Wednesday 17 December 2008

Don't judge a book by its cover

unless you happen to be buying one, that is.

book club
I rarely go into book stores knowing what I’m looking for.

I usually buy books based on their cover.

And I’m rarely disappointed.

Except for one time. I was ten years old.

The book was called My Darling, My Hamburger.

It was junk food alright.

Here's the book description from Amazon - apparently it's still available.
As senior year rolls around, two unlikely couples find themselves caught between desire and the fear of intimacy. Liz and Sean, misunderstood by their parents, confused but certain they are in love, have an affair that ends shatteringly. Maggie and Dennis, just as confused, take their first steps toward understanding the demands life makes on everyone. ....

You get the picture. It was a summer of discovery. And a period of alarm for my mother when she caught me reading it.

Strangely, I can't remember the cover at all....just the contents.

So here are my tips for choosing a book by its cover.

You have to let the book covers do the talking.

Once I would have chosen a book based solely on the colour of its cover.

Now that I am mature and more worldly, there are a few other elements that I look for.

First, the cover artwork can tell you a lot about the contents. Any images of bare chested Fabio characters or pouting, adoring, helpless females always indicates I am in the wrong section. Romance.

Then there are the images that are used over and over again. A smoking gun equates to a murder mystery. An empty bed with rumpled sheets usually means a literary novel with lots of sex. A smoking gun and an empty bed.... well you best email me if you want help understanding that one. Naked women adorn lots of books for lots of reasons. It could spell sexist rubbish or not. It's a tough call sometimes. If there’s a painting from an earlier era, it’s either a classic or an historic novel. If the date of publication and the year the novel are set more than 100 years apart, put it down and walk away. Historical novels are rarely done well. You need to know the author.

Some images which you should avoid are happy families (miserable looking families are perfect), birds, reptiles and angels. You should be okay with most animals especially fish and cows. Although I personally always avoid horses. If there are high heels and lipstick on the cover, its chick lit. These books always look the same. Pink is invariably a feature.

The best images to watch out for are shadowy male figures or beaches. Don’t ask me why. Or any images of Richard or George ...oops sorry, that’s the cover of my autobiography.

Second, another element to check is the font used for the book title and author. A flowery over the top font means either historical fiction or a romance. A clean, sharp font with a minimalist cover is usually trendy fiction. If the font used for the author is much larger than the title of the book, it’s probably written by someone who writes the same book over and over again well known, such as Grisham, Clancy, White, Keneally, le Carre and King. This just means that all you need to know is the author’s name because you sure as hell aren't going to get anything new and different. Just more of the same.

Third, look at the book description (more commonly known as the marketing spiel). The words used don’t always mean what they say. For example, twenty-something means annoying character who frets about her looks, men and clothes, over the hill means sexy, gorgeous, got it all together, (ok, well maybe I am making this bit up because I'm still recovering from my cosmetic buying episode), frothy means insubstantial, cappuccino making instructions or Lilly's blog, saga or epic means boring, too long and not edited properly or an indication that Baz Luhrmann is now writing novels, hilarious means you may laugh at least once but usually only once and dazzling – means nothing, nothing at all because it's a filler word used in every book description.

I am personally drawn to books with words like "magic", "makeover", "karma", “delicious,” “sexy,” “true life”, “devious”, "adventure", "passionate"........

Finally, we get to the author’s photo. Now I realise it shouldn’t really matter should it? However, while I believe it’s the least important element, the photo must match the overall book concept. If the book is a racy chick lit and you turn the book over and see a 100 year old author standing in a field of pansies in her gumboots with a cat in her arms then I would put the book down. A bit of leopard skin and red lipstick never hurt anyone, no matter how old you are. Then again, I prefer no photo at all because it's good to leave something to the imagination, right?

