Tuesday 21 October 2008

Are you Normal?


“Hey Lilly, are you normal?” she said, as I was getting into my car this morning.

I thought I misheard her.

“Hi Ruby”, I said, “what did you just say?”

“Are you N - O -R -M -A-L?” she loudly repeated, looking through the fence.

“Right”, I said, “I thought that’s what you said”.


I chose to ignore her question. How does one answer that kind of question anyway?

I didn’t want to hear what else she had to say. Everyone’s a critic. Including a little three foot tall, four year old red head moppet who lives next door and dances to four middle-aged men who wear coloured skivvies. Like that’s normal...

Except her question left me feeling uneasy. I got in the car and checked in the mirror.

I had two eyes, a nose, and mouth. Check. Hair brushed Check. Clothes on. Check. I am missing something it’s got to be obvious right?

How can a four year old's question give me a complex? I am a confident, mature woman, right?

Nonetheless, I thought about it on and off all day. Who, after all, wants to be ab-normal?

I even googled the word normal - standard, average, typical.

I phoned a friend who lives nearby (I couldn’t trust that my daughter wouldn’t be on Ruby’s side so she was crossed off the phone-a-friend list).

“Tulip you’ve known me through thick and thin”, I said, explaining Ruby’s bizarre greeting this morning. “Tell me the truth; do you think I’m normal?”

“No Lilly, she laughed. You’re completely sane but no, I don’t think you're normal and I could give you many reasons why not”.

“Oh great, like what?” I said.

“Well, let me see. Let’s start with the simple things. It could be because you sometimes eat onions like most people eat apples (oh, I can hear you all groan but sometimes I get a craving for onions that medical science has never been able to satisfactorily explain), or you buy a book to go on the coffee table before you buy the table itself (doesn’t everyone? – it was Georgia O’Keefe after all and the table had to match the book) or you eat lettuce with almost every meal no matter what the dish (I like food that has a high crunch factor, so?) or you choose your alcoholic drinks by their colour (sometimes...often, ok, its...true).

But”, she went on, “I think Ruby may have been talking about the fact that your blog has been a discussion point in the neighbourhood since Barry posed on his lawn for a photo in his dressing gown. You know for the post you did on Big Brother Google. I think the neighbours are wondering what may be coming next and who may be included”.

Right.... who’d have thought it. I am now part of the blogarazzi set. No wonder they scatter when they see me these days. It's a shame my neighbourhood is so normal though! Nothing ever happens besides the gorgeous Barry appearing on his lawn like clockwork every morning looking suave and sophisticated in his blue dressing gown. The rest of the neighbourhood will have to liven things up if they want to get my blog's attention.

PS. Hey Ruby, I can answer your question now. No, I'm not normal. I have my own unique style whatever that means...so go tell your parents I have my camera on me at all times, just in case...AND the more bizarre and ABNORMAL things you all get up to, the better! And NO, dancing with the Wiggles is nowhere near strange enough, do you understand?

So tell me readers, do your relatives, friends or neighbours read your blog ? Do they worry about what you may write about them or do they like being featured (with permission of course)?

And are you normal? (see.... how hard a question is that to answer).


  1. Definately not normal and proud of it ;)

  2. No, I dont think my relatives,friends and neighbours read my blog (they have given up on me ), but sometimes they do end up featuring in them, without their knowledge, because I change all the names....

    And yes, I am the epitome of normalness. Sometimes I think I am too normal. :-)

    Oh, and by the way, are you normal?

  3. How cute - little Ruby roo asking you that - that is a tough question to answer. What is normal? I don't like to think of myself as normal. Then again, I do not like to think of myself as abnormal either. I like to think of myself as different. Oh, it is too hard to answer!

  4. Lilly, honey, the lettuce thing? It is totally normal for an Aussie: I also eat lettuce with every meal when I can. But I can't, because I'm in a village in India and I can't get them; nor can I grow them except in winter, because it's too hot otherwise. I spend more time thinking about lettuces than eating them. Oh dear, I think I have to do a post on lettuces...

