Saturday 15 September 2012

Topless photos of Kate Middleton

It is not only France's Closer magazine which has the scoop.

I have topless photos of Kate Middleton to share too.

Merci beaucoup.

Not sure what the fuss is about. Do you?

First Harry. Then Kate.

Let this be a warning to Camilla and Charles who are visiting Australia soon. We have the best beaches in the world, a really laid back lifestyle and are used to turning a blind eye. However, while I am sure you both have lots to show us, DON'T even think about it. No, I am serious.

Our paparazzi are deadlier than our spiders. Just sayin'.

Have a great weekend everyone. Rejoice in your anonymity and your freedom to do what you want in your own time without pesty photographers following your every move..


  1. It's all pretty stupid, isn't it? The so called "Press" is really lower than low...!!!!
    Anything for a scoop?? L-O-N-G- Lenses???Pullleeezze.....don't they have anything better to do?

    1. The worst is someone is paying hundreds of thousands for these pictures so that we the public can look at them. Pathetic alright.

  2. Love your topless photos, lol. Poor girl. Now that really is an invasion of privacy because they are all over the internet now but that is the French for you. That is where Diana died and that is where the infamous Fergie toe sucking episode happened too. Anyway Kate is beautiful, it could have been worse for the royals, the shots could have been of Camilla..

    1. Err um yes, if I was a Royal I would be permanently covered up head to foot. No chance any skin would be exposed.

  3. Lol at your topless photos! It's a real scoop!!!

    1. I know, Lilly's Life has come to be renowned for its high class posts, lol.

  4. How very dare you missus !! You scoundrel showing more topless pictures of poor Kate ... hehehe... Good one Lilly!

    I'd have thought you having been in Scotland would have heard of all the shenanigans that went on at the highland games here ... but since you weren't au fait with the games played in 'God's Country' missus I have left some info in my comments - Thanks for visiting btw

    Kate x.

    1. Thanks Kate, I know I should have gone to one while there but never did I will be over to check your blog for the answer.

  5. To think I clicked on this thinking I was going to see some flesh. You never fail to let me down lol. So much promise, so little nudity on this blog. Have a great weekend.

    1. I knew you came here for a reason, just not that one lol. I will try harder in future.

  6. Lilly, the topless stuff in your post, is as they say, smashing.

    But I dont understand one thing. Or maybe 2 things .

    1. Why sit without clothes in balconies ? I am sure they knew paparazzi would be lurking. With the facilities they command, didnt they have a terrace open to the sky and not on the sides ? This way only the satellite would have captured them, and any fellows flying in helicopters et al would be caught.

    2. What were their security folks doing. I understand this place was really away from it all, and so it would have been easy to check intruders.

    1. Ugich, you are perfectly right of course. Sunbathing I guess and assumed they were alone. Except their security must have been around too so they were not completely alone. Good job it was just a camera and not a gun. The place belonged to Princess Margaret's son so perhaps it was light on security and not their usual type of place. I guess heads will roll over this and Harry's escapades.

  7. lol, seriously, I felt so bad for Kate, how awful!

    1. Yes, not the best thing to happen to you. Last time she will go topless I am sure.

  8. I have cavorted once in my life - topless - on an Australian beach!!! There, I've said it. Poor Kate and William too ~ senseless **&&%$%#!

    1. Now that does not surprise me Helen - and what place for it - on the other side of the world so no-one recognises you, lol. If we were in Europe it would be nothing. In France they are topless on TV, its nothing. As it should be.

    2. French attitude about this - offers support of my crazy idea (see comment). I remember before the Euro the French Franc had a topless woman (art?) on it. Your lucky the Puritans didn't land in OZ.

    3. Hey Bill, I love your general knowledge - you are incredible. I do not recall the Euro at all but you are right Europeans have a different view of nudity then a lot of the rest of the world. The issue really is that there are people who want to see what famous people look like without clothes. And they are willing to buy a magazine just to see. Its not like what they have is a surprise but that is people for you.