Anyway, the real reason I mention books is because I’m writing one. Yes, it’s true. I have been pushed and cajoled to do so. I know thousands of manuscripts sit on dusty shelves but hey why not? I'm writing a book about a particular dark time in my life that wasn’t at all funny. It's called Black Magic. And you can rest assured that I've already developed the cover concept. There is no Fabio, smoking guns, witches, rabbits, card tricks or even a Criss Angel to be seen. However, there are most definitely some shadowy male figures, lots of illusions and many slight of hand tricks. It's dark and it's autobiographical. And so unlike Lilly.

I've been inspired over my first year of blogging by many passionate writers. I would like to recommend some of them to you (there are lots as we know) but these are the ones I've been following for a while (they are in no order). I'm sorry I didn't have time to show you their cover art. Perhaps next time.
Ugich Konitari - Gappa
Robin Easton - Naked in Eden Blog
Matt - Matt-Speak
Soul Merlin - Almanack (he has a few blogs that are all great reading)
Judi Moran - Zany Life + Crazy Faith
Christopher Williams - Christopher Williams Blog (again a few blogs including his novel and short stories- all great to read)Jon - the Ups, Downs and Sometimes Insane World of Freelance Writing
Eric - Ruminations of a Small Town Mountain Boy
Tasha - The Big Novel
June - Journeys in Creative Writing
Sylvia - Chasing Ashes

Tell me, what are you currently reading and/or what is the one book that you have been most affected by?

Oh...... and the winner of the last giveaway is Trish from the My Little Drummer Boys. Congratulations Trish, a mysterious parcel will be on its way to you soon.


  1. It's exciting that you're writing a book!! Can't wait.

    Anyway, in response to your questions at the end: I'm currently reading 'A Suitable Boy' by Vikram Seth. I'm half-way through and while it hasn't been breathtaking, it's not bad.

    But a book I loved has got to be 'My Sister's Keeper' by Jodi Picoult. I highly recommend that book to everyone who loves reading. :)

  2. Great post and funny and true! Always enjoy your take on things because you have a delightfully wicked sense of humor! And thanks, too, for the mention! which reminds me, it's time to post the next chapters! I'm looking forward to reading yours!!

  3. I laughed at your struck out bits :) How true! And I loved your notes on how to with content and cover. I'll be passing that onto my agent for sure :)))

    You're writing a book? You go girl, and good luck with it...

    As far as books go I'm a cover magnet...if it doesn't have a good cover, I'll never see the inside of it. I loved Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil, and it's still a favorite; Love in the Time of Cholera (although admittedly the cover wasn't that good so that just goes to show I'm really easily swayed, doesn't it?) And so many others but I'll leave it there....

  4. I'm reading E.M. Forster's Mapp and Lucia series again. There are six books, and I have also watched the DVD series several times, and listened to the audio book of the first book.

    It's an amusing look at the social mores of an English village from back around the 1930s.

  5. How cool that you're writing a book! I wish I could do stuff like that, but I'd admire people who do.

    I'm currently reading 2 books.

    Two For The Dough by Janet Evanovich. It's kept in my bed for reading at bedtime. Funny stuff!

    Eat Cake by Jeanne Ray.
    This one stays in my car for whenever I'm away from home and have time on my hands to read. Also amusing stuff!

  6. Keep us posted about your book! I never knew a cover could mean so much! Thanks for sharing. I just bought 'Can any mother help me', about that correspondence magazine recommended by Barbara Blundell. Now, I don't know when I'll actually finish it though!

  7. I have given in and am going to read the Twilight series. Or at least the first book and see if I love it as much as everyone else. Recently read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and it was amazingly powerful. Also read The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold- very good read.

    I read almost constantly so it is hard to choose a book of influence. But I have 4 books that left a strong impression from my childhood.

    I might need to pick up this topic on my own blog as this could be seriously long.

    So I'll just say that the book that I most adored as a child was Black Beauty- I read it 20 or so times.

  8. I am howling. Do you hear me? H..O..W..L..I..N..G!! (did I spell that right?)

    I peed my pants when I got to: "If the book is a racy chick lit and you turn the book over and see a 100 year old author standing in a field of pansies in her gumboots with her cat in her arms then I would put the book down."