  5. Hello Lilly ... I think there's a tee in this - specifically the word 'blogarrazzi' ... watch this space.

    So to be normal or not be normal .. that is the question ... hmmm.

    Sometimes I feel paranormal - during that part of my cycle.

    As to normal - well the jury is still out on that one - hugs le

  6. Normal is almost insulting in my books... I love to be abnormal but in my neck of the woods they say, "Bear your Mom is weird"... and her Mom loves it ;)

    Make it a great day!

  7. Wasn't normal when I worked for other people. Didn't change when I started working for myself. The only difference is there's fewer people around to point it out. Little kids seem to like me, though.

    Good post, Lilly.

  8. Lilly, You are FAR from normal girlfriend. You don't even come close to "vanilla" in fact, you are a custom flavor that is hard to find in any freezer section.

    You are artsy, which would alone make you non-normal. And you are generous, again, this isn't a normal trait. And, you are wiser than a hundred year old Indian chief smoking sage through a pipe during a pow-wow, and like, that is definitely NOT normal. Oh, you are a survivor and a victor and not many people could have endured and overcome all you have. I put you up there with the Olympic Gold-achieving category. And, I consider you a friend and that certainly makes you not normal!!!

    Life of a Juggernaut

  9. Me? Normal? Nah! You? Well, from the very little I know of you, I'd have said surpisingly normal. Average, now that's a different thing entirely. No, you're not average, Lilly - of that I'm sure :)

  10. Hey Lilly

    Oh my family know that if they see me or talk to me anything they say can and will be blogged against them. And like you I am not "normal" now I could take that into a whole different direction that involves fiber and a lot of me work product but I won't :o) I am just going to leave it at that.

  11. Not normal and dang proud of it! And no, my neighbors do not read my blog, but my family does. I blog about my grandchildren, of course, and sometimes my son and daughter-in-law. And I have blogged about the death of both of my parents, as a way to deal with their deaths.

    And I've watched many hours of "The Wiggles," with my grandchildren.

    Abnormal middle-aged woman signing off now, to make breakfast and go to work (which I'm sure is way too much information for you and your readers)!

  12. Hi Lilly,
    Going about my chores this morning I was considering your question about normality and decided that I am not abnormal, nor paranormal or even subnormal just normal normal.Everyone gets up early to peel and chop pounds of apples,mangoes and dates to make chutney instead of buying that special offer jar in the Supermarket ,then squelching across a muddy field for an hours Pilates- and all before lunch don't they ?

  13. Always out of the mouths of kids, right? This is a great post. No, I'm definitely not normal. And, no, I don't tell people I know in "real" life about my blog or my other social network stuff. I do talk about them - all the time! I'd feel self-conscious if I thought they were reading.

    Congrats on being a blogarazzi!

  14. I'm me...and I have been told on many occasions that I am definitely NOT normal.

    I am not sure what normal exactly is..or who decided what normal was, but I definitely don't fit into the mainstream culture. Thank Gods...I would hate to be Joesphine Everyday going to my job at the firm in my olive pant suit...

  15. Not normal - never have been.
    No desire to be!
    Line from The Fantasticks that I delivered from the college theatre stage: "Dear God, please don't make me normal!"
    Obviously, he answered my prayer!

  16. I am absolutely not normal. And I prefer it that way. :)

    Normal equals safe, typical - all things which are great - but makes life predictable and possibly...boring.

    I prefer the chaos and silliness that truly makes me happy...and not normal.

    I love your posts Lilly. SOrry I've been absent in your comments lately. It's been unusually crazy the past two weeks here. I'm missing my fellow bloggers greatly. Here's to catching up today. :)

  17. DUH!!! i cant even answer that question, i havve sat here for like 5 min and well nothing im AB NORMAL-diffrent-crazy(at times) embarrassing-but isnt that normal things? HUM!! im going to have to think about this a little longer. And i dont know if my neighbors read my blog if they do its because they cant get enough of it. My family may know i post them would they care EH i dont think so. They support me in whatever i do. :)

  18. I'm boring, but not normal. Seriously, the funny stuff happens to everybody else!

    My co-workers and my son have access to my blog website via facebook. Whether they look at it or not, I don't know. But not likely. My wife does not know about it.

