Wednesday 6 July 2011

There's colour in winter

Oh Melbourne, your winter days start off so cold and grey.

but as the day goes on, you start to thaw out.

One of Melbourne's many gorgeous old Arcades. And it's Sale time.
 It's always sale time.

The pavement outside the arcade
I have to pass this every day - its cruel I tell you
Melbourne has the best buskers. What a character this busker is
He never disappoints.
I saw these same guys busking in Stuttgart, Germany
a few years ago. Small world.
Hot pink and orange my favourite colour combination
Legomen, who can resist?

Even the post office dresses up here
Oh what courage - I love the hair.
It's a work of art.

So by the end of the day, you really do look like a different city.

I really love you Melbourne.

Vibrant. Colourful. Easy on the eye.

And so damn delicious

that I can just about forgive you for this freezing weather.....

or at least .......until early tomorrow morning, anyway.


  1. Great array of photos depicting your beautiful city Lilly.
    Its fun walking around capturing different aspects of a city.
    It is always sale time in Sydney too these days!
    Warm hugs dear friend.
    Peggy xxx

  2. hello lilly, your pictures are beautiful, melbourne is beautiful. hope the cold weather is not too bad.

  3. Beautiful pictures I enjoyed each one... the lunch looked devine! Yes, that display case....!!! Thank you for sharing Melbourne I love seeing it :-)

  4. Oh Oh! Love the pictures - especially of the trees, the guy on the piano, the roses and the last picture - vibrant indeed!

  5. "It's always sale time" - universal I guess.

    Very colorful buildings. We should use the word busker here. It's got a good sound to it.

  6. thanks for the gorgeous city tour Lilly! We're at the height of summer here, so odd.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oh I love Melbourne too and any big city. It is fascinating just sitting down somewhere and watching the world and the colourful characters go by. That blue hair is a work of art as it looks like it has been carefully thought out with the streaks and curls. Like Christine we are finally seeing some sunny weather in the UK.

  9. Lovely-lovely photos that make me want to crawl into them and experience the wonder of it all. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Fab pics. And no crowds!

    I hate Sydney, especially lunchtime on between DJ and Myers on Pitt Street Mall....

  11. Gosh Lilly-- Melbourne is absolutely stunning. The colors and the people are so fabulous-- but that pastry shop. I think I'd be camping out there every single day :-)

    Stay warm, xo jj

  12. At first I thought you might have colorized the picture of Melbourne. What a colorful, beautiful city it is. Those desserts would drive me crazy, but the lunch looked fabulous too. I'm glad you're happy, Lilly.

  13. Great pictures, my dear. I got a real sense of your city...! I cannot believe those Buskers were in Germany, too---They DO get around, don't they....!
    Sorry to read it is so cold there....People are burning up in our country---Not here in Los Angeles, Thank God...but, it certainly could come to that---August & September are usually our hottest months.....
    I hope it warms up there a little bit, my dear


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