Thursday 14 February 2008

I think Greed makes the world go round but

LOVE makes the ride worthwhile...

It's Valentines Day and whether you believe in it or not it's a good time to remember that real love brings us happiness (just disregard the dramas it sometimes brings, for today anyway).

Maybe it's also time to bury, for once and for all, those horrific, tacky Valentines Day moments that we have hidden in our past and which still make us groan. A memorable Valentines moment for me (and why, oh why, do the horrific moments stand the test of time), was spent in Los Angeles. Over a lovely Mexican meal, he gave me a phone, yes a house phone (which would not work outside the USA) which may or may not have fallen off the back of a truck, a wreath of flowers that looked as though it had come direct from a funeral home and a gorgeous heart shaped box of chocolates. He was so excited. The flowers and phone left me speechless but when I opened the chocolates I was aghast. The chocolates had that white cloudy appearance, you know, the tell tale sign that they were at least one year past their expiry date. I kind of had a Michael Jackson moment: I didn't quite know if they were meant to be black or white. He did not seem to notice. 'Lovely, I said, thank you so much, you really shouldn't have'. And I meant shouldn't have.

Ladies, just remember it's not the thought that counts at all. It really is the gift. Because, quite frankly, what in the hell was he thinking when he bought these gifts? We have all heard the marketing pitch, just say it with flowers. A survey reveals 53.8 per cent of Aussie blokes buy flowers to initiate an intimate moment. God knows what it meant when a Yank buys me a funeral wreath and throws in a phone and stale chocolates to top it off. I never stuck around to find out what he was really trying to say ..... it wasn't going to be pretty whichever way you look at it.

Anyway, show the love today and remember, your actions speak louder than words. If you are in lurve or even if you are in between significant others, go out and spoil someone with the very best Champagne you can afford.....and most importantly, go choose your own chocolates.....

Spread the love everyone.....