  19. I remember discussing this concept in a philosophy class in college..."what is normal". I guess in the eyes of main stream society, I would be considered "normal". But we could go on for years discussing the virtues of normalcy... So to sum it up...I am normal with a lot of quirks!

  20. wait, wait... I have a question?

    let me clarify (sorry for this lame question)

    ruby is the daughter of your neighbor... I got confused (maybe because of overwork)

    I think the way they describe you as not normal is OK

    different is the work but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that

    I think I am normal but sometimes I refuse to be. if you have be different, go on!

    by the way, I enjoyed this post... it made me think as well

  21. The truth is I haven't told my friends about my blog (never felt ready), but my siblings know and they stopped reading it ages ago (too busy)!

    I'm normal.

  22. My friends and family know I write and keep a blog. I think they think it's kind of a weird thing to do so we don't really discuss it. But, sometimes, they come over to me, when know one is looking, and they'll tell me how much they enjoyed a certain post.

    Personally, I think it is a little weird. But I think writing is by nature a weird, introverted, lonely little world.

    As for me? I think I'm weird. I have difficulty talking to people I don't know. I don't avoid them, I'm just horribly nervous around them. I sometimes wish I could ask them "could we just pass notes?"

    How weird is that?

    Peace - Rene

  23. "... do your relatives, friends or neighbours read your blog? "

    God no - they all watch CSI Miami, and expect things on there to happen to them if my blog readers find out that they are related to me. lol (sadly)

    No, no one reads my blog but me. Oh, and Pyewacket. *snigger*

  24. i don't think my friends and family read my blog regularly but they know i won't write anything embarassing about them. at least not yet!

  25. No, I am not normal either. I am not sure who is or what defines normal anyway. If you were normal Lilly you would be so boring and we would have nothing to chuckle about. What would you have to write about then? I think Ruby is looking to get her photo taken and get published.

  26. When I read this, it reminded me of what I call myself when I'm acting crazy - Abby Normal. Do you remember that from "Young Frankenstein"? Igor got an abnormal brain, but thought that it belonged to someone named Abby Normal. So, my other personality is called Abby Normal.

    Anyway, what I want to know is who is normal? Aren't we all weird or odd in our own little ways?

  27. I'm definitely not normal. Look at my mother - what hope did I have ;)

  28. Good girl, Lilly! I'm so glad you're not normal. Normal is too normal. Dance to your own music!! That's what makes you you!!

    Thanks for coming by to see me today and so glad you like my tablescape!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :) I'm not very normal either :) lol

  29. Thanks Lilly for turning the 'spotlight' on me in the neighborhood and across the world.

    I wondered why I now see lots people up and about when I go out to get my paper each day. Perhaps they are waiting to get snapped by you for the cover of your blog. I never used to see a soul in the street at that time. I am open to all offers to appear at weddings, funerals, magazine covers, dog shows, you name it. I guess you don't really want to know the questions that Ruby asks me then. Your question was mild compared to what does come out of her mouth. We will see what we can do about making the street more bloggable and interesting. By the way, you aren't normal but I say that in a good way. Average is boring just remember that. Thanks for the laughs.

  30. Hi Lilly, I forgot to answer your question about what my favorite color is - right now it's green!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. NORMAL?!! Get back, back! Aaaahhheeeee...(she screams running out the door).

    I would die were I normal. I mean does a normal person live years in the wild, without seeing friends and family? Does a normal person avoid getting a cell phone so that they can have some privacy? Does a normal person hike barefoot up mountains..sometimes even in winter? Does a normal person who works at home stay in the PJs...all day while they work (only "some" days...well...okay a lot of days...OKAY!!..everyday!!) LOL LOL But then I'd have to explain what my PJs are: a tracksuit or sweats, so it still borders on normal! Doesn't it? Hey, it's comfy when I'm sitting all day!

