Thursday 11 November 2010

Going.....going, gone

It sold in 5 days.

I know, who would have thought it Mr Real Estate 4% commission there's no way you can possibly do it?

The styling for sale and marketing? Loved it.

The selling to potential buyers? Very uncomfortable.

After the first and only open home on the weekend there were seven very keen buyers.

And I mean very keen. Some young couples have been looking for the 'right house' for 2 years apparently. They all came back three or four times to view the house. It got to the point that I knew too much about them and they knew too much about the contents of my parents' cupboards.

I had my favourites. I wanted a certain couple to get the house. Unfortunately they had to drop out because the offers were too high.

She cried. He was upset. I got weepy and felt terrible for them.

It might be OK to have emotional buyers but let me tell you it's very uncomfortable for all concerned to have an emotional seller.

It's business, right?

After some tooing and froing, an offer was accepted, a contract is in process and fingers and toes are crossed it all runs smoothly.

So within 30 days my parents will be sunning themselves in faraway northern places.

And their wee home, where 25 years of memories were made, will become just another house in a picturesque cul de sac in suburbia again. Right?


  1. Woooooohooooooo, well done matey!!!
    Loved the collage, you did an excellent job of presenting your parents house.

    You can relax now and start smelling the roses again and sipping the champagne.

    Big, big hugs and love and light.
    Peggy xxxx

  2. Awww, congrats! Perhaps a new profession is born? I've been slowly emptying my own parents house and the last time I walked in with it mostly empty? The old familiarity of it didn't rise up to meet me as it usually does... they simply aren't there and the house is becoming just another house. But it took more than 30 days, oh yes, much longer, but its okay :)

  3. good job and thanks for sharing the pictures.
    I have no idea if the housing market collapse hit OZ but selling houses here are still taking much longer.

  4. sounds like someone should be a real estate agent. At least a professional stager!

  5. The memories are in the heart not the bricks and mortar and I hope there will be many more years of memory making.

  6. Congratulations, but I have a feeling you could do anything!

  7. Lilly...your amazing and your blog is amazing so I left you something on my blog. Come by to collect it ok.


  8. That is simply amazing! 5 days and Seven interested people. Nothing like aq bidding war....Anf in this economt, too....! Though I realize things certainly must be better there than here. CONGRATULTIONS!!!

  9. Congrats, well done! And a home is made by the people in it - they will make new ones someplace else!

  10. Wow! That was FAST, Lils! Congrats! Very pretty staging and home btw. Hope that your Mom & Dad will love their new place.

    Juls~ {xoxo}

  11. FIVE days!!!!!! Wow Lilly, I think you have a new career. Great job and congratulations on the fast sale.

    Your folk's home is lovely and I can see why so many people were interested. You did a fantastic job preparing it. Now it's time to pack!

    High five, xo jj

  12. Well, honey - didn't YOU do well, eh? Are there no end to your talents? Clearly not...

    And keep us all POSTED!

  13. Wow - well done you! And your parents' house won't just become another house - it will someone else's home now, where THEY will create their own years of memories...

    Good to see you back!

  14. Bravo, kudos and all that jazz! You are the bomb!

    .... and a sincere thank you for wading through all those old posts of mine. I do appreciate it .. and you!

  15. That is good news for you as it must have been stressful. It is a good time to sell as I think the bubble is about to burst here.

  16. Good work, do you want to get hired to do mine now? I do not have the energy to put up with those real estate agents.

  17. Congratulations!

    Non-Aussies may think me insulting and derogatory by saying "Great work Ms Hooker!"


  18. Why thank you Werther! Ms Hooker indeed he he!!

  19. Sad to think to leave your home of 25 years. Hubby and I are definitely going to downsize when the time comes. I'm already saddened at the thought.

    Lilly, you might have found a new profession.


  20. That is an amazing baby video and congratulations on getting the house sold. It does look gorgeous. You have bidding wars in Australia? The market is still slow in the U.S.

  21. This made me sad... I guess it makes me think I could never sell my parents' home should anything ever happen to them. (They have to live forever, that's my philosophy!)


Thanks for your comments.