Friday 29 January 2010

Oh the irony

I was driving along the road minding my own business this morning and suddenly noticed the roadway sign above. Mmm, that's unusual and to the point, I thought.

A short time later I came across another sign which said,


WTF? (No that bit wasn't on the sign, that was my reaction).

I would have taken a photo for you but I slowed down to read what it said (I still text in full sentences and punctuation so it wasn't clear to me) and someone nearly ran up the back of me.

So much for Road Safety signs ...........and the English language.........

I no kdz cant rite prply and this will hlp thm undstnd cos its in thr own lngg but what abt the rst of us. MoR l8r wen i gt it.

Tell me do you have road safety signs like this where you are or are we the only stupid ones making a mockery of the English language?


  1. Lilly, Abbreviated English hasnt yet reached our roads, but we have borders with Pakistan and China and the armed forces manage those roads, Their road signs are wonderful : Have a look at this...

  2. Hi Lilly. So good to see you back (Ihope you stay). No, I've not seen that before, but I suppose it makes sense on one (relatively moronic) level.

    However, as you probably know, in Wales almost all signs are in both English and Welsh. But that's just them making a point I guess, since I've never heard of anyone from Wales who didn't speak their version of English fluently.

    However, the effect is the same - you're so busy staring at the sign and thinking, "WTF does THAT say?" that you run straight up the ass of the truck in front.

    PS: Are you staying? Please, please, darlin' - don't leave me again G ;)

  3. @ Ugich - ha ha now those are hilarious signs - and they could cause accidents because you wouldnt see the traffic for laughing, thanks!

    @ AF - Oh my never knew that about Welsh signs but don't they also have a town with the longest name of any in the world? Am I staying George? Well I am thinking about See what the next few weeks bring.

  4. Lol! Well, the second road sign was obviously targetting the 16-21 year olds who probably even write their exams using that language. I'm like you and still use proper spellings...except if I want to cram a lot in a text...then I may use 'u' or 'thanx'. But you're right in how we would probably slow down for this! :p

    It's good to see you back and hope you don't go on a long break again... :)

  5. Oh, I love these signs! A modern way of helping even young drivers realize that driving too close can be dangerous!

  6. @ Lilly: Yes, that's the one - Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch, which apparently translates as... "The church of St. Mary in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave"

    However, it seems there is also one nearer to you - Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, which means "The place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed and swallowed mountains, known as 'landeater,' played his flute to his loved one" in Maori. However, according to "A Web Of Linguistic Fun claims that Bangkok in Thai is this - Krungthepmahanakonbowornratanakosinmahintarayudyayamahadiloponoparatanarajthaniburiromudomrajniwesmahasatarnamornpimarnavatarsatitsakattiyavisanukamphrasit, which is more or less a history of the whole goddamn place.

    You really wanted to know that, didn't you? lol

  7. @ Lilly: Sorry, Blogger software doesn't seem able to cope with words that long - still, you get the picture no doubt...

  8. Oh, that is hilarious!!! I can definitely see that causing more accidents than the actual texting would!!! lol

  9. Minnesota has not joined the ranks of those desecrating the English language, but some of those other states look a little suspicious to me...



  10. I text in full sentences and punctuation too. But not when I am driving.

  11. lol! I have not seen any road signs like that before. They look a tad rude. I would think that people would have an accident just from the surprise of seeing such a sign.

  12. yes, times are changing, I guess they are trying to be as direct as possible!

  13. I've never seen anything like that; it took me a moment to work it out.

  14. texting and driving is becoming a problem - I find it somewhat unbelievable but just because people know how to start a car doesn't mean they know start their brains.

    I posted about texting and driving while you were offline probably so if you're interested -
    distracted minds


  15. Lilly,
    We don't have them here. Too many people don;t drive safely. Texting or being on your cell phone is a hazard in a car. Nobody is SO important it can't wait until you get home. People managed 30 years ago without them, we should do so today.

  16. Never seen those, but here in Myrtle Beach, there are all this new HD billboards that change every 2 or 3 seconds. One minute there's a shark jumping out at you and the next, a pizza. Nothing stays up for long enough and I find them to be quite the hazard.

  17. Unfortunately, billboards are too expensive in Los Angeles for public service announcements-- in any language.

    Our streets are littered with great big billboards plastered with gorgeous pictures of George Clooney (Up In the Air) and Louis Vuitton and The Gap.

    I don't mind George but I could do without the rest.

    So glad to see you back Lilly! Have a great weekend.

  18. Well reading that no texting sign is enough to set your brain on a collision with a parallel universe!

    I has been Over (under) done :)

  19. Oh my I bet the level of traffic accidents increases.

  20. Hi Lilly! I like your blog and your sarcasm. I also like to discover that you got a sense of humor. If you like travelling I invite you to visit my travelling blog which is in English and in Greek. Kind regards, Philip

  21. Hmmm... I haven't seen any lately. I have seen signs lately that say, "Ainokea." I wondered what it meant... a Hawaiian name? Turned out it said "I don't care" in pigin. Sheesh!

  22. I always smile when I read the 'Thank You for Driving Carefully' sign as you leave Dalkeith - almost as if there should be a sub-text 'Now you can drive like a madman...'

  23. Oh Lilly, honey, I live in India, and you ask about making a mockery of the English language??!!!

    So good to see you back :)))

  24. You may well be the only ones with signs like these! I have a cell of course ... but don't even have the texting feature! How's that for old fashioned? It is against the law in Oregon to be driving and talking/texting. Though in the politicians' infinite wisdom? You can dial a call and hang up a call while driving ??????

  25. Haven't seen any anti texting signs or the like but have seen quite a few roadside notices outside premises advertising "Burning Logs for sale " and "Mushrooms drive in " also several lorries announcing "Driving Ponies "

  26. Very funny! I have not seen these signs, but we could use them in the US.

  27. Now that made me smile. Which might not be a good thing if I was meant to be paying attention on the road...

  28. Oprah Winfrey has a crusade going on about NO TEXTING WJILE DRIVING. She has done at least one program on it--with people who have lost ones to someone Texting, OR because they were texting themselves. It's a terrific crusade.

    I don't drive anymore and I don't use a cwll phone because I have no need---PLUS, reception here in the hills, stinks! But, I think it is truly terrible that people do this while driving, and it is almost like a code, the way the kids leave out vowels and stuff....OY!

  29. Hehe. I loved the first sign, but the second was a riot. Nope, never seen signs like that around here. People would get a kick out of them though! I don't abbreviate when I text, but then again, I don't text much either!


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