    Anyhoo, does a normal person eat onions like I eat them (like an apple -- yes, I'm afraid to admit it, but ME TOO)

    I mean, need I go on? I mean, you already know about my disgusting 8 pairs of crocs!! Okay I lied last time and only told you 6 pairs!! But I was scared!!!! LOLOLOL I even told you about my socks with sandals! I MEAN REALLYYYYY, how much more do you need know? Must I totally degrade myself?!!! LOLOLOL :) :)

    I mean, if I go on, this could get SERIOUSLY ab-noraml here. Do we REALLY want that?!!! LOL LOL :)

    I love youuuuuuuuuuu!!!! I laugh and laugh and laugh at you!! We should do a joint post sometime. I'm not sure how we'd do it but like a tag team. Now that would be...I don't know...would that be normal or ab-normal. If "ab"-normal is anything like the abs on a well built man, then I'm going all out for AB-normal!!!! Whooo-hooo!!!! LOLOLOLOL Hooooheeee!!! Bring 'em on!!!:) :)

  32. Hi Lilly,
    First of all this post just cracked me up! Who really is normal anyway?? Whatever it is, I don't think I want to be it. My family blog is private, so there aren't too many people who read it. Mostly it's a forum for my husband and his brother to bash each other and to post the occasional cute pic of the girls for grandma.
    Second, I had to come by and visit to let you know that your comment on my cooking blog totally made my day! Seriously, I felt so happy reading the things you said, thank you! I originally started the blog to keep track of my fun "kid food" and now I am so happy to hear that people have read it and it's inspired them to get in the kitchen with their kids. I agree that if children learn to love and be creative with food (not just use it to stuff their faces:)), there will be a lot less childhood obesity. My kids know words like: Protein, Calcium, Balanced Diet, Antioxidants, and lots of other things they've picked up while chattin' with me in the kitchen. Thanks for your support.:)

  33. Ha...Lilly...love the way you write! That was a riot! Hope you do participate in Tablescape Tuesday sometime! :-) Susan

  34. Lilly,

    This is an especially interesting and fun article!

    I am sane and not normal....the same as you! :)

    And, conformity is downright boring!
    Individuality is where it's at! :)

  35. Normal? Yes certainly. "No!,", the voice on the back side of my brain said. "You're nothing near normal." Oh, yes I am, I answer back. Leave me alone! The voices, the voices!

    I'm sorry. What was the question?

  36. Just stopping by for the first time.

  37. I am totally not normal! I think it suits me though. I must say that that child has a very mature way of thinking to ask such questions.

    I am afraid some of my relatives read my blog too so I try to be as nice as possible....or maybe I'll just post my craziness at my "secret blog" heheheh.

    It's good not to be normal! More power to the AB Normals;P!!!

  38. @ bgsydneyside - glad to hear it, thanks for dropping by.

    @ ugich konitri - yes I am not normal and guess what? Either are you. How can I tell? Because we were the only ones not totally mesmerised by the cricket. Congratulations to India - well done. Also it must be exciting with your space mission too! I might even do a cricket post soon!!!

    @ Sarah - that is true what is normal? We are all quirky in our own ways - its just that getting that question out of the blue was a little jarring to say the least!

    @ le - he he yes a tee would be a good idea! Paranormal, now thats what I will have to call myself instead not abnormal but paranormal!

    @ Braja - maybe I will send you a few limp leaves through the mail would that do? So I guess the crickets is big where you are too? I am so looking forward to reading more of your posts! What an adventure and what great work you are doing.

    @ Gaspegirl - yes, it is actually insulting to be normal as well as abnormal. We shouldn't categorise people at all I guess should we? Thanks for dropping by!

    @ The Grandpa - little kids like you because you probably pay them lots of attention and you might even dance to the Wiggles if they asked too!!! Thanks for dropping by.

