Monday 22 February 2010

This and That

I'm blogging this! And I'm blogging that! And that! And, oh wait, yeah, definitely that too! And this! And yeah that! And this as well! Yeah, and that! And this! And that, and that, and that! Oh yes, and that too!

Oh sorry, did you say something? Oh Cool. Have you blogged it yet?

Am I alone here? So much blog talk, so few blog posts........

PS Message to my Daughter ....... All men are created equal so you may as well go with the one with the cash...I'm just sayin......


  1. I blog this, I blog that but I can only blog when I am in the mood and what I am in the mood for.

  2. A message to your daughter from me - Damn right!!! Listen to your mother!

  3. Yup! Aspirations are easy, writing is hard. (at least for a dimwit like me)


  4. Hi Lilly, message to daughter is intriguing.

  5. I have so many blog posts running rampant in my head, but by the time I get to the computer, they are just G*O*N*E! lol

    I need you to have one of those short and sweet conversations with MY daughters too, okay? they just don't listen to me, but i need to secure myself a good nursing home later on, and Lordy knows that I'M not saving for it! Get the cash girls! lol

  6. Ha ha, so true! Both in wanting to blog and not quite getting there and in your words to your daughter!

  7. I blogged a long post about that over the weekend, if that helps? Lol

  8. Wise advice for your daughter :-)

    I have so many blog posts in my head that I need a vacation-- We're leaving Wednesday. I'll be back next week.

    Hope all's well with you.

  9. I have an award for you. You can pick it up here.

  10. Glad I stopped by today, dear Lilly...I hope all is good with you. I miss you when you don't post, and I miss your visits, too. Just hoping that you are wonderfully busy with all good things.

  11. The PS for your daughter is nice. This and That is good!

  12. Less talking and more writing Lilly!!

  13. I know what you mean girl!I was also a bit MIA lately...but I am now back too :)

  14. Looking forward to your posts... when you start writing again :) Take care of you and yours, Lilly.

  15. I read your post on this and I read your post on that. What I'd really like to know, though, is what happened to the post on the other? Just curious... *grin*

  16. YOLA LILLY!!!!

    ::: copying link & forwarding to both my daughters :::

  17. Hello dear Lilly. How are you today?

    I swear I'm done with blogging - and then the next day I HAVE to say something, and the next.
    Sheesh. I need Bloggers Anonymous:)

    Cyber hugs to you, and hope that all is going well!

  18. I'm back to bloggin again and had to stop by. I'll try to come up with something to post, too.

  19. My Mom used to always say, "Somebody's got to love the rich man, too." Unfortunately, neither of her daughters listened. Still we have good if broke men.

  20. You're always threatening to do that, but I think you'd do well just giving one liner advice like you just did :)))

  21. Ha ha! February seems to be a slow time for us blog writers!

  22. proof positive that you do read your comments and also an example of real life postponing blog time. You see, I had some fun in the sun for a few days and blogland was not visited.

    Thanks for the short post but I bet I could beat it.
    Oh did you notice that your readers even enjoy a short post?

  23. Gotta be in the mood to blog. It's so cathartic though, how can you stay away!?

  24. Oh must remember that advice...good one.


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