Wednesday 29 July 2009

Maybe there's something in the water!

G'day Erin and Taylor

I have a question.

What do they put in the water in London?

When you left Australia ten years ago you looked like this.

What the hell happened to you - now you apparently look like this.

I guess ten years can really change a person.

I suppose I better warn you.

When you left here ten years ago I looked really, really, really hot.

OK, you may not remember. You were only young.

Unfortunately, Australia has been in drought and short of water ever since.

So here goes, just so there's no surprises, stunned silences or awkward giggles, OK?

Can't wait to see you, your Mum and Dad, baby sister Caitlyn and eventually big brother Ethan when he decides to come back for a visit. I'm getting all my best Aussie slang dusted off ready to teach you girls some 'proper English'.

Enjoy New York and LA on the way home!!


One very excited Aunty who happens to also be one very recalcitrant blogger (I've been sought of tied up with Interpol this month, truly. Even the BlogHer ad and my Blogroll disappeared given my sblogness, oops!)


  1. Oops sorry, I have been away from blogging so long even the comments were switched off.

  2. Do you have any idea how happy I am to see you here?
    I came over to your sight to find my favorite video and you had just posted this. Try as I might to find the comments, there was NO button.

    Thank you for turning it on so I could tell you how much I have missed you and love you dearly!


  3. LOL, welcome back. I do love the picture. I wonder do you have a class of people in Australia like our "redneck's"? That picture would fit right in.

    BTW, I'm back!

  4. Lilly, Good God girl, get out of that sun...and get some StriVectin pronto.

    You may have been gone but you sure weren't forgotten..I was so happy to see a new post from you!

    Look forward to seeing you back around again! Stop by!

    Peace -Rene

  5. I'm sure you have a couple more teeth than the woman in that picture.

  6. Hi Lilly, Welcome back!!!!!

    But you weren't away long enough to look like the pic :-))))

    Your nieces are as gorgeous as you!


  7. Um yeah, but if they come back thinking I look like that, when they see me they will surprised, he he. Where does the time go - they look like they are going on 25 which means I look like I am ....close to death.

  8. Lilly, nice to see you back. I hope you caught some really big fish.

  9. Lilly, welcome back, we missed you. Hope you are renewed. Lovely nieces you have, and yes, 10 years makes such a difference with kids...but seems to go by so fast for us.

  10. Woo!!! Lilly's back :D I have missed your super fabulous posts!!

    Sounds like you had a lovely break visiting family. Blog-vacation is a good thing! We all gotta take a break sometimes.

    So good to see you here again!

  11. Welcome back! Whats the story with interpol???? You know you can't drop a little something like that and just act if you did not mention anything.

    Love that hot girl in the last pic,... can I have her number?

  12. Glad to have you back, Lilly! The girls are adorable!

  13. Lilly I was a bit worried you had left us for quite some time..:-(

    But here you are large as life and looking I must say a little worse for wear!!!

    BTW I have connections with Interpol if they don't stop bothering you. Sounds like we are in for a treat in the next few weeks reading your instalments in the "day in the life of Lilly just an ordinary Aussie lass caught up in a tangled web of intrigue".

    From one very, very happy friend who cares a great deal for you.

    Big hugs

  14. Hey Lilly I drink London water and it isn't working for me!! And it seems you need a bit more R&R by the looks of those bags under you eyes. Nice to see you back blogging.

  15. That must have been one kickin drought. The girls were lovely then, and even more lovely now.
    Do put a little face cream on before they come. ~Mary

  16. The power of H2O, lol!!!

  17. And welcome home to you too, my friend!! You're looking fabulous! That break did you some good! lol

  18. Yay! Lilly's back! Gorgeous nieces take after their gorgeous aunt. Hope you'll be blogging more often.;-)

  19. see what happens when you stop blogging,,,you get old REAL fast. Dang Lily, you do look rough lol

    Beautiful girls there.

  20. Alrighty then, now that the cat is out of the bag, I can see that I will have to post a photo of my true self. It's a similar version of this photo except the hair is dark brown. It's good the hag is out of the bag so to speak because I was beginning to wonder what I would do when I went on book tour. I mean, one can only hide these things for so long....even on the internet.

    Oh? You thought all those pictures of me on my site were REALLY me. I know it's hard to swallow, Lilly, but you'll get used to me. Maybe this Halloween I'll post a photo of what I REALLY look like.

    Now that you are coming out of the to speak...I guess I can too. Us women have to be proud of who we are, stand up for ourselves and just let our true "inner" beauty shine. Not let commericialism, media and movie star images deter us from our true selves. Just like you are in this photo of You encourage women the world over to be who they really are. I mean if I squint really hard I CAN see your...ah...your ah...

    Well, what I mean is people should love us for who we are 'inside', not just our looks. Right? And those who TRULY love us will ONLY see beauty anyway. Right? I looked at this picture of you and saw only...ah...well...I saw....

