube clip and report back. Thanks for the link.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh my, that's interesting, the whale turd i mean. What is that all about or do I have to Google it?

    2. Please read up about it - A Few Clowns Short blog post
      earthy smell of whale turds

    3. That is gross, please tell me that was a joke. I would have left you a comment on your blog but my IE must be not be the right version as it wouldnt accept. i like whales but have to pass on their turd..I learnt something today anyway. wonder whether brad knows about whale turd, lol.

    4. I see what you mean about the video Bill - Chanel has always made mini movies really - fantasy indeed. Maybe they have done the same with Pitt - another fantasy for many. Give me George Clooney any day though. My favourite Chanel advert was with Catherine Deneuve - love her.

    5. @Sarah - no joke. I trust the info since National Geographic covered it and other online info matched up. Thanks for checking out the link. I'm not a fan of IE but you might try updating your java - wow what did I just write. Is it polite to suggest to an unknown woman that she update her java? So Sarah do you have a blog. I don't think Lilly minds the conversation taking place here but if you have a blog I certainly would pay you a visit. Lilly knows I'm not much of a pest. In fact she might tell you I've offered better suggestions than updated java in the past. thanks ladies.

  4. Maybe ... if he still looked like his character in "Thelma & Louise" !!!

    1. No quite and there are those who even say the years have not been kind but I would rather his more rugged looks now than his pretty look in days gone by, lol.

  5. I have been watching some of these parodies that pop up when watching Natalie's one and found this great one by Leif Garret, yes that Leif Garret - that only people over 40 or so would remember. He looks the image of Brett Michaels.

    You can watch it here - Leif Garret version

    No, Pitt could not sell me fragrance. He is too pretty even now. I am just jealous more than likely but do think it an odd choice to sell women perfume.

    1. That is fantastic Anton - he looks kind of the same and I so get the Brett Michaels reference. He does this better than Brad I think.

  6. Men are buying it for themselves? Great I will taking my husband shopping this weekend and conveniently stop near the Chanel store in the hope he rushes inside, buys it for himself then decides its not really for him and has to give it to me by default. Brilliant idea - thanks for the hot tip. Look on those wrinkles on Brad's forehead, it really is something you don't see in cosmetics advertising, wrinkles, lol Good on you for Chanel for that if nothing else.

    1. He he he he - that is funny. although I have already heard this that at Christmas men rush into the Department stores on Christmas Eve buying a last minute present for their wives or girlfriends or both. They usually buy Chanel No 5 and pay whatever they have to for it. It is a brand that most people know. Now they may be bypassing the women though and grabbing it for themselves because Brad is selling it, he he.

  7. Wasn't swayed by Brad :(

    Too arty, b&w, meaningless mumble, should just come out and say it 'C No5, smells good!'

    1. True that is all he needed to say really, It smells good. You should be in marketing and not the finance world.

  8. Well....I don't wear it, but I think Chanel accomplished exactly what they wanted with this campaign. EVERYONE is talking about it and SNL Spoofing it certainly doesn't hurt it one bit! I like looking at Brad Pitt and though I haven't a clue to what the hell he is talking about---I really don't care! HE has my attention and so does Chanel!
    I would say "Mission Accomplished"!! LOL!

    1. Love it Naomi. As a Hollywood thespian yourself I would have thought if anyone understands this you will be the one who does. Its pretty good he is not airbrushed though, however I wonder would they allow women to be non airbrushed in the same way....

  9. Mum have you seen the ad for "Kennel Number 5" - it's perfume for dogs - hilarious. See if the link works:

    1. You have to learn how to put a link in the comments - just go to my blogging Tips (bwahhh) and read how.

      This is hilarious - anyone who reads the comments should watch this parody from a dog - Kennel No 5

  10. ps I hate Chanel Number 5 and no-one could make me buy it....

