Sunday 21 August 2011

Who knew?

That Edward Scissorhands lives up the street from me.

The jury is out whether this is some drug induced extreme gardening frenzy (which in my neighbourhood is unfortunately the first thing that comes to mind and the subject of my next post) or someone with too much time and come to think of it, too many hands.

I'll be watching who comes out that front door though......what does the garden say about them I wonder?


  1. wow Lilly what a beautiful garden, but you are right, the upkeep must be time consuming. I'm betting your neighbour is a retired perfectionist!

  2. maybe this is the way they manger their any case I'd love them to lend me a scissored hand!

  3. Memories of Jack Nicholson trying to manage that maze in 'The Shining!'

  4. Lilly , this garden says to me that this person loves a very structured life and would have a heart attack if a hair was out of place!

    Not my cup of tea at all.
    Peggy xxxxxxx

  5. That is too amazing! Really gorgeous, but it would sure take a dedicated gardener to keep that looking good. I can't even manage to keep the weeds at bay. Sheesh! You must be living in an upscale neighborhood because they probably have a live-in gardener.

  6. N they have to be uptight Type A owners. While its kinf cool it would drive me crazy - it would need a lot of upkeep!

  7. I love how they did their topiaries, Lilly!
    How wonderful!
    Lovely garden to look at, and really adds to their curb appeal.

    I bet they are very detailed, caring people who take great pride and pleasure in making a picture through shapes of the living things in their garden:)

  8. I think their hair style will match the garden.

  9. This looks like the gardens at the museum in my hometown. Maybe professionally done? Or the home owner has lots of time on his/her hands.

  10. I like it!
    My garden's a mess at the moment...

  11. Me likey! I like the garden especially since this type of work is rarely seen in what seems a relatively small space. Me likey - that you're back. Missed you. This does require one to be a bit of a fuss-budget.

  12. Well, I think it is pretty amazing! And whover it is, is certainly adept at doing this artistic work...! To each his own---Art!

  13. I kind of like it but you so have to let us see a picture of who lives there, dare you.

  14. great looking garden and that was a good movie.
    This must be someone who is a perfectionist.

  15. Edward've got me in stitches... I LOVE that kind of garden. Do you know Nicole de Vesian's Garden? I am a big fan. Here are a few pix... more ES's at work...hahaha

  16. Wow - the garden is beautiful! I don't have a green thumb and if I take anything sharp to the garden, it will look butchered in the worst way :)

  17. Now that looks a bit too involved for me. I dont like to garden with a ruler in my hand to make sure everything is even and sculpted to the right height. Would drive me insane.

  18. I think it looks nice, but I couldn't live with it, I like a wild look

  19. It, um, kinda' creeps me out a bit..!

  20. Personally I think that someone with obsessive compulsive tendencies lives there - you must find out..

  21. Oh dear, it is such a small area so a bit over the top I think and must be so hard to kep under control and to keep even both sides. I also would love to knwo who lives there. I am imagining a very coiffed and stiff hairdo, lol.

  22. The garden is beautiful. The house is beautiful. I love the decor around the edge of the roof and balcony. I noticed and admired them when I visited Melbourne and Sydney.

  23. Hi Lilly, Hmm, I'm guessing someone with OCD lives in this house :-)

    xoxo jj

  24. I don't think I could live with it = It's much too organised for me. I love to see freefalling roses and sprays of flowers ... in rounded beds.

  25. I would love this kind of garden but not sure I could afford the upkeep - timewise.

  26. springtime starting soon?
    I'm waiting for the next weather report from you.

  27. Oh I so would not be able to handle a garden like this however lovely it may look. I love cottage gardens best of all - you can hide your mistakes and the weeds.


Thanks for your comments.