    OMG, you nothing I'VE ever known.

    So you asked what are we reading now? Are you sure you want my answer??? All right, if you say so. Are you sitting down? Are you? Okay, I am reading...(oh no, I can't do this)...okay, okay. Are you still sitting? Okay here goes. I am reading...oh sugar...okay...I am reading NANCY DREW mysteries before bed!!!


    I cross my heart and kid you not. See, I work hard all day long, taxing my pea brain. I need something...ummm..totally empty!!! Where I know the characters, I know the plot and I know it will all end happy. Goodnight and sweet dreams. Hey, I'm tired. LOL!!! See, I have a VERY high IQ. The test said it was 140 (please be polite and don't ask me if it was one of those cheesy online IQ far as I'm concerned it was a TEST!! LOL!). So in light of my VERY high IQ, my brain functions at a high standard all day long. LOL!! So to baby it along, nurture it at night, I read kids books.

    Are you STILL with me? Lilly? Hey Lilly, snap out of it. Oh? Is that you passed out on the floor?? LOL!

    Alrighty then, that about covers it. ROFL!:) :)

    NOW to the REALLY exciting thing. You are writing a BOOK! I am soooooooooo glad to hear that you are writing about...well, you know. And Lilly my dear sister friend whom I love so much and hope to meet some day...I am moved to tears that you are bravely doing this. I could not be prouder of you if we were blood sister. I am dead serious about that. I feel so much love for you right now and always. You got balls girl!! know what I mean. :) :)

    Also, remember how I told you I'd love to do a humor site, well I don't have time to do another blog yet, BUT I did do my first somewhat wacky video. It's on my site right now. It's about a Christmas memory, while growing up. I badly needed some fun so I just propped the camera up and talked away, but mostly laughed. I think you will like it. If not like it, you will.....umm...I'm not sure what you will....LOL!! It's at:

    You can cut the link off this comment if you want. I'm not advertising my blog LOL! I just want you to see the vid. You don't even have to leave a comment. Just enjoy. Lots of love, Robin

  9. You need to make sure when you get published that we can get your book in Canada. :o)
    I am reading a book right now called "A Wolf at the Table" it is by my most favorite author Augusten Burroughs. He also wrote Running with Scissors and Selevision. His work is autobiographical and it makes you laugh and shake your head at the same time. I have lent my Running with Scissors book out numerous time and every time have asked for it back. Where as I have given other books away without a problem. But yours would be lender that I need back :o)

  10. Right now I'm reading the third book in the Nora Roberts 7 trilogy. I'm not a fan of these ones but will finish the set out of dedication to Nora Roberts.

    I read as many Jodi Picoult as I can get my hands on. But, to be honest, usually need a break in between because they're pretty heavy and almost always lost in some kind of legal battle, and I sleep through anything in a courtroom unless it's Law & Order on TV.

    Next will be the Twilight series. I didn't think I would get sucked in, and possibly haven't, but my kids want to see the movie, so I'm making them read the books first.

    Put me on the list for yours...

  11. Well I believe you will be a must read for me! How could I pass that up???... And oh it must be a signed copy :) (of course, LOL)

    I have known for a long time I like your style ... So I toast your success...And hope you keep us updated on your progress!

    PS, thanks for visiting my blog today... :)

  12. Congratulations on your decision to write a book!

    I'm currently reading "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead: The Dirty Life & Times of Warren Zevon," written by his ex-wife, Chrystal Zevon. A juicy read for anyone interested in the California singer-songwriter scene of the 70's.

  13. Whilst I would never want to admit that I am that shallow I would choose a book for its cover only, I am waiting for The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman to be released in the adult cover as I hate the "young reader" cover.

    That's right, I am waiting to read a book by one of my favourite authors, a book I have been counting down the days until it was released, simply because I don't like the current cover.