    @ AC - that was an AMAZING comment - thank you truly for that. Coming from you it means a lot!

    @ CJW666 - funny how its hard to answer that question when it comes to ourselves but its easy to determine if other people are or are not. Thanks for your support, must come and check out all your stories.

  39. @ The Mind of a Mom - oh you are hilarious. I love your sense of humor - normal indeed, he he.

    @ Gran - mmm an abnormal middle-aged woman is pretty normal around these parts. Glad your family read your blog - its a great thing for the grandchildren to have down the track too I think!

    @ Barbara - not they don't do that - you are an inspiration to me big sister. I want to be just like you now. You do all the things I want to do - I love all the things you do, its clever and we all should be trying to do the same. Not sure about wading through the muddy fields mind you but.....

    @ Kelly - oh thats kind of cute - your blog is a secret so you can be free to write whatever you like - good on you!

    @ Sarah - love your line, 'I would hate to be Joesphine Everyday going to my job at the firm in my olive pant suit...' You said it girl!!

    @ Tami - yes you strike me as the type to get out and live your life. I like your definition of normal too - who wants to play safe...

    @ Jordann - see you don't even have to think about it so thats good - great that your family support you in your blog too!

    @ Mr Bill - what are you talking about funny stuff happens to you - you are hilarious and loads of fun. I think the fact you are so funny makes you a little out of the ordinary - better than normal, if you get me!!

    @ Jlo - "Dear God, please don't make me normal!" And your readers and blog friends are so glad he answered your prayer - you light the blog world up my friend, truly! Cant wait to hear about your Tina Turner adventures and to find out how that little black dress went.

    @ Caroline - thats a better way to express it and would have been a great answer for Ruby - I am normal with a LOT of quirks! Thanks for dropping by.

    @ Pchi - yes Ruby is the 4 year old daughter of my neighbours. It does make you think doesnt it? Thanks for dropping by and for your comment.

    @ Christine - Sometimes its best to keep these things quite and just have it for your own enjoyment. Yes my siblings are too busy to read too!!

  40. @ Rene - well if you are weird then I love weird because you are a very clever writer and I love reading your posts because they always make me smile. It can be lonely writing but the great thing is you write something and put it out there when you might not have the confidence to do so otherwise. I love blogging.

    @ Leslie - oh yes I kind of understand that mentality to be honest. You blog is so beautiful too - glad you are sharing it with us though (and Pyewacket too of course!).

    @ savvy mode sg - it's great that your family and friends are reading you blog. No I wouldn't say anything detrimental about those I know but I could say things that are embarassing I guess. But seeing my Dad is now my guest blogger I think he will be saying embarassing things about me.

    @ Stefan - thanks for dropping by and being so supportive. No you are not normal and we are glad about that!

    @ Alyson - thats a classic - Abby Normal - I forgot about that. Yes we are all a little strange just some of us do not admit it.

    @ Jordan - no you aren't normal either - sorry some things you just get given in the gene pool - dont take it badly....you are actually very lucky!!!!xxxx

    @ Shelia - loved this piece of advice - 'Normal is too normal. Dance to your own music!! That's what makes you you!! Thanks for your comment and I love green too!!

    @ Barry - you are a STAR - everyone wants a piece of the action too now - have you noticed? how funny it all is. Thanks for stopping by. I will let you know if we get any requests for you - opening shopping centres in your blue robe and all....

    @ Susan - yes I think I really would like to participate too - everyone is so good though....I wil let you know. Thanks for dropping by.

    @ Nina - I am so glad you are sane and not normal - otherwise I may not have got all my beautiful art from you - I so love your clever, individual artwork Nina. Amazing talent!

    @ Rick - your comment made me laugh - least you would never be lonely with all those voices to talk too, he he..Thanks for stopping by and I will come and visit you.

    @ Robin - you make me cry - you are the first person who I know who eats onions that way too - ohhh. YES let's think how we could do a post like that. What fun it would be. Do you also know that we must have been typing comments for each other's posts at the very same time. FREAKY!!!! Hope you are well my friend.

