Wednesday 26 September 2012

Do you do this too?

In the words of David Attenborough, “Have you noticed this unexplained and rather odd phenomenon taking over the world?”

As for me, I’ve been part of it  for so long that I haven’t really given much thought to how odd it may seem.

To the some who are clearly uninitiated in the art of the multipurpose accessory.

Up or down. Back or forward. Day and night. Always at the ready.

Then he had to spoil it all and ask something that no-one else had put to me before.

“Why? Why do you do that? It’s just bizarre. Are the paparazzi a problem for you or don’t you have pockets?”

 “Maybe”, I said a little defensively, looking around to see if anyone was staring at me like some kind of photochromatic freak show.

 “I just do…..because... it gives me a tactical advantage to….well I'm sure it might if I was a Secret Service Agent."

 Maybe it’s just an optical illusion. Besides, what’s the harm?

 They are practical, useful, functional and pretty stylish if I do say so myself.

And so very comfortable that I forget they are there.

 But as I look around at others, I start to think that maybe it is a little odd. Perhaps even ridiculous.

I glance in the mirror behind. Mmmm. Perhaps he has a point. Is that a Mickey Mouse tiara reflecting back at me.

 It is a restaurant after all. And the night sky is black outside. Maybe it is all shades of wrong for this kind of adornment.

 So I quickly slip them off and tuck them away in my handbag. An unfamiliar resting place.

 My hair falls on my face and I annoyingly push the untethered strands away.

 Am I the only one besides the Hollywood elite and the Vogue fashionistas wearing this misunderstood habit?

 Sometimes I misplace them and search frantically for minutes.

 Only to discover that they have been perched in their resting place all along.

 They are just always there. Waiting to see the light of day or night. Sunny and overcast. Raining and snowing.

 Hiding a multitude of sins, protecting me from cruel light and the occasional flying object and insult.

 Fashion, function, habit? I am not really sure. I just really, really like wearing a UV protecting tiara on my crown.
So, do you wear sunglasses on the top of your head?

The beautiful art of Danny Roberts. You can see more of his work on my Inspiration blog.


  1. Actually, I have those transition glasses that change color in sunlight. I used to put them on my head, but then they fell off without me somehow noticing them. I can be pretty oblivious sometimes. Now I dangle them from the front of my shirt which I often times forget too. Most of the time, I just give up and squint.

    1. LOL Kay. That's a point, a lot of sunglasses are prescription galsses now too. Or so says Liz Hurley when a journalist asked her why she always has her sunglasses on inside and outside. Glasses can be a pin no matter what their purpose.

  2. Yes I definitely do Lilly.
    I wear them on my head when I am going back and forth inside and out a lot. It is easier to flip them up and down.

    Besides also being convenient to stash them there, they also hold my hair back out of my eyes if it's windy.

    I haven't worn them at night though.
    Fun subject Lilly.
    Peg xxxxxxx

    1. Yay, something tells me you would have said yes. Maybe, it's an Aussie thing, lol. Now I will confess something that happened the other night. I got ready for bed, cleaned my teeth etc, etc and climbed into bed and suddenly my sunglasses fell off my head. True. How sad is that? They are so much a part of me I do not notice or even see them anymore. AND YES, I love how they hold your hair back. At my age I would look stupid with a more traditional headband or bows lol

    2. You must have had giggle when they fell off your head Lilly. Sunglasses, glasses, watches can become so much part of our appendage that they become a body part.
      Yes sunglasses are way cooler than headbands and bows on me too.

    3. Don't get me started on watches, Peggy. That's a whole other story!!

  3. It's not a guy thing (unless you're Alex Perry), we visit clubs (RSL) in the middle of the night, wearing our sunnies.

    It's a 'cool' thing... not being able to see who one is chatting to.

    1. Well Alex Perry sure doesn't have any hair to hold back with them anyway. I thought they were superglued to his head or it was a way to give him a bit of extra height. In fact, they are now part of his trademark aren't they? Actually that is a great point, it isn't a male thing is it? It is just females who do it. Maybe its because we have to do more than one thing at the same time and its more efficient, he he. And you - what can I say. I am sure I have seen your type at the RSL lol. I don't know I am just very grateful that a cool guy like you would leave a comment on my blog. :)

  4. Oh my I do it and live in minus 20 degree temeratures. It drives my other half up the wall. he is forever saying to me your eyes are on the back of your head supposedly not the top of your head. We are multiskillers us women and therefore its too much energy to take them off, put em back on. much easier to push them up on top of your head and there there when you go back outside again, lol.