    There goes my self-imposed status as a literary snob.

  14. Lilly-

    I am so proud of you. I can tell by the sound of it all it is going to be one I want to read. REAL, Dramatic, and True. I love it! Did I mention how proud of you I am?

    I can't wait to see it happen. This could be the next Twilight! If it goes to movie production, can I play you? Oh shit, I don't have the fabulous accent, well at least let me have a non speaking part. I am so proud of you!

    Ok, next subject- I just bought Running with Scissors, I am saving it for the flight to Maui on Thursday.

    My all time favorite book is The Time Travelers Wife. MUST READ! I loved it! I have read it a few times now and I am ready to do it again.

  15. Congrats to trish! Congrats to you also for writing a book. What a huge feat.

    I am not much of a book reader...moreso just magazines. however a few books I've read--that caught my eye--were good. It appears I like real stories from real women--who have gone thru some life changes. I guess I like the process. Joan Anderdon of "A Year by the Sea" was a good read for me. She has since written a new book about her life after that year by the sea-but the book is nearly 25.00 and I'm waiting for it to go cheaper! She's not real popular but those are the types of books I am drawn to.

  16. I look at books based on the cover but I never buy with out reading the first few pages and the synopsis.

  17. Evening, Lilliness! Oh, I loved your post - I think you hit the nail on the head with your descriptions of book covers! I'm reading a book by our own Blogland author - Michael Lee West - Mad Girls in Love. Go over to see her at Designs by Gollum. You're writing a book! You really do have a talent for writing! I'm excited!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  18. I'm glad you are writing a book, and will buy the finished project. Even if Fabio is on the cover :)

    To my chagrin, I'm not reading anything right now.

  19. Very cool that you are jumping in with both feet into the literary world. Great on you!!! I wish you great success! I am a book addict....I usually read 3 to 4 books a week...although this blogging thing has cut that down to 1 or 2 lol. It is not unusual for me to have 3 books going at once. I love murder mysteries and political thrillers. My favorite book of all time (I almost hate to admit it) is the first Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. It gave me goosebumps and I've never had a book do that before or since. I love Harlen Coben, Brad Thor, Kyle Mills, Greg Isles, Janet Evanovich (although her last few are getting weaker) The list goes on and on. In fact I had to develope a computer program so that I could keep track of all the authors I read...what books I've read...and what new books will be coming out. My hubby is just glad I'm not this addicted to shoes! So good luck with it...the more books out there for us to read..the better!

  20. I also have the Twilight Series because my daughter (who doesn't like to read) DEVOURED them! They are now on my ever-growing pile of books-to-be-read pile in my bedroom. I bet I have 30 books there that I haven't read yet.
    I have Running With Scissors and 2 Jodi Picoult books but haven't read them yet.
    And I LOVE Nancy Drew! I used touse the excuse that I was reading them to my older daughter when she was little but I was really reading them for myself! LOL

  21. Okay, first things first. WHAT? You are really doing it? Fantastic, and I will be in line to get one of the first ones available in my area. That is fantastic, Lilly. I have sworn for years I would someday write a book and still haven't done it. am so happy for you. I can't wait, even though I know the subject matter is "not like Lilly". It should be a great read!!

    Second, what do you mean "What am I reading?" I used to be an avid reader until I discovered blogging, and then...well, it was either quit my job so I would have enough time to both read and blog, or give up reading. Well, I do like to eat and have a roof over my head. Maybe one day I'll actually take another vacation and have some time to read. Maybe sitting on a beach with one of those weird cocktails you're always going on about. HEY! Maybe it'll be your new book I'm reading!! How cool!

  22. Curently not reading anything in particular. I just keep some inspirational books on my bedside and pick them up at random. But when I choose a book, I never judge by the cover...I always read the first page. I pretty much know in 30 seconds if it's a keeper.

  23. OHH, I can't wait to read it. I'm sure your cover art will be the perfect. For some reason I'm picturing something witty and wise.