  9. LOL Betty. Yes, its a lesson I am sure she wont repeat again. She has probably beein doing it for a long time and its only now in her new role that it is not such a good idea.

  10. I'm agreeing with Ugich here. We were wondering what Kate was doing on the balcony without her top on with Will perfectly aware that crazy, privacy robbing, money hungry paparazzi are always lurking about everywhere. I'm afraid that's the price of marrying a royal. You'd think they'd think twice after Harry's hare brained antics. And now... off topic... WHY are they sending him out in harm's way?

    1. Yes I don't know why they publicise it every time Harry goes to Afghanistan - sitting duck really.

  11. Oops! Looks like I'm agreeing with Betty too.

  12. I am a huge fan of the Duchess but I'm sorry, when you are that high profile you should NEVER be naked anywhere public, even if you think it is "secluded". It is beyond a princesses dignity to be topless in public... and everyone knows the paparazzi are watching them like hawks. Sorry Duchess, you get all the perks of being royal... you have to accept some restrictions as well.

    1. I agree with you Deanna. She is a bloody idiot, not only that but she was smoking in the pics and next thing they will announce she is pregnant. They should know better as a roadway runs right past the villa. As a British citizen I am well over the royals, truly. Waste of taxpayers money, there I said it.

    2. It is a job they can have on their own. there would not be enough millions in the world that could entice me to smile sweetly at all the pomp and ceremony and events they have to be involved in.

  13. very clever your "topless" pictures. I suspect you might get a little more traffic with that titillating title. Might not be traffic you want (teenage boys). Isn't much of the appeal for this type picture the curiosity and "can't have it" factor? Just release a set of nudes in the beginning and be done with it. Now of course my crazy idea might have some negative issues but then a naked picture wouldn't be such a sensation after that.

    1. No Bill, my blog never gets traffic from Google. I hear what you are saying. There are apparently over 200 photos though so they will all get released slowly by different magazines depending on what someone wants to pay for them. The photographer can probably retire now lol. The French have no issue at all with nudity but they go after the Royals like a sport. The release of photos is one thing. Problem is given its the digital age the photos stay online forever. So for her it would be embarassing I imagine and she will feel she has let the Queen down somehow. It was a little naive of her and William though.

  14. I remember being young, beautiful and cavorting naked in a # of places. Luckily social media didn't exist then and because I am not famous no one would want a photo of me anyhow. I hope Camilla and Prince Charles heed your warning. I must also say though that a lot of people take photos of others and post them without permission on things like Facebook. It's just how it done these days. I've been to several events where lay and professional photographers were clicking away, none of whom bothered to ask permission. Love you, Lilly.

    1. Yes you have a very good point Can-Can, I do the same. Not the cavorting in public places but the taking of photos when I am out and about. Excellent point - its the age we live in, privacy is not exactly what it was.

  15. Let's get one thing straight: pointing a whopping great zoom lens at her while she's engaging in private rest and relaxation is not OK. In fact, it is about as ethically advanced as upskirting.

    But surely the excesses of the media during the life of the Princess of Wales (and, indeed, during the lives of every princess since) should have alerted the young royal highnesses to the possibility.

    Keeping your kit on near windows is Royal-ing Up 101, surely.

    1. Yes, 101 I reckon. I am sure she graduated with flying colours form that class, now anyway. there will be no repeat from Harry or her. Well at least her, lol.

  16. If I wanted to see boobs, I'd just go online.... what is the fuss all about? I've been topless (and bottomless) in public but then I was young, fit and only 3...

    1. Oh my god you are such a bragger, cavorting around nekked. What you are forgetting is that you did that well before social media exploded. And before you became famous. Otherwise how would you feel if we could still google photos of you, lol. Yeah, she should be happy she is young fit and beautiful, right? I think I would be.

  17. Tehehe. Your representation of "Topless" is very funny.

    1. Thanks Tasha. It is about as ridiculous as it gets..


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