    @ Pink Slippers - thanks for stopping by - you are welcome to come back again too.

    @ Jade - More power to the AB Normals indeed! Love your new photo too - you have a secret blog - I do too but rarely write in it anymore. Thanks for dropping by and good to se your new Mommy's blog going from strength to strength too!

  41. Thanks for checking out my blog today. I don't think too many people I know check out my blog so I'm sure they aren't worried. Haha!!

  42. First....great post...I love the way you tell a story. Secondly...my neighbors don't know I exist. And I think that's mostly a good thing. The only family that reads my blog is: My hubby when I force read it to him, and who has threatened my life ifI EVER post another picture of him. And my mom...who loves it when I do things like: put her picure up on the billboard in Time Sqare, put a tattoo of her on Beckhams belly, and post photos of her and my dad on their motorcycle. My mom is loving being a star!

  43. Oh and P.S. ummmmm lettuce with every meal?? Nope you're definitely NOT normal lol

  44. Hi Lilly --

    To answer your queries:-

    1) My mother reads my blog regularly (I think), my father less so, my siblings never (I don't think they're into blogs). With this in mind, certain blog entries (notably the photo-essays and also the "what I did over the weekend") are written expressly with my mother in mind -- and also friends who no longer live in the same country (often times continent) as me. As for worries: I don't think so -- in that I think they trust that I won't be too revealing, etc. about them in public/on my blog.

    2) No, I don't think I'm normal... but don't have too many hang ups about that as I gave up trying to be average, etc. long ago! ;b

  45. Lilly,

    I suppose writing detailed answers to 42 posts (and counting) is normal ?

    Normal or abnormal, I simply doff my hat, to the effort....

    suranga (aka Ugich Konitari in the blogosphere)

  46. I've been told I'm not -- and actually, I DO have abnormal brain waves, discovered during a CAT scan...

    But I find that normal varies by location. What is perfectly acceptable in one crowd is frowned on in another.

    It's when you mix the two locations that people look at you sideways...


  47. @ Melanie - glad you dropped by and thanks for your comment.

    @ Nikkicrumpet - yep, I think the lettuce thing is weird but I really, really like lettuce and any salad come to think of it but mainly on its own....

    @ Pearl - I knew you weren't the average Bear Pearl which is why I love your blog! He he, abnormal brainwaves - thats what happens when you have so many brains Pearl!

  48. well I'm a little eccentric...but I don't eat whole onions Lilly ;)
    though I don't mind the odd onion and garlic sanga if I have the flu :)
    I think taking photos of the next door neighbour in his dressing gown sounds perfectly normal... :)
    as for the wiggles...odd very odd..

  49. @ Kim - yes I knew would understand being the totally fine artist you are. No, don't worry no-one really gets the onion thing even me. I don't know why but every now and then I get this craving - there msut be something in onions I need. Strange, very strange!

  50. Hi Lilly, thank you for visiting my blog yesterday and thanks for your kind words about me not looking like a grandmother. Now for normal. Well, I'm probably not so normal and that's ok. I like being a little different. HA!!

  51. My relatives and friends are aware of my blogging habit. But I am fortunate that they do not bother much about what I write in my blogs.

  52. YIKES, Lilly, I think you have created a monster here. 52 comments already in one day. Good on you!! Remember what I told you about that? Think some more about it. Great job.

    Anyway, good for you for not being "normal". You are, obviously, funnier, more honest, friendlier, more open and more talented than the "normal" person. I would hate to be labeled normal, as I try to be very un-normal in most aspects of my life (I'm a male, can you blame me for wanting NOT to be a "normal" male?). It's a good thing not to be normal.

    By the way, I am one of a precious few people who totally gets the onion craving thing. Love 'em. Need 'em. Gotta have 'em. Think I'll go get one. See you soon.