    I can think of many a time I chose a book solely on the cover. A lot of those times I was pleasantly surprised. Some desperately disappointed, but then one should not expect much when choosing by appearance only.

    I am so sure your book will be among the best seller quality, I'll pledge to buy it as soon as you put it out.

  24. Oh, and thanks for the recommendation, I'm flattered.

  25. i READ EVERYTHING... I hated The Pillars of the Earth... and Loved the Lake House by Patterson.

    I love Johnathon Kellerman, but love his wife,Faye's work more.

    My alltime favorite book...
    The Hiding Place my Corrie Ten Boom. I read it when I was 12 ish... and have loved ever since.

  26. You are such a fabulous writer, Lilly! I imagine any of the books you write will be gobbled up by your fans no matter what kind of cover you put on it.

  27. wow - we can say we knew you before you became famous JKR

    I look at book covers too LOL - and then read the inside and outside jackets.

    thank you I do need that firming face this old book is very dog eared.

  28. Not a great cover at all but the book I have been most affected by is The Big Book of A.A.

  29. That is such a well-observed and astute post. It's great news about the book and I'm really looking forward to it because you have mentioned the period in your life to me in your comments on my blogs.

    Is Robin becoming Lilly Tomlin? ~ Her comment is one of the funniest I have read for a while

    I like book titles...and some of them are worth it - just for the title. Here are a few of the ones that have inspired me:-

    "In Search of Complications" -

    most people seem to do this, when things are basically very simple

    "For those to Gentle to Live amongst Wolves"

    sometimes the competitiveness of life has left me bruised.

    "You can't afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought"

    well you just can't :)


  30. Oh Cripes! Why didn't you post this about say... two weeks ago?!

    I could have used your witty insight. It's nothing to shout about, but I worked with the cover design department for my book of poetry. I liked the outcome, which I'll post on my blog some time after the wedding.

    Now, though, you'll have me second guessing the cover design. Lol

    Great post and a lot of truth to it.

    I'm thrilled you're writing a book! I'll definitely buy it. It's difficult to imagine the dark side of your life, Lilly. It makes me all the more interested. Please keep us posted on the progress!

  31. You SO nailed book-browsing on it's head. ANd it's one of those things I've never thought of, but as I read more and more of what you wrote, I was thinking, "I SO do that subconsciously." It's pictures, fonts, author, all that stuff that helps determine if I'll read the book.

    Can't wait to see Lovely Lilly published. I will buy a copy FO SHO!!!!

    Me? I'm reading what I can find lately. I'm kind of out of new books and have started digging through the stacks I have to either re-read something or find someone I missed. I found abook called Sick Puppy. It's okay..moves a bit slowly, but I'm getting through it. I'm the type, though...that if a book hooks me..>I can hardly put it down and will read it in a day.

    I(ahem) did that with Twilight. I ate that book up...kind vampiric, dontcha think?

    Sorry I've been quiet lately. HOme with a sick kid going on day 3 now. Ugh!

  32. I'm new here! What a great blog you have :)

  33. great post!

    "A smoking gun and an empty bed"? How about an empty gun and a smokin' bed?

    Now that would be a book where stuff was happenin'. ;-)

  34. This was really fun to read. A lot of your observations on book covers was true, though I had not put that much thought into it. It is clear we read different genres, but it was entertaining to get your take on it. I have to admit I read a lot of Historical Romance novels and I usually hate the covers. I tend to read the authors with the more subtle covers.

    I am currently reading Through A Glass Darkly, by Kathleen Koen. And as far as historical authors go that are accurate, I love all of Phillipa Gregory's books.

    Otherwise, I love going to a book store and going straight to the "Book Club" table. I usually love the covers on those books, and the books are almost always good.

    Your autobiographical novel sounds interesting. I have written a couple novels--some day I may get myself published. If I do, there will be no naked ladies on the cover, no matter that there is romance inside.

  35. If you judge books by their cover, take a look at this one, chic lit with a twist, no pastels, or dreay pinks to be found.

