Friday 2 January 2009

Overheard during the Festive Season

.Shedding light on the dark times is a lost art.

So, we have to really listen for the work of true artists that are all around us.

The ones that make us smile even when they don't even know they are.

That's why I love reading the conversations reported on Overheard in New York.

Except you don't really have to go any further than your family and friends to have a laugh.

And like all good bloggers, I was taking notes over the festive season.

Of conversations.

Like these ones.

Mum: Did you know that the biggest killer of woman is now lung cancer?
Dad: And do you know what the biggest killer of men is?
Long pause....while people guess.Dad: It’s Women....
Friend: I finally read your blog. Its funny.
Me: Thanks, glad you like it.
Friend: Yes, I think you could describe it as a work of friction as opposed fiction, because I didn’t stop giggling and it made me spill my coffee.

We were all discussing how we came to name our children.
Mum: Your Aunty didn’t name your cousin for ages because she and your Uncle couldn’t agree on a name. Poor kid. Finally, along came St Francis Day and they both loved the name so much that they finally named him.
Me: There's only one problem with that story Mum........... his name is Martin....
Brother: Come and help with the dishes.
Nephew: Can't I do it later?
Brother: No, it needs to be done now.
Nephew: But they say hard work only pays off in the future. Whereas laziness pays off now..
Brother: I can't put his response in print...

Dad: Coughing uncontrollably.
Oh dear (very seriously), my New Year resolution was not to die. It looks like I may be breaking it already and I’m only half way through New Years Day.

May you smile for a large part of 2009. It's one of the few things left which costs so little but can last a lifetime.......if we really want it to that is.


  1. 'Work of friction' and so it is Lilly. I agree we all need to luagh long and hard through 2009. As our economies go into meltdown its a better alternative than slitting our wrists or turning to alcohol (oh wait, its too late for the latter). It's often the simple things that keep us laughing the most. I think you may have inherited your sense of humor from your Dad. I have never heard anyone who had that same kind of New Year resolution but he is a practical kind of guy I can tell. LOL

  2. Do you remember all these conversations or write them down right away?
    Really funny! I´ll have to do this sometime!

  3. You are entirely too observant, my friend... I feel so very inferior right now... LOL!

    I think your writing in insightful and poignant... and down right wonderful.

    Thank you for finding me in 2008, and I look forward to 2009 with you!

  4. Let's agree to laughing a lot this year, great idea, as your dad knows. The interesting art goes so well with this post too.

  5. Smiling helps a lot, and laughter is a necessity in my life. Happy New Year, Lilly!

  6. Happy New Year Lilly!!
    loved the relationship laws... :D
    I enjoyed reading your NY resolutions..haha...
    know how you feel about the fitness...
    started yesterday and did my first 10 minutes on the stepper (15 today)...
    and boy was it hard!!!

  7. I love work of friction. You do have a fabulous blog!

  8. Lilly – loved these two best (lots of giggles):

    Mum: Did you know that the biggest killer of woman is now lung cancer?
    Dad: And do you know what the biggest killer of men is? Long pause....while people guess.
    Dad: It’s Women....

    Dad: Coughing uncontrollably.
    Oh dear (very seriously), my New Year resolution was not to die. It looks like I may be breaking it already and I’m only half way through New Years Day.

    p.s. Thanks for reminding me of the importance of 'jottings/note-taking/ journaling' (whatever you want to call it)... amazing how much great material is out there... when you are observing the world around with a ‘keen eye’. Hmmmmm... perhaps, that could be my aspiration for this year (as I don’t do New Year’s resolutions) ‘More Jottings’ (lol)!!!

    p.s.s. Oh, I'm sure there'll be plenty of laughter this year for all those who connect (stay connected) to your blog! Thanks!

  9. Oh, I can so relate to your sister!!!

    And I love that it was the brother and the nephew doing (or attempting to do) the dishes! Can your family adopt me? I'm so sick of serving up the dinner, the men first in line, and then cleaning up while they undo their pants and fart, belch and nap.


  10. Lilly,thank you for my first bloggy chuckle in 2009!

    Random conversations make the best blog fodder.

    Me: We are all going to make some kind of change in our lives this year.

    Daughter: Don't touch my piggybank!

    You are right.It's all around us, Lilly, just stop and listen.

    Peace - Rene

  11. LOL that's great stuff! I want to hang out with your family!

  12. Your posts are always the BOMB! Your dad is awesome...

    Laughing is a gift..I do think I have that one..i love laughing. When you think about it--there are so many funny things in ones day to make you smile.

