Friday 21 May 2010

This is what I call aging gracefully

Jackie Collins and Raquel Welch have lived a total of 144 years between them.

They've also had 6 husbands and 5 children.

What is strange though, is that they don't even share 1 wrinkle.

I think I would like to try whatever they're drinking.

There is something to be said for aging this kind of gracefully don't you think?

Have a great weekend everyone.

Oh, and if you have any clues as to what they're drinking let me know IMMEDIATELY so that I can get started while time is still on my side.


  1. They look great and, while they clearly have good genes and some work done, they don't look over-done. I saw Raquel on The View a while back (publicizing her book) and she just seemed like a happy person who has found her voice. This is something to strive for.

  2. Racquel looks amazing but then she always did. Surgery or not it is good surgery. I cannot imagine that she is over 70. Wow! Who says old age has to look a certain way. They are obviously drinking the elixir of youth.

  3. I still can't figure out how they do the plastic surgery. Wouldn't there be incision lines? You gotta pull up the skin or something. Regardless, they look wonderful and so do YOU!

  4. @ Kay - yeah its called smoke and mirrors for me. I used to do makeup art remember? As for these ladies kudos to them I dont think they look overdone besides the fact Raquel looks a bit like a deer in headlights. I am all for preservation as long as it looks natural enough. I would never get sliced and diced though which they clearly have done. Too much of a chicken given most surgeries look horrible.

  5. Lilly,
    Oh yes, such natural untouched beauty is remarkable (lol).
    They do look great for their ages, as does Kate Mirren!

    And I'd love it if you wanted to leave a comment on

    The hotel owner made me mad!
    And we all know what happens when someone makes you or I upset!
    We speak up, and clearly!

  6. When Raquel recently stopped in Chicago to push her book (Oprah show I think) she had a funny/embarrassing incident at the airport. I guess she doesn't fly on private jets.

    Her bra had a wires in it and it became a security incident. I think most women know of this problem by now. You search on her and Chicago airport and find the story.

  7. @Lisleman, ha ha. Oh thank god that has never happened to me although I am going to be thinking about it when I have to go through airport security tonight!! Thanks!!

  8. They do look good. I think Jackie's sister Joan looks amazing too. I'm afraid I am too much of a coward to ever consider going under the knife...although I could certainly do with some "sorting out".

  9. well, even Jane Fonda has gone under the knife now. There is so much pressure to look good when you're in show business.

  10. @ Christine - Yes she has been pretty open about it. True, must be hard to feel you have no choice. If they could gaurantee th eoutcome I wouldnt mind but am too risk adverse.

  11. They look beautiful. Some plastic surgery, I can see. But people take plastic surgery on like an addiction.

  12. LOL, LOL...Well, I don't know what they might be drinking...But, look in their address books for the names of the Plastic Surgeons and/or Botox & Collagen Providers.
    Personally, I will stick with my original face--age lines and all....I earned them!

  13. ooooo, don't we all want to know what's in the drink? I do think they look fairly natural, beautiful as always, but natural too... not too Joan Rivers-ish... which makes my jaw hurt when I see her :)

  14. Raquel looks amazing but then she always did. She woudl look kind of funny turning up to her grand kids school though for Grandparents Day. Cannot imagine either one of them at the Retirement Village. Rarely do you see plastic surgery work but this does. Perhaps she has a wig on though. I would definitely have some of what she is drinking. Fountain of youth, damn!

  15. Jackie looks WAY better than her sister Joan-- These two should have shared their "secrets" with Joan who's looking very scary these days.

    Oy. If only I could be guaranteed to look good after surgery, not freakish like some of the women we see.

    That said, I got Botox yesterday :-)


  16. They both look good after surgery!

  17. Hmm. These two look so unnatural and suspicious at 70. Give me Barbara and Darlene any day ! Who knows how their systems are messed up inside with all those anti aging chemicals ?

  18. I didn't realise Raquel Welch was only 34...

  19. lily;

    I have seen both actresses in the last two weeks on TV and I was wondering the same thing.
    They don't even look stretched.
    Amazing,unless of course they are wearing spackle underneath their makeup!
    Have a nice weekend!