  36. Thank you for the road map on how to pick a book.

    Will remember this next time I'm in a book store.

  37. Good for you! I can't wait to read it! If you ever want to be critique buddies, let me know.

    God, I'm terrified to hear what you thought of my cover.

  38. I know you will do a great job and you have a great story to tell Lilly. I also think there is a film in it too.

    I usually buy my books based on recommendations from friends. I read anything and everything. I am currently reading Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus. I am looking forward to following up some of the books that other people have suggested on here too. Thanks everyone for your tips.

  39. Go Lilly woman! I want your book and I early anticipate it in my hands.

    I write too, Children's literature - bibliotherapy around protective behaviours. I am in love with two of my characters and I think I will marry both of them when I grow up.

    My darling angel bought me a surprise yesterday: a book, "More Notes from the Universe" by the adorable Mile Dooley. I opened it on a note that read: What are you doing about it? Because, it takes you doing what you can do before I can do what I can do - you know, miracles and stuff.

    That one note spoke to me and has motivated me to focus and today continue on product development (a top secret product that is of desire to every thinking man and woman on earth).

    Have a wonderful day Lilly....and hurry up with that book already.


  40. That's how I choose my books too. We all pretend we are high brow and we do it by some other more sophisticated means but like eveything else in life it's the outer wrapping that pulls us in. However just like life sometimes what you see and what you actually get are two different things. I have no time to read at the moment as I am trying to dodge the economy.

  41. Currently reading a book that discusses the artistic connection between Georgia O'Keefe and Ansel Adams. I didn't even know that they knew each other or that O'Keefe was married to Alfred Stieglitz.

    Where the heck have I been?

  42. I just heard over at blah blah blog that you were going to write a novel! Way to go! For the cover, I'd go with the bare chested Fabio, get's em everytime!

    I'm reading A Cry In The Night by Mary Higgins Clark but my absolute favorite is To Kill A Mockingbird!

  43. Fantastic Lilly - you will make a brilliant author!

  44. Hi………
    Very cool your blog!
    Great! Keep writing…….
    Good week……… You are welcomed to my blog…….
    Wishing you in advance "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''

  45. I am such a sap...I prefer the "fluff" genre. :) Sophie Kinsella, Dot Frank, Nicholas Sparks, Emily Giffin, to name a few. I have read each of their books and wait on pins and needles until the next one comes out. I prefer to be entertained rather than provoked with thought. Am I lazy or what?? :)
    I tried some of Jodi Picoult's books (Nineteen Minutes, My Sister's Keeper) and was up with nightmares b/c they were all I could think about. Although they were great books and I couldn't put them down, I was really disturbed by the storyline. That's why I call myself a sap. :)

  46. Hello everyone, thanks so much for all your wonderful comments and for all your great suggestions.

    I have an eclectic taste so I will be looking at some of these books over the holidays. I will come by and visit each of your blogs and leave a comment. I was leaving comments for each person here but it may be better to go visit your blog and leave a comment on your site.

    Thanks for your encouragement on my book too - it isnt going to be humouress at all though - very serious stuff but interesting I hope. The great thing is I also have found out that there are loads of bloggers also doing the same thing. It is truly fantastic. Thanks again.

  47. cool that you're writing a book! :) I am currently reading, "Einstein's Dreams"...a gift from a dear friend, and I love it! :)

  48. I think I am the opposite. If I picked a book by the cover they would all be about golf and hot chicks (sorry - but it's true)

    I am drawn to out of the ordinary literature. Something that "could never happen to me" types of things, and science fiction.

    Ohh - and books with that big red dot on them meaning 99 cents.
    Ha haaaaaaaa !!!!!!! (again, very true)

    I have about 50 books with GOLF stuff on the front and a ripped off dot.