    She's not American is she? I mean this MUST be an Australian trait or something. Right? It MUST be inherent in YOUR family....only. Right?? I mean there's no chance that with age I will...uh I will end

    Alrighty then, you take care...and might want to ring the dentist....uh just a thought.

    You go girl!

    Sending you tons of love my special friend who has been with me for a long time. I hope all is well in your life Lilly. Glad to hear you are taking a bit of a break...judging by this, well you just take care of yourself. And give that dentist a ring.

    You might consider purchasing a humidifier....just a thought...nothing more....I've heard they are good for..ah...the HAIR, yes! That's it. They are REALLY good for the hair.

    Love you,
    ((((((HUGS))))))) :)

  21. You are so funny. Cute nieces. Funny how they grow up in a snap, huh? I've missed you! Did you enjoy your blogging break?

  22. I had to laugh at the last photo, I am sure she is a very nice lady. I did not see any fish pictures, after all you said gone fishing. Liked your post, hope you have a great week, take care friend. One more thing, hope you did get a lot of rest, welcome back.

  23. Hey, funny lady! Great to see you back! I've missed you and your wacky sense of humor which I can relate to so well since I'm pretty wacky, too!
    Do try to stay out of the sun, girl! Yes, hope you got some rest and feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the blogging world again!
    Have a great day!

  24. I think your nieces look like.. er.. teenagers!

    Hope you find your teeth soon - and your blogroll!

  25. Lilly! I missed you! Welcome back :) Wow, look at those gorgeous kiddos and won't you be having a blast! So happy to have you back again!

  26. where did you get my picture from?

  27. I have missed you.. and for this very reason :-)) always make me smile or laugh! Good to see you

  28. Welcome back Lilly, you have been missed. Those nieces look like they could be your own daughters. Have you booked your face lift or ordered a big jar of La Mer (is that the right name for that expensive 'wonder' cream?)

  29. Good to have you back, Lilly. I've missed your giggles :)

  30. Hey Rowe, I think that face may need more than wonder cream - teeth might be a good start but she does have nice eyes though.

  31. She's baaaacccckkkk!!! Yippee!

  32. seriously, Lily... looks like you coul use a good long nap... and like they already said, TEETH... ;)

  33. Oh well, they do say that us Aussies are all tanned and blonde and down to earth...although I'm sure they didn't mean our facial features. Now that's a picture they should put on our tourism ads.

  34. LOL @ Esther, too funny!!!

  35. Welcome back! Hope your 'break' (why do I have a feeling you were still working/busy, even if not blogging?) was at least partially restful :)

    What beautiful young women in your family!

    Cheers and take care.

  36. Wow! The drought has done wonders for you! ;) Congrats on getting family back in Austrailia! How exciting! Do they get to stay for good?

  37. HEY! How did you get the photo of me?

  38. That picture is hilarious!
    I hope you didn't scare your nieces - ha ha.

    Funny stuff!

  39. Glad to see you back! But, seriously, get a facial before the girls arrive....

  40. Mum, you've let yourself go...I'm shocked.

  41. The Australian climate does terrible things to our complexions, doesn't it! ;)

    Good to see you back!!!

  42. Be carefull your nieces may take one look at that photo and decide to stay in the US. I will be apply my sunblock a little more thickly tomorrow...

  43. Glad to see you back Lily - life's not been the same without you!

  44. Welcome Back Lilly :)

  45. You really need to get some moisturizer.

    Well back, my friend!

    your nieces are lovely!

  46. It's a big world out there Lilly and sometimes (if we don't take care) blogging can take over just a bit too much. Good for you for indulging in a bit of balance my girl.
    June also in Oz

  47. Thanks for your comments everyone I will be around to visit you all over the weekend.

  48. You mean it isn't you? Thank goodness, you had me going for a moment.


    ps good to see you back :)

  49. No I cheated Henry but some days I feel just like that and some mornings I look just like that. I dont know I kin dof like character in faces really. But I will be doing all I can to keep my own teeth though. I like food to much to deny myself that pleasure.

  50. Hi Lily:) i think the photos are both sweet (except for the last one, hehehe) your family have very beautiful genes!

  51. LOL, LOL....GREAT Picture, my dear. Thise girls are BEAUTIFUL!
    I hope they all enjoyed their time in Los Angeles, I wish I could have met them! I know you cannot wait to be reunited with your dear family!
    WELCOME BACK, My Dear!

  52. @ Rachel and Naomi, thanks ladies and I wish the girls could have visted the pair of you on the way back home here!

  53. Hey Lilly, so good to see you are back. I was missing you since I returned here.
    Your neices are beauties. Is Australia full of such beautiful people ? It seems so.

    The last shot is too good.


Thanks for your comments.