Tuesday 3 July 2012

Lil’ RupBet speaks out on TomKat Divorce

You know that there is no better way to take your mind off your own issues than talking about someone else’s don't you?

Just ask Rupert Murdoch and my elderly neighbour Betty.

Betty said to me over the weekend, “Oh that’s a shame about that lovely Tom Cruise isn’t it? I guess we had to expect it - she’s one of those Hollywood types and he's a scientist. It was never going to work, they probably had nothing in common.”

Try listening to that with a straight face.

Then Rupert took it to a whole new level with the following tweets.

And now I can’t resist weighing in simply because it seems there is one burning question that everyone wants answered (ok, maybe not you, but let’s not let the details get in the way of a good story).

And no, the question is not, Why is she divorcing him?

Although this picture alone would give her reason enough.


Why have Tom Cruise’s three marriages ended when his wives were 33?

And I have the answer. As you damn well knew I would.

Apparently, a woman is at her most beautiful when she is 32. Just gloss over the fact the source for that pertinent fact is Britain's Daily Mail.

And, as we more mature women know, when Beauty walks out the door Wisdom marches right on in.

Obviously when Mimi, Nicole and Katie turned 33 they woke up one day, took a long, hard look at Tom and thought, "WTF? How the hell could I have married someone who believes in an evil galactic emperor named Xenu, who supposedly threw a bunch of aliens into volcanoes in Hawaii causing their souls to invade human bodies and confuse us?"

The plot of a terrible sci-fi movie maybe, but not the basis for a way of life.  And thus the fairytale was over...x 3.

However, it is easy to sit here, make light of the situation and have a laugh at Cruise's expense. Unfortunately, there is a much more serious and dark undercurrent to this whole story. While I've never been a fan, Tom Cruise has always struck me as a hard working, charming person. Even taking into account the Oprah couch jumping episode and the infamous You Tube videos, I would not describe him as a 'whacko'. Rather, I think he is just another brainwashed victim of the Church of Scientology. In fact, most ex scientologists believe that the Church (meaning its leader) has an iron grip on Cruise's personal and business life. 

I have received most of my information about the Church of Scientology from a relative who lives in San Francisco. He was a member of the Church for 27 years and his family worked tirelessly to get him out. He refused to listen to them until he finally saw the levels of abuse and deceit happening. He gave the Church hundreds of thousands of dollars and was privy to a lot of information about its celebrity members including TC. He finally saw the light, got out, went public, has written extensively on the Internet and has been continually threatened and followed by Church members ever since.

However, the personal views of one ex member aside, the public record now holds a lot of damning information about the Church and its leader, David Miscavige. And unfortunately for Tom he is now seen to be the public face for an organisation that is becoming known for confining and torturing its own executives, that beats confessions of homosexuality out of high-ranking members, that asks children to work around the clock without a chance to get real schooling and that does all this with claims that it is somehow helping the planet.

Let’s hope that David Miscavige does not make it Mission Impossible for Katie and Suri as it has for so many other members who have jumped ship. Yes and that would absolutely be a space ship, folks......

There, doesn't that make you feel better about your own life now?

If you really would like to read more about Scientology check out Marty Rathbun’s blog. Enlightening. And. Frightening. Also, Rupert is surprisingly entertaining (yes, not a typo) to follow on Twitter @rupertmurdoch


  1. Fascinating Lilly ~~~ fascinating.

    1. It is. I am fascinated by the Church more than the Cruise publicity machine. It is a wonder they can operate as they do (but then again there are many other Churhes who have got away with plenty as well).

  2. Oh gosh it really is fascinating. There are so many celebrities wrapped up in this Church too. I recall that Murdoch's own son Lachlan was being groomed by the Church for a while too and just finished reading about Placido Domingos son who had trouble when he wanted to leave. Cruise may or may not know what is going on inside the Church but one thing is for sure they are not going to part with his millions any time soon. They also have so much information on these celebrites they could blackmail them with too. Cults are evil. Fullstop.

    1. Interesting about Murdoch. I guess the children of the rich and famous are obvious targets given they are probably more vulnerable anyway.

  3. Katie has done to Tom what he did to Nicole. Serves him right, although he did Nicole a favour ... she's much better off now. I hope Katie gets full custody of Suri and gets her away from Scientology.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Its the Scientology part that interests me.

  4. I don't know much "inside info" about The Church of Scientology, but over the years---actually, many years ago---I had a few minor experiences with people who belonged to the church---In one case, a good friend who was dying of cancer----and he was a Scientologist as was his wife. His Funeral was quite bizarre, and like nothing I had ever been to before or since. Personally, I think it is a very dangerous scary "religion".....And I hope Katie Holmes is able to save Suri from the clutches of this strange cold cult. I do not understand anyone being involved in this bizarre group. Science Fiction, INDEED!

    1. Thanks Naomi. I thought you would have known someone involved in the Church where you are. I am sure many people have been targeted by this cult.