  53. ummm, yeah, no, I'm not at all "normal" (just look at my wordless wednesday, if you dare) and you'll see. The onion,this I tooooootally get, I am the same way, my dear hubby hates them... Some of your thoughts just crack me up!!! leah

  54. @ Becky - I still cannot believe you are a grandmother, truly. You are gorgeous and must have been a child bride! Lovely blog you have too!

    @ Nilz - that is good that they all know and you dont feel you have to worrry about what you write. Thanks for commenting!

    @ Matt - Don't forget our time is ahead of yours so thats why it looks like only one day. You are the sweetest person truly. THANK YOU! As my first reader of this blog I appreciate your continued support very much. I recall what you said and not sure still what I should do. I am also gutless as well as not being normal, he he. Thank goodness now there are a few onion eaters, to make me feel less ab - normal!

    @ Mc allen - woo hoo another onion eater - no people don't get it do they? Glad you stopped by and I will go and check your wordless wednesday too! Thanks for commenting.

  55. Hi Lilly. Your blog looks fantastic these days, and your writing, as always, illuminates and entertains without fail.

    Like you, I'm not normal, although I can do a fair job of behaving as though I am.

    I do remember the first time i heard the word 'abnormal'. I was, like, seven years old. My sister said to me, about our new next door neighbor: "That guy is abnormal". I thought it was his name, like 'Abernathy Normal'. I remember feeling disappointed that it was a condition apparently to be avoided in life.

    IwishUbliss, horatio salt

  56. Horotio salt - What a BIG surprise. I have missed you! I lost all my links at one point and have been trying to get them all back again. And I just recently discovered you all over again. No, my site grows like topsy and just kind of evolves. Bit like my life. Your site looks like the real deal and is still the BEST and FUNNIEST site out there. Love your photo - very James Dean - ish!
    Robin has already messaged me to tell me your site is open for comments again! That's exciting for us - really! I shall come by and visit you. PS No, you are anything but standard, average or typical and you should wake up every day GRATEFUL for your incredible talents!!!

  57. Yes, my family and friends read my blog. I originally started it as a means to share ~ all at one time, pictures, posts, what's going on with my life, etc. without having to duplicate an email to each individual or send out group emails. I honestly didn't realize there was a blog society and then I was swept into it (happily).

    Am I normal? Well hmm, I don't eat raw onions like apples. hehe. But I love sauted onions!

    I think I'm fairly normal? I suppose... I think I'm very fortunate!

  58. Hi Lilly,
    I've given my blog addresses to my family and friends and no one seems to be interested. Every once in a while, a friend, a coworker, or hubby checks my blogs out, but they don't get enamoured by it. They just say, that's nice and then move on and never visit again, except for my friend, Sutebean, who's also a blogger.

    I like the way you wrote your post and the angle and perspective in which you wrote it. I say, you should have your posts published in a syndicated column.

  59. Hey Lilly!

    Love your blog...your posts crack me up.

    Me....oh, I pride myself on not being normal! :-)

    Some of my family and friends read...I've been somewhat careful with them...I've tended to primarily rip non-assuming strangers and myself apart when I write...however...I just *KNOW* there has got to be one of those deep breaths in when they first click on the post...you just never know with me! In any case, I do try to change names and slight details where necessary!

    xo - Ki

  60. My family reads my blogs, but I don't think I have any neighbors who read it except one. I don't think any of them even know about it. My boss, knows about it, but does not read it, not his style.

    I hope I am the farthest thing from "normal", as long as I stay sane.

  61. Concerning the blog I think that it depends on the things I write about my relatives. Of course there are some intimate things they don't want to be written world wide.

  62. My friends and neighbours do read my blog. But the NEVER comment so that I know they're there. There are sometimes I would love to post a certain stupid moment in someone's life, but can't because they might still be reading. And you can't ask them if they still read it, because then you are just reminding them to read it, right?

    The other thing I can't write about are my in-laws. Sad but true. And I can't write about the incredibly stupid things i did as a kid, that are so completely blog-worthy, because my 14 year old reads it!!!

  63. the only normal people are the ones you don't know very well.


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