  20. Oh, it's amazing how great you can be when you have a staff including chef (healthy meals), personal trainer (tight, trim and fit body), maid (no calluses or bunged up knees from cleaning behind the toilet), driver (no stress/frown lines), stylist (for great colour), makeup artist (to fill in the wrinkles), and plastic surgeon (for everything the above mentioned people can't stop).


  21. I don't think aging gracefully has much to do with the outside, and more to do with what's within....

    Missed you Lilly!

  22. Well, my dear Lilly ... it may be a matter of what they are NOT drinking. In which case, we should not purchase wine by the case!

    I have emailed you regarding the Canvas Art giveaway but want to say once more ~~~ I am STILL tingling!

  23. Hello people,
    These women look like the fake, half smiling zombies that they are.
    Get a grip!

  24. Ha ha.. guess their smiles can be classified as permanent fixtures and depreciated :)

  25. There is something to be said for aging this kind of gracefully don't you think?

    Plastic surgery?


    Actually they are strong, professional, intelligent women...I'd just prefer them with the lines and the bags.

  26. It makes me feel "goosebumpy" when I see "old" people that do not have wrinkle, like they are aliens ready to burst out.

  27. I think Raquel looks great. More power to her. Age is just a number.

  28. just checking back - seems like it's time for another post but take your time because quality is better that quantity.
    Oh about time - if you check my last two posts you might start thinking about it differently.

  29. Lilly dear, I thought of you and this post, because I posted the first of a "Ladies Who Lunch" where you will see true 'aging gracefully' without any enhancements, whatsoever. I think you will enjoy it very much, my dear....!
    Hope all is well with you, my dear Lilly.

  30. No kidding--wow. Interesting statistics there, too.

  31. Hi Lilly,
    Funnily enough i read in the paper today that laughing causes wrinkles ! Perhaps these two did not find time to be amused-being busy with face lifts,plastic surgery, botox, and husbands . Poor souls!
    Now when I look in the mirror and see the prune face with the wrinkles growing in the wrinkles I can look back on a lifetime of laughter and not feel so bad !

  32. I think that aging gracefully has a lot to more to do with living a life that can be respected and emulated than the number of wrinkles on the face or gray hairs on the head.

  33. Do you think any surgical/beauty procedures are involved?

  34. So glad you came by, my dear....I hope you are okay. It's been a while since you posted, and I hope it is just because you are very busy....I send you (((((((HUGS)))))))!

  35. PS I just left you something on my blog :-)
    Hope all's well,
    xo jj

  36. Hi Lilly...just stopping by to send you a hug or six, ((((((HUG))))))...Hope you are doing well, my dear. I miss your posts, but understand completely.

  37. Hi Lilly my dear friend!
    Chapter Forty's comment on 25 May summed this post and the comments up soooo well....especially when she said "Get a grip" that lady!
    Enjoying the soccer!!!
    Love and light always coming your way.
    Peggy xxx

  38. I don't know. There's something a little creepy about women in their 70's looking sexy.

    (Now I'm wondering if I think that because I know I won't? Hmmmm.)

  39. you know even without posting you could just keep a public conversion going on in this comment section.

    For example you could reply to comments asking such important things like what song title pops into your head when I give you a song title.

    Here try this one ( OH BTW anyone could join into this PUBLIC conservation )

    "Leaving on a jet plane"

  40. Greetings Lilly-girl! I have had success with submitting my "high resolution" photo to the canvas art people! yea!

    I like the concept of conversing through comments .. better than facebook and/or twitter!

    Leaving on a Jet Plane ~~ Moon Over Miami!

  41. Moon Over Miami --> Fly Me To The Moon

  42. Lisleman sent me over here. I thought you had quit blogging, Lilly!!! I think I need to befriend you again!

  43. request - when you approve this comment could you also add one of your own? You won't even need to do a post - just a comment. How's winter down under this year?

  44. OK Lisleman, but I did do a post. And winter is horrible. I am about to venture out and its all gloomy and frosty outside. One month down another one at least to go and thats winter. The older I get the less I enjoy the cold months. Thanks for your comments. I will visit I promise.

  45. Oh yes, but I am sure that they share 42 surgery's between them. Nonetheless, I would happily want to look like either one when I get older. (oh, and have their bank accounts


Thanks for your comments.