  49. Visiting from SITS.
    I love going to bookstores. There is just something exciting about it!

  50. HA HA HA HA - Speedcat Hollydale - I love that comment about the 50 golf books with red spots half ripped off - I have 50 cook books with red spots half ripped off. I still can't cook so does that mean you still can't play golf as well as you want to?

  51. Lilly, you really broke that down! Who knew there was such psychology behind book covers? I put your theory to the test by perusing through my book collection. I think you're on the money. I have the sleazy romance, the murder mystery, the classics, gory sci-fi...

    I've been meaning to get the Twilight series. I know...not very intellectual or life-changing. I've just heard so much about them that I want to know what all the fuss is about. I also love vampire stories.


  52. Good luck on the book! One of my favorites, aside from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, is Markus Zusak's The Book Thief. My husband is German and his parents were children during the war. Zusak's book gives voice to that lost group of children. I really love it. Plus, you know, he's not all that bad on the eyes, the author, I mean :-)

  53. That is great that you are writing a book! My husband has been "writing a book" for 5+ years haha. I bet you'll beat him! You are a great writer and I enjoy reading your blog.

  54. Hi Lilly. Another smashing post and thanks for mentioning me.

    You've a lot of hard work ahead of you. Writing a book is the easy bit, getting it published is a totally different story. But with perseverance it is possible. Just look at JK Rowling. 17 rejections before Harry Potter made it to the shelves.

    I've read so many books that I can't remember which one inspired me the most. I'm currently re-reading, for the umpteenth time, Ian Banks' Wasp Factory. I must do a review of it on my blog. I first read it over 20 years ago but it is go grippingly grotesque that I often feel the urge to pick it up once in a while and start again.

  55. I am currently reading June's book, "Paternity" and Sylvia's book, "Chasing Ashes" online. They are both very interesting and I like being able to just go to their blog and start reading again. Usually, I like biographies and have read hundreds. I will be looking forward to yours as well. One book I really liked was, "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer.

  56. Many of your links are reading as an error to me :(

    You know what I like, not the cover's but the back or the author's photo. Sue Grafton has a few of her holding a gun, or sitting on a chair in the middle of a road. I always picture her main character Kinsey (wanted to name my daughter after her but Child Husband refused)looking like her.

  57. WheresmyAngels - thanks I fixed them up -not sure what happened..

  58. Unlike Lilly or not, I am sure it will be a TRUE Lilly and I am waiting for it.

    What I read right now? Oh dear... I have books on the couch, on teh flor, under the bed, on the toilet, in the bathroom (yeh, I know, but I don't care), on my desk, on the windowsill...

    I hardly ever buy books just by looking at the title. I read tons of reviews. If I am not sure, I first order them from the library (and then buy them, I know, I know…) My library is huge, so it’s hard to name a favourite; amongst them are for sure: Fall on your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald, A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry, A Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles; Two Serious Ladies by Jane Bowles; Love in the time of Cholera by Garcia-Marquez, Hypocrite in a pouffy white dress by Susan Jane Gilman… I could go on an on, but I guess you get the picture.

    On my nightstand (amongst many): Who ordered This Truckload of Dung by Ajahn Brahm. Short chapters, downright funny but poignant and profound.

  59. Oh, I forgot the one I HAVE chosen just because of the title was Christopher Moore’s “A dirty Job” – I bought it in an airport while waiting for my connecting flight – and I laughed all the way home :-)

  60. Hi Lilly,
    I'm surely going to be one of your customers when your book gets on the shelves. Way to go.

    Thanks for the plug for my novel blog.

    First, I get drawn by the cover. I read the teasers: book review, the author, and the first few pages. And always a romance, autobiographical, relationship, true life experiences, spy, and mystery novels. I'm currently reading several on-line novels and two other novels that came to me as free offers to buy more books. I really liked "The Whistling Season" by Ivan Doig and "Three Weeks With My Brother" by Nicholas Sparks.

    I'll keep your suggestions in mind when the time comes for actual publication, if that ever happens, eh?

    Best wishes with your book.


Thanks for your comments.