  13. I love a guy who makes a resolution not to die! That had me laughing out loud...thanks usual!!

  14. I'm gonna steal that New Year's resolution and use it for mine. If I don't die this year, it would be the first New Years resolution I have actually kept!

  15. Love the one about Dad making it through New Year's Day!

  16. Ahhh, now I understand... gigl!

  17. The most important thing any of us can learn is how to laugh, frequently and hard. We need to look for the humor, honor it, raise it up because it is what rescues us from the politicians, the economy, the general meltdowns everywhere. You said it beautifully as you always do. Thanks, Lilly, for always bringing a smile, a good thought. Happy New Year!

  18. Hi from SITS, have a wonderful New Year :)

  19. hee hee hee still laughing - thanks hon - have a great 2009 - hugs le

  20. That was hysterical! (His name is Martin!!0

    WHew. I LOVE to laugh in the morning. THanks, Lily!

    Happy New Year!!

  21. Thank you for sharing your overheard conversations!! I'm going to have to become more observant around here too....

  22. Brilliant

    This is a conversation my mum and dad had over Christmas.

    Did you hear about that car accident?
    A car ran into a truck, the female driver was decapitated.

    Is she dead?

  23. I just love listening in on other people's conversations. I try not to think of it as eavesdropping as that implies that I'm doing it will a certain gleeful malice.
    No malice. Just glee.
    Happy New Year, Lilly!

  24. ok, loved the first convo. Women being the #1 killer of men. That hit the funny bone today.

  25. When I got wed 26 years ago I told the fella who would be my best man we would be wearing the kilt.

    'What's the tartan?' he asked.

    'Oh she'll be wearing a dress...'

    (needs to be told with a Scots accent!)

  26. Hi Lilly,
    Thanks for a year of wonderfully inspiring,encouraging,scintillating warm hearted, amusing blogs and comments !You're the tops !
    Your dad's not bad either.Love to him. When are you going to let him be a guest again ?

  27. Des is hilarious and I really like the Martin one too - funny and something that I would say as well. Keep laughing and making us smile too.

  28. Lilly,
    Those were cute - you made me smile on the New Year :)
    Thank you for coming to visit my blog and leaving the nice comment !

  29. I think laughing and smiling are contagious and we should all do more of both. Hugs are good, too, and I'm leaving one for you!

  30. Oh this is funny stuff, Lilliness! And it's all 'real stuff', too! I love your sense of humor! I want to thank you so much for your prayers and concerns for my Mother. I know she's going to get better! She can remember alot of what she was seeing in her mind too! We will laugh about this one day!
    BE a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. Here from SITS..Happy New Year

  32. I think you are right, we don't have to go any further than family to have a good laugh, nice post.

  33. Absolutely adorable, this post, Lilly. Real stories are always funnier than made up ones, anyway. (I just sat down with a fresh cup of coffee as I started reading your post - good thing I had just sat it down!)

    Hey, maybe next time you go visit your family you could take one of those mini tape recorders to record these conversations. Then you could upload them to your blog and we could hear them ourselves. Of course, your family would probably never forgive you!!

  34. This is so funny! Great idea, too. I'll have to start taking notes at family gatherings . . .

  35. Hi Lilly! It's Carmen from "the club". ha ha

    I love your blog! You have to come out to Vegas to visit me and Vegas Linda Lou. How fun would that be?!!

  36. A lovely piece, Lilly.
    And you summed it up with wise words.

  37. You do spread light in dark times Lilly - I would spend an eternity with you at the bottom of a cave.

    laughter is the music of heaven


  38. You are a brave woman...reporting family holiday conversations! Ha!
    Happy New Year, Lilly!
    I have so appreciated your support for me and my writing this past year.
    Your thoughtfulness abounds - my your new year be blessed abundantly.

  39. @ Sarah - thanks sweetie for your comments always - when are you starting your own blog?

    @ Betty - I carry a camera and a journal with me at all times now. Even when I hear something on TV or at a store or whatever I jot them down. Invariably by the time I go to look at them again they don't make much sense.

    @ Saundra - oh how sweet are you - I am glad I found your blog too!!

    @ Christine - I agree and thanks for being so supportive in 08.

    @ Gran - well I am so glad that I found your blog too - enjoy it so.

    @ Kim - good luck with the exercising, its always tough but we just have to keep trying!!

    @ The Blonde Duck - why thank you I appreciate that!

  40. OMG! Hilarious!

  41. I'm going to have to try that some day. We have some of the strangest conversations at our family gatherings. Much of it comes from the different careers involved.

    Keep the laughs coming, and be sure to get some for yourself.


Thanks for your comments.