Thursday 4 March 2010

When in Rome....

J: (recently moved to a new city) Oh Mum, I just can't get used to the rudeness of people who push and shove their way past everyone else to get on the tram. Someone is going to get hurt. People don't seem to care just as long as they get a seat. It's survival of the fittest, I am telling you.
Me: Oh no, that sounds terrible. So does that mean you have to stand all the way to work?

J: Are you kidding? Of course not. I always get a seat.
She always was a fast learner.

So if you see a young, dark haired girl at your tram stop, with a look of steely eyed determination, and a stiletto shoe in one hand coming straight at you, I'd get out of the way.......... fast.


And as I said to her it could be worse, imagine catching public transport in this city......tinned sardines spring to mind.


  1. Good for her! I live in upstate, Ny, but would never live downstate. I'd be eatten alive!

  2. LOL, way to go Jordan! Public transport is the pits in big cities but living in Japan would be way worse. Can you imagine bieng pushed like that. It is a wonder people are not suffocated. Great if you happened to be a pick pocket though I daresay.

  3. Oh I hope everyone watched the clip. I would be afraid of not being able to breathe. Your daughter is right about someone getting hurt, of course she not at the Chinese station.

    Maybe being that tight you would not need to worry about pick pockets because nobody can move their arms.

    Men don't typically get as worried about someone grabbing them but that situation would even bother me. Hope everyone showered.

    Lastly WTF can't they buy a few more train cars??

  4. Hehe. Loved her response that she always got a seat - you go Girl!

  5. This post reminded me of a poem I once wrote.. will have to see if I can dig it up. Lol.

  6. @ Awake in Richester - yes I am sure its the same everywhere although this Japanese (dont think its China like the video claims) is something else again.

    @ Sarah - yes makes London transport look too easy.

    @ Lisleman - I know, imagine the injuries. Not for me but I guess when you are used to it and such big crowds it becomes normal in some way. forget the safety aspects of course. Yes it would be problematic if the person next to you at a B.O. problem.

    @ Aleta, you must find the poem, that would be great. Did you see Ugich's poem below in the previous post? You are both so very clever.

  7. I used to take the L train when I wanted to go downtown Chicago. Nothing like the video. There were a lot of people during rush hour all moving in one direction. thanksfully I moved that way too!
    Glad to be at your blog again Lilly, missed you!

  8. Yes indeed - when in Rome (or wherever). Good for her! Like you say - quick learner.

  9. She's Mum's girl...haha.

    And that video is just too much...I am drying tears of laughter right

  10. @ Peggy, aw thanks.

    @ Af1blog - sad we have to do it, but I wouldnt mess with her, lol

    @ Fida - OMG you are back. Checked out your website but couldnt leave a comment!!!

  11. Your daughter is not in China, fighting her way in like those in the video, is she? My, oh my! That is some scene, eh? Like you said, packed like sardines.

    Oh, Lily. I missed you so much, dear friend. It's good to hear from you again.

    Good day,

  12. Hi Tasha, so glad to see you, will email you soon!

  13. Lilly,

    The situation in Melbourne is probably like a peaceful holiday compared to Mumbai. Anytime Jordan wants specialised training in "innovative entries into public transport", as such , I will be most delighted to give free classes in Mumbai. Umbrellas recommended.

  14. No problem Lilly - I still have my blog too ;)

  15. Oh My Lordy....! That is the scariest Video I have ever seen....! I wouldn't travel that way for all the Tea In China....(lol)
    Seriously....that gave me claustraphobia....! How can anyone breath in there....OY VEY!

  16. That's another reason to buy shoes :-)

    Love this Lilly. That video is insane!


  17. @ Ugich - I would trust my daughter under your tuition, lol. I must tell her to purchase a few umbrellas. Melbourne's weather is very chaotic at the best of times so an umbrella is always handy.

    @ Naomi - it is rather isnt it? You wouldnt want to be claustrophobic would you?

    @ Joanna - Um she doesnt need many excuses really She could run a marathon in her skyscrapers I think. And yes, the video is really insane.

  18. Lilly,

    Umbrellas , not on account of weather, but as a weapon of mass entry into public transport :-))

  19. The odd thing is that another train could have arrived in the time it took them 'commuter-compressing'


  20. @ Ugich - multipurpose tool!!!

    @ Soul Merlin - commuter compressing, love it. Perhaps its one way of solving the world's obesity problem, squash them. People would be way taller but what the heck, lol!!

  21. Once again, your compliments overwhelm me ~ thank you! I am so glad the days of mass transit are far behind me. Hat's off to that lovely daughter of yours.

    Food For Thought was one of my most favorite posts ever!

  22. OMG... I kept waiting for the guards or rail workers to start pulling people back... but then they started to help push people in!! I would just hate that... I'd be the woman running away at the end :)

    No need to worry about your daughter's survival skills, now is there?

  23. I lived in China for three years. Even getting on the buses was a harrowing experience!

  24. Holey Moley, that is unbelievable. I was scared that it was Japan for a minute there because we're going and we'll be carrying lots of luggage with us. Yikes!

  25. I was going to comment about your daughter, but after watching that video, every other thought flew out of my mind! Are they kidding?! Does the train stop at the next station and a few dead bodies topple out?!

  26. Uh oh Kay I think it is Japan and not China as the video indicates.....

  27. Thank you for all the great posts from last year! I look forward to reading your blog, because they are always full of information that I can put to use. Thank you again, and God bless you in 2010.


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