  5. I always got the impression Tom Cruise is a nice guy...so who knows?

    1. Yes he appears so - just maybe in a little too deep I guess.

  6. I feel sorry for Tom Cruise, because it does seem to be a brain washed group and if he is in the thick of it, then he can't see what's happening around him. I'm sure the leaders of the church are doing whatever they can to keep blinders over his eyes. Very sad, indeed.

    You mentioned that your friend who used to be a member, that he has written about it on the Internet. Does he have a blog?

    1. Aleta - check this out http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/

  7. I hope Katie gets sole custody of Suri.

    Tom doesn't seem to be good husband material.

    First wife of 2 years Mimi Rodgers said he never wanted to have sex,

    Second wiofe of ten years Nicole Kidman wasn't getting enough attention or love at home from him and so she cheated and got pregnant from someone else (got caught and that's why he divorced her) and then miscarried almost immediately afterwards.

    Third wife Katie Holmes seems to be sick of scientology and sick of being left alone while he's off making movie after movie.

    Scientology has never interested me. Sad when people fall for something that promises what it doesn't deliver. Thanks for the expose link!

    1. Wow, that was an interesting comment. I know there are con artists everywhere and the rich and famous are a target for this organisation. The more you read the stranger it is but Mark Rathbone's blog is authentic and a good read.

  8. I checked out the video, but could only watch half of it. It's a rambling mess. The word I heard over and over is "help". Scientology is supposed to help people. That can only be good. However, that other stuff is darn spooky. I guess I just don't know what Scientology is beyond the fact that many people think it's crazy. Tom Cruise? I don't know...

    1. Yes you would swear he was on something in these videos. I just think he is brainwashed and someone is making a lot of money off him. Then again if he is fully aware and its his choice then well and good. Not so for many others in the church though. I am sure it will all come out....eventually.

  9. Love you Betty, you always tell it like it is..

  10. WATCH THIS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uTD1bMYOBg&feature=em-share_video_user

  11. And this - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/the-school-at-the-centre-of-cruise-split-7904497.html

  12. Yup, there are some weird sects around. I'll stick with the good old Catholic church ;)

  13. I don't know much about the Church of Scientology. I've heard about a few strange practices regarding healthcare.

    1. I have been reading up on it a lot lately, not sure why but I find it fascinating how people sign contracts for a billion years to work for the Church and get paid $50 a week.

  14. I feel no religion/cult is perfect enough and no person propogating it is wise enough to explain it to other followers that every thing about it can be taken as absolute truth or a way of life or live by its rules in toto.
    If we stop thinking for ourselves and let certain set of rules, however convincing they may sound, govern our lives ,life is surely doomed .Tom-kat is only one such example. If tom is the fool here , kat and her daughter have all the right reasons to distance themselves from a person believes in some theoritical rules more than common sense .

  15. Thanks Kirti some wise words there. Nice to see you back again in blogland.

  16. L-Ron would be chuckling himself silly in his grave over where his science fiction tale has progressed to. Great stuff.

    Not that these teachings and beliefs are really that far removed from those of the more 'accepted' religions though I suppose.

    At the end of the day it's all about belonging, holding a sense of power and believing you are better than others. So many Hollywood people are already there so it's an easy transition.

    1. I think its similar to a Ponzi scheme and people have just been conned. Happens in all walks of life. But these people have given up years of their lives so I can understand them not seeing their investment has been for nought. Very sad.

  17. I do feel better about my life. I did get a chuckle or two. I'm not taking sides in these strangers' lives. Both of these folks are actors and I feel when dealing with actors and other entertainers - you have to deal with their art/entertainment and not suppose who they are personally. All religions have greed, corruption and things you have to suspend logic and have faith to believe and follow. Scientology just seems weirder than the rest. Barbara Walters did a piece last night on the Mormons and was placing their beliefs in context of other religions. She did a segment about heaven/the after life. What was interesting was how similar Christianity/Judaism/Islam were...until they veered off.

    1. Scientology is a cult unfortunately and abuses that are pretty well hidden (in parts similar to other religions I guess). Regardless they all seem to attract billions of dollars which would appear to grease palms in the right places. Sounds like an interesting documentary from Barbara - she must be 110 that woman - good to see age has never stopped her TV career.

  18. Scientology, shmyentology ... what a load of 'whatsit' Katie Holmes should have had more sense than to hook up with him. That being said the way their little 'angel' is being brought up to be able to choose what she will and won't wear I would think that trouble is being stored up for both of them in the future ... so God (according to scientology or the God in Heaven) help them!

  19. I might be mistaken but I thought your blog used DISQUS for awhile. If so, why did you drop it.

    1. Hi Bill, I was using it for a while but I felt it was hard for people to use it. The reason why I changed to it in the first place was because it allowed you to reply to comments. However, now I realise that blogger comments allows you to reply to each comment now too, so I changed.

  20. All of them were 33?
    Sounds he's a mason...look up that in youtube.


Thanks for your comments.