    1. You are funny. Yes! We multiskill that is why. Actually when i lived over there I wore glasses too, it may be cloudy but it can be very bright and harsh on the eyes too. Tell Rob we have eyes everywhere so watch it, lol.

  5. Actually, I dont wear sunglasses, but wear my normal prescription glasses on my head when I have to read at close quarters, like labels, buffets, computer monitors , and books. Supposedly I have a reading prescription, but when i made glasses for that, I had depth perception problems with bifocals.

    So now I wear stuff on my head, and squint when I have to. Having said that, I must tell Atten borough, that sarees don't have pockets. And like so many here mentioned, bows and bands are not an option ....

    1. He he sarees don't have pockets so where else could the glasses go but on your head. Knew we thought alike!!

  6. I do this too! If I'm not at home, then my sunglasses are perched up on my head. And for the same reason - they hold my hair back and because after doing it so much for the past 2 years, now I feel odd without them.

    1. Yay, someone else who does the same. Thanks for dropping by Melissa.

  7. Sorry. I have just realised, I'm a random stranger. Just found you through Pearl's blog (I only found her too, but I've been finding some new blogs today).

  8. Seems all the ladies are doing the reading glasses on their heads - I agree those chains remind me of a librarian from my high school. She was 110, or at least she seemed that way when I was a teenager. Thanks for your comment Betty.

  9. i would do this if i had better eyesight, they are useful for doubling up as a hair band to keep your hair out of your face

    i do it with my glasses sometimes but then i have to put them back on to see

  10. I see people do this every day. My sister is the worst. 5 hours shopping and then back home and they stayed on top of her head for the entire time. Waste of money buying sunglasses to protect your eyes wouldn't you say.

    1. What not even over her eyes when she was outside - lol, that is funny.

  11. Sometimes, yes:)

  12. Hello, Lilly! Long time no see.

    I do not wear glasses on my head, no. But that's probably because I wear glasses all the time and they'd do me no good -- even if they did hold my hair back -- up there!


    1. Pearl, lovely to see you drop by, will go and visit you too.

  13. I don't do that and never have....Not sure why, except it just never occured to me to put them on my!

    1. You are too clever Naomi to do that lol. It has just become a silly habit with me.

  14. I see you had a bit of male vs. female discussion on this in the comment section. I'm a firmer believer that the comment section can be as interesting as the post.
    I do think more females tend to do this but you can find males walking around with this cool crown too. I tend to wear a baseball type hat most of the time (not backwards either but I guess that is so 1999 now) so sunglasses would just fall off. What we (not just me but other family members too) tease my wife about is wearing multiple pairs of glasses on her head. Reading glasses plus sunglasses sharing head space.

    1. Ah the old baseball hat trick. Yes that happens here too but usually older bald guys tend to wear them to protect their heads from the sun, lol. That is funny about your wife, clearly she is a good juggler and sensible too. Who has time to put several pairs of glasses down and remember where they are, when your head is a great place to store them all. Like her style!

    2. As you can see from my pics on the blog I've been blessed with thick long lasting (best I can tell) hair. I actually would like it to just finish turning all white. The hat habit started years ago probably for the shade from the brim and catch a little sweat. Then I started wearing my hair longer so I would have these bad hair days, not that it bothers me too much but I didn't want to scare anyone. My solution was the hat.

    3. Lucky you, you certainly do have great hair. Yes, that in between stage is hard. What you ahve bad hair days? Most of the men in my life could do with a bit more hair so dont have much hair to have bad hair days with,lol

  15. I never have really because I'm not into sunglasses , plus it was difficult with a hearing aid.

    1. Yes it would be Trish. You are lucky you havent developed that habit, lol.

  16. I used to do it all the time and once I was hanging with some friends and had a full out panic attack because I thought I lost my sunglasses until they pointed out to me that I had them sitting on top of my big fat head and that was the last time I ever put sunglasses on my head because they never let me live it down. Great post Lilly you make me laugh out loud all the time.



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