    1. I know that and maybe that is Chanel's problem. Maybe They are trying to attract a much, much younger demographic like you. Maybe you only hate it because your Mother LOVES it, lol

  11. yes, yes- I'd buy anything Brad Pitt promoted sadly. I'm not a Channel wearer- but I could be soon! I think its a clever idea :)

    1. There you go we have one Qui. It is so left of centre I think its clever too.

  12. I have some girlfriends that would buy the perfume just because it was him on the advertisement, which I think is silly. Then I know some girlfriends that would jokingly say, "Oh my he looks so purdy and not give it a second glance."

    I like Channel, but it's a childhood thing. My Mom used to wear it all the time when I was young and one birthday she bought me a tiny little container of it. :)

  13. (But I don't wear perfume now...) Being pregnant, I have an incredibly high sense of smell right now. When I went with Greg to Maryland this past weekend, I thought I would gag on all the perfume smells in the closed in airplane. Yuck!

    1. That takes me back Aleta, there is a Estee Lauder moisturiser that I have never been able to wear as when I was pregnant the smell of it really made me ill. I cannot even look at the product to this day!

  14. I don't think this ad works, he's too 'boy next door', we need a Heathcliffe type actor for this one!

    1. True, they must be trying to appeal to a different market - the ad doesnt really work I guess but I wonder how it will affect sales.

  15. No Betty I don't think anyone really gets it at all, lol

  16. No way it is ridiculous. the commercial is plain stupid and Brad thinks he is a serious actor, he isn't. They could have got someone a whole lot better to do it.

  17. I mean it's Brad Pitt ay, I'd buy anything he was selling

  18. Hi Lilly, Thought I would come over to visit your site as you were so kind to leave a comment at mine. I love your site and am definitely becoming a follower.

    As for the Brad Pitt commercial...I found it ODD. Oh, I think he is good looking and all but the ad has him glaring into the camera as if he is trying to hypnotize us into buying Chanel. Comes off more freaky than least that's how I perceive it. If it didn't come off as so silly there wouldn't be the gazillion spoofs appearing all over the place.

  19. GOD. NO. It is really strange.

  20. This is a ridiculous ad but I think Brad has a sense of humor and I bet the motive is to make people talk. It sure has. People will know who Chanel is anyway now.

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  23. Catherine Szymanski28 October 2012 at 10:37

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  24. FYI - I gave you a shout-out for the giveaway - thanks

  25. The commercials are disturbing and the SNL parody is dead on. I don't wear the perfume probably won't buy because of him. I imagine many will though.

    1. Thanks for visiting Kathy - I havent really heard of anyone that loves the commercials and 'gets' them. I would love to hear what happens re perfume sales though.

  26. I did have a bottle of Chanel No.5 a long time ago, but Art doesn't like scents on me much so I don't use any.

    I love the parody and I do like Brad. But I'm not all that sure what his message is... exactly. I'm afraid it doesn't work for me.

    1. That is interesting Kay as I think a lot of men do not like perfume. I really love them as they always make me think of special times and places in my life. My sister gave me my first bottle of Chanel when I was 21 and I was going to London for a while to live. Every time I spray it on I think of London. Now I feel like breaking into the song Memories, lol.

  27. Here via Lisleman. It's a no for me. Not that I' don't like Brad Pitt, but the commercial strikes me as pretentious. I'm not buying him as a soulful philosopher.

    1. Soulful philosopher he is not but he is trying hard to be something, of which I amnot qute sure as yet. the jury is still out for me. Thanks for dropping by.

  28. NO WAY could Brad Pitt sell me anything but his brother sure could. Have you seen those mobile phone ads that Doug Pitt does for Virgin Mobile I think it is. He is hilarious and pretty good looking too. I will have to find the link and send it to you.

  29. Would you ever think to question the formula of the world's "most seductive" scent? The European Union is doing just that as a committee is pushing legislation that would ban some of the most key ingredients in Chanel No. 5, Reuters reports.


Thanks for your comments.