Sunday 24 February 2008

Stress Free???

Fat free, gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, salt free, wheat free......absolutely taste free .........and now there's stress free. Food can now make you less stressed?

I kid you not. I have never seen this listed on food labels before. I went to open my yogurt today and it hit me between the eyes. The yogurt is not only stress free but it's 100% stress free. I wonder if there is a money back guarantee because just the sight of those words caused my blood pressure to rise.

'Oh my god', I screamed, 'you have to see this'. The dog looked at me with a level of disdain that was crippling. I think his lack of interest in the boring, sugar free, gluten free, vanilla yogurt gave me the answer. He always comes through. I guess there is not a lot about the bland taste of yogurt to get your heart racing.

It's a wonder the marketing gurus have not been having palpitations about all the possibilities of stress free food advertising. There is a huge target market after all.

According to the American Psychological Association

- 43% of adults suffer from adverse health effects from stress

- 75-90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress related aliments and complaints

- stress in linked to the six leading causes of death - heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.

- $300 billion annually is lost due to employee absenteeism, reduced productivity and worker's compensation benefits.

Stress is neither a symbol of status nor an indication of your importance. It is merely a one way ticket to high blood pressure, jangled nerves, exhaustion, emotional instability or a heart attack. These are not pleasurable things so stress is best to be avoided at all costs.

Being stress free is a definite status symbol.

It's only a matter of time before we see McD's bringing out their stress free line or is that what the Happy Meal is meant to be all about.

Personally, I am thinking the only way food can be stress free is if you plant it, grow it and cook it yourself. Just need to go out and buy me a cow to make my own yogurt.....then again, there are all different kinds of stress..........I think I will just quit reading the labels for a will cause